Title: Detector R
1Detector RD for ILC
- Detector for ILC
- Boundary Conditions
- Performance Goals
- Detector Concepts
- Milestones
- RD of Sub-detectors
- Global activities
- Activities in Japan
- Vertex Detector
- Calorimeter
- Others
3Detector for ILC
4Boundary Conditions
- Energy and Liminosity
- 1st phase ECM500 GeV, L 3x1034
- Two Interaction Points
- One with small crossing angle (02 mrad)
- The other with large crossing angle (20 mrad)
compatible with g-g collider (e e- at the 1st
phase) - Cold Machine
- 2820 BX/train, 5 trains/sec
- 337 ns bunch spacing ? Separation is easy
- Background
- Low E e/e- (pair background)
- Neutron, X-ray, g
- Two-photon background
5Beam Structure
6Performance Goal
- Vertex Detector
- Impact param. res. sb 5 ? 10/(pbsin3/2q) mm
- Charm and t ID is important ct 100 mm gtgt sb
- Tracker
- dpt/pt2 5x10-5 /GeV
- Calorimeter
- Jet energy resolution sE/E 30/E1/2
- Hermeticity
- Forward coverage down to 5 mrad
7Performance Goal
- Jet Energy Resolution
- sE/E 30/E1/2 is necessary to separate W and Z
- Charged (60) by central tracker
- Gammas (30) by EM CAL
- Neutral hadrons (10) by H CAL
- Isolate and identify each shower cluster in CAL ?
Particle (Energy) Flow Algorithm (PFA) - Confusion between charged tracks and g/nh cluster
in the CAL gives the largest contribution to sE/E
- Segmentation rather than single-particle
resolution is important for CAL
8Detector Concepts
- Three detector models are proposed
- SiD Silicon Detector Si tracker and Si/W ECAL
- LDC Large Detector Concept TPC and Si/W ECAL
- GLD Global Large Detector TPC and Scinti-base
ECAL - All three models aim for optimization for PFA
?Large BR2/Rm (Rm Effective Moliere Length) - BR2 SiD
9Detector Concepts
10Comparison of parameters
Solenoid B(T) 5 4 3
Solenoid Rin(m) 2.48 3.0 3.75
Solenoid L(m) 5.8 9.2 9.86
Solenoid Est(GJ) 1.4 2.3 1.8
Main Tracker Rmin (m) 0.2 0.36 0.4
Main Tracker Rmax(m) 1.25 1.62 2.0
Main Tracker BL2.5 5.7 7.1 9.7
Main Tracker s(mm) 7 150 150
Main Tracker Nsample 5 200 220
Main Tracker dpt/pt2 3.6e-5 1.5e-4 2 1.2 e-4 2
1 All parameters are tentative. 2 Using TPC
only. Factor x2 improvement with VTX
11Comparison of parameters
ECAL Rin (m) 1.27 1.68 2.1
ECAL BRin2 8.1 11.3 13.2
ECAL Type W/Si W/Si (W/Sci)
ECAL Rmeff (mm) 18 24.4 (16.2)
ECAL BRin2/Rmeff 448 462 817
ECAL Z (m) 1.72 2.83 2.8
ECAL BZ2/Rmeff 822 1311 1452
ECAL X0 21 24 27
EH CAL l 5.5 5.2 6.0
EH CAL t (m) 1.18 1.3 1.4
12Milestones of ILC
GDI (Design)
Technology Choice
Start Global Lab.
Detector Outline Documents
Detector RD Panel
Collaboration Forming
RD Phase
13RD of Sub-Detectors
14Global Collaboration
- There are several global collaboration of RD
activities for detector components Horizontal
Collaboration - TPC
- SiLC
- etc.
- These collaborations are somewhat independent of
(orthogonal to) detector concept study groups - Concept study (V) x Component RD (H) makes a
15(No Transcript)
16RD Activities in Japan
- Activities in Japan are basically aiming for
application for large gaseous detector (GLD) - Simulation study for GLD is urgent
- RD for three major sub-detectors (VTX, TPC, CAL)
a on going - TPC group is a part of the horizontal collab.
17Sub-detectors of GLD
- Main tracker
- Solenoid magnet
- Si inner tracker
- Vertex detector
- Si pair monitor
- Muon system
- Si outer tracker
- Si endcap tracker
- Si forward disks
- Forward calorimeter
- Beam calorimeter
- DAQ system
18RD for Vertex Detector
- Collaboration
- Tohoku
- Tohoku Gakuin
- Niigata
- Toyama Collage of Maritime Tech.
19RD for Vertex Detector
- If one train of 2820 bunches are accumulated, too
many hits by beam b.g. ? for 25 mm pixels, the
pixel occupancy gt 20
- Solutions
- Fast readout Column Parallel CCD _at_50MHz, 20
frames/train - No time to wait for diffusion in epi-layer after
particle incident ? Fully depleted CCD ? Poor
resolution - Still smaller pixel size is necessary to recover
the resolution - Possible effect by RF noise by beam
- Analog registers in each pixel (20/pixel), and
readout between trains - CMOS Flexible Active Pixel Sensor (FAPS)
- CCD In-situ Storage Image Sensor (ISIS)
- Fine and complicated structure ? Large area OK?
- Make pixel density x20?Fine Pixel CCD (FPCCD)
20RD for Vertex Detector
- Pixel size 5mm
- Fully depleted to suppress the increase of number
of hit pixels by diffusion - Accumulate hits in one train and readout between
trains - No effect by beam-induced RF noise
- Readout speed 15MHz is OK (128(V)x20000(H)/200ms
12.8MHz) - Simpler structure than FAPS or ISIS ? Large area
- Readout circuit on one edge ? Easy to control
temp. - Spatial resolution 1.5mm with digital readout
21RD for Vertex Detector
- Challenges of FPCCD
- Pixel size
- Poly-Si gateOK, Al-layerRD necessary
- Tracking efficiency
- 40hits/mm2 (R20mm, B3T)?Tracking eff. sim. is
an urgent task - Thin and large wafer
- 50mm thick, 20x100mm2
- Lorentz angle
- Lower B (GLD) is preferable
- Readout electronics
- 500e for inclined tracks
- Radiation hardness
22- B.G. rejection by hit cluster shape
- (tracking capability with single layer!)
High Pt Signal
Low Pt b.g.
Z f
23(No Transcript)
24RD for Vertex Detector
- Plan
- Short term (by 2006 spring)
- Simulation study for tracking efficiency and
flavor tagging efficiency - Study of full-depleted CCDs (12mm pixel)
- Mid term (by the end of 2007)
- Fabrication of prototype ladders
- Test of the prototypes
25RD for TPC
- Collaboration
- Tsukuba
- Tokyo
- Tokyo Noukou
- Kougakuin
- Kinki
- Saga
- International Collab. (Mindanao, MPI, DESY, etc.)
26RD for TPC
- Why TPC?
- Wire tension of large size DC requires thick
end-plate - Recent development of Micro Pattern Gas Detector
(MPGD) for electron-multiplication
2-hit separation 2mm 10mm 2mm
of sampling lt100 200 200
sRf 100mm 200mm 100mm
Sector boundary None Large Small
27RD for TPC
- Challenges of MPGD TPC for ILC
- Resolution (sRf, sZ, sdE/dx, 2-track separation)
- Gas choice (Diffusion, B.G. immunity)
- End-plate design and readout electronics
- Magnetic field (strength and uniformity)
- Temperature stabilization
- Positive ion back-drift
- Large size
- Large size MPGD and end-plate design
- Field cage
- Robustness
- Beam background
- Discharge
- Stability
28RD for TPC
- Present activity
- Beam/Cosmic test using MPI-TPC
- We have beam and large bore solenoid (1.2T) at KEK
29RD for TPC
- Present activity
- RD of MPGD
- CERN GEM (bi-conical) Tested in MPI-TPC
- Fuchigami GEM (straight hall)
- Saclay micro-MEGAS
30RD for TPC
- Plan
- Short term (by 2006 spring)
- Study (optimization) of small size MPGDs
- Beam test of MPI-TPC with MPGDs (GEM,
micro-MEGAS) - Study of gas
- TPC simulation
- Design of large size prototype
- Mid term (by the end of 2007)
- Construction of the prototype
- Beam test of the prototype
- Study of technologies needed for the TPC for the
ILC experiment
31RD for Calorimeter
- Collaboration
- Niigata
- Tsukuba
- Shinshu
- Kobe
- (Tohoku)
- (KEK)
- KEK and Tohoku are involved in simulation study
- Calorimeter is the key component in the detector
concept study (GLD)
32RD for Calorimeter
- RD Goal
- Design of the calorimeter for ILC experiment
optimized for Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) - Simulation study and prototype beam test
- Technology Option
- ECAL should have small Moliere length ? Tungsten
absorber - Huge detector (GLD) requires low cost CAL (W/Si
might be too expensive) ? Scintillator base - Extremely high granularity ? SiPM readout
33RD for Calorimeter
- Present Activity
- Detector Full Simulation
- Study of scintillator strip/block with WLSF
ECAL beam test module with MAPMT
34RD for Calorimeter
- Present Activity
- Study of SiPM
35RD for Calorimeter
- Plan
- Short term (by 2006 spring)
- Optimization for PFA by full simulator
- Design of readout electronics for the prototype
- Continue study of SiPM and scint. strip/block
- Mid term (by the end of 2007)
- Optimization of PFA by full simulator
- Design and construction of the prototype CAL
optimized for PFA - Beam test of the prototype CAL at FNAL
36Other RD activities in Japan
- Solenoid and iron structure
- ANSYS calculation
- Detector concept study for SiD
- 3D-pixel pair monitor
- Machine-Detector Interface
- ILC Detector RD activity at KEK IPNS
- Detector concept study for GLD
- Detector component RD
- FPCCD vertex detector
- TPC main tracker
- W/Scintillator base calorimeter
- ILC??????
- 3?3?(?)900?? 5?(?)1200??
- KEK????????????