Title: Introduction to VisIt
1Introduction to VisIt
Software developed by Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory http//www.llnl.gov/visit/ Open
source Unstructured grid Parallel
visualization Interactive simulation support
Multiple platform support (LINUX, UNIX, PC,
MAC) New Release of VisIt 1.5.3 Binary files
for many platforms Including FVCOM Plug-in
Example of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability from
Development by David Stuebe With cooperation of
LLNL VisIt team
Current Features Reads NETCDF model output
Loads FVCOM unstructured mesh Scalar and vector
mesh variables Particle tracking results Future
plans Parallel processing of visualization
Inline simulation visualization Oceanographic
expression library
4VisIt Expressions
VisIt provides a powerful library of mathematical
expressions Common functions (sin, cos,
exp) Vector operators (dot prod, cross prod)
Grid analysis tools These can be augmented
within VisIt using a gui equation editor to
create new variables or programmed into the
database plug-in to create complex
expressions (densityt,s,p or gradient)
5GUI Interface
Parameters Settings
Variable and operator control window
File selection window
Time slider controls
Active plots window
62D projections
73D Surfaces