Title: Data Integrity
1Data Integrity
2Referential Integrity
- Main type of data validation within relational
database - Ensures relationships are maintained between the
data in one table with data in another table - Performed when data is being changed
- Performed during Insert, Update and Delete
- Statements will fail if Referential Integrity is
not maintained
3Concept of Referential Integrity
- Is a relationship between the data in two columns
in different tables - One column is the Primary Key of one table and
contains a List of Valid Values - The other column is the Foreign Key and contains
data that is validated against the List - The Table containing the List is the LOOKUP or
REFERENCE or PARENT Table - The Other is the DATA Table or CHILD Table
4Concept of Referential Integrity
- The data in both columns is allowed to change
- The Foreign key can ONLY contain values that are
also in the primary key column - The Foreign key can contain NULL values
- A new Primary Key can be inserted in the Lookup
Table, but an update or delete is restricted if
it would remove a value that is used as a Foreign
5Concept of Referential Integrity
- In the Data Table, a value can always be Deleted
or set to null, but any new value must must pass
validation - Before Referential Integrity can be setup,a
primary key must be created, or at least a unique
6Example of Referential Integrity
- STATE Table is the lookup table
- CLIENT Table is the data table
- Referential integrity setup between the
State_Code columns of both tables - Referential Integrity is setup via the ALTER
Table statement, ADD Constraint, Foreign Key
Constraint - Note Run Sqlfun_drop_contraints.sql
7Inserts and Updates Prevented by Referential
- Pg 321 can insert in sec0802_clients Table a
new primary key of 700 - Pg 321 cannot update client_id 200 to
state_code MA - MA is not a primary key in sec0802_states Table
8How to Delete a code from a Lookup Table
- Must ensure that the primary key is not being
used as a Foreign key by any row in the Data
Table - If being used, update the row in the Data Table
using Nulls - After updating with Nulls, the row in the Lookup
Table may be deleted
9RI as a Relationship between the Tables
- RI is a relationship between the data in two
columns - RI is also a relationship between two tables
- Lookup Table
- Data Table
- Two Parts
- Insert Rows into the Lookup Table before any rows
can be inserted into the Data Table - Cannot Drop either Table until we drop the
Referential Integrity relationship
10Delete Option of RI
- Three Options for handling Deletes
- Restrict (most common form)
- Set Null
- Cascade
- All the matching values in the foreign key column
are automatically changed to null - The rest of the data in the row is unchanged
12Cascade Deletes
- The entire row is deleted from the data table
when there is a matching value in the foreign key
13Cascade Updates
- All the matching values in the foreign key column
are automatically changed to the new value - The rest of the data in the row is unchanged
14Two meanings of Primary Key
- When talking about Tables
- Primary Key is is the unique identifier of each
row - When talking about Referential Integrity
- Primary Key as the list of valid values in the
Lookup Table - New Option the list of valid values can be a
column that is NOT the primary key but have a
unique index defined on the column
15Two or more Columns for a Primary Key
- Some Primary Keys are composed of multiple
columns to provide the unique Primary Key - L_foods Table foreign key
- Supplier_id, Product_code
- L_lunch_items Table primary key
- Supplier_id, Product_code
16Other Types of Constraints
- CHECK Constraints
- Ensures that some statement about the data is
true for every row in the table - UNIQUE Constraints
- Ensures that every row contains a different value
- NOT NULL Constraints
- Ensures that there are no nulls in that column
- PRIMARY KEY Constraints
- Combination of Unique and Not Null constraint
17Restrictions on the Datatypeand Length of Fields
- The Datatype definition for each column of a
table functions as a constraint - It limits the data that can be entered into the
column - It limits the datatype of the data
- It limits the length of the data
18Constraints Coded in CREATE Table Statement
- Coding constraints in Create Table statements
puts all of the code in one place for a Table - During development, may be coded in separate
statements for debug - May be combined after testing and debugging