Title: Il Trigger di Alto Livello di CMS
1Il Trigger di Alto Livello di CMS
- N. Amapane CERN
- Workshop su Monte Carlo, la Fisica e le
simulazioni a LHC - Frascati, 25 Ottobre 2006
2The Compact Muon Solenoid
Scintillating PbWO4
Plastic scintillator
Silicon Microstrips
3LHC Event Rates
s rate _at_ nominal LHC
Machine Rate 40 MHz
On-line trigger selection Select 14x105 Decide
every 25 ns!
Acceptable storage rate 100 Hz
Off-line analysis
Particle mass (GeV/c2)
4Trigger Architecture
- Start from 40 MHz ? Decision every 25 ns
- Too small even to read raw data
- Selection in multiple levels, each taking a
decision using only part of the available data - The first level (L1) is only feasible with
dedicated, synchronous (clock driven) hardware
40 MHz
100 kHz
- CMS choice All further selection in a single
phisical step (HLT) - Build full events and analyze them as in
offline - Invest in networking (rather than in dedicated L2
100 GB/s!!
100 Hz
5Level-1 Trigger
- Custom programmable processors
- To minimise latency
- Synchronous decision every 25 ns
- delayed by 3.2 ms 128 BX (Max depth of
pipeline memories) - Max output ? max DAQ input
- Design 100 kHz at startup 50 kHz
- Only m detectors and calorimeters
- e/g, m, t jets, jets, ETmiss, SET
- Selection by the Global Trigger
- 128 simultaneous, programmable algorithms, each
allowing - Thresholds on single and multiple objects of
different type - Correlations, topological conditions
- Prescaling
6Trigger detectors
- ECAL up to hlt3
- HCAL hlt 3 (HB, HE) 3lthlt5.191 (HF)
- Muon (DT, CSC, RPC) hlt2.4
- But trigger electronics only up nlt2.1
7L1 Trigger Table
- For L 2x1033 cm-2s-1
- (CMS Physics TDR v.2)
- Assume 50 KHz DAQ available at low luminosity
factor 3 safety
Event building
Modular, 8 slices 4 to be installed at startup
HLT farm (O(2000 CPU)
- Run on farm of commercial CPUs a single
processor analyzes one event at a time and comes
up with a decision - Has access to full granularity information
- Freedom to implement sophisticated reconstruction
algorithms, complex selection requirements,
exclusive triggers
- Constraints
- CPU time (Cost of filter farm)
- Reject events ASAP set up internal logical
selection steps - L2 muon calorimeter only
- L3 use full information including tracking
- Must be able to measure efficiency from data
- Use inclusive selction whenever possible
- Single/double object above pT/ET, etc.
- Define HLT selection paths from the L1
- Keep output rate limited (obvious)
10Example Muon HLT
Integral rate (L? 1034 cm-2s-1)
Rate (Hz)
100 Hz
Threshold on generated pT (GeV/c)
- Key is to achieve the best pT resolution (and
suppress non-prompt muons and b,c decays)
11HLT Muon Reconstruction
- Level-2 confirm L1 refitting hits in the muon
chambers with full granularity - Regional reconstruction seeded by L1 muons
- Kalman filtering iterative technique
- pT resolution 10 to 16 depending on h (muons
from W decays) - Level-3 Inclusion of Tracker Hits
- Regional tracker reconstruction seeded by L2
muons - pT resolution achieve full CMS resolution of 1
to 1.7 depending on h (muons from W decays) - Isolation in calorimeters (at L2) and tracker
(L3) to suppress b,c decays and non-prompt muons
121/pT Resolution
Level-2 Improve L1 barr. ovr. end. 0.17 0.22 0
Level-3 Full resolution
10x scale
13Single Muon Rates
L? 1034 cm-2s-1
L2,L3 reduce the rate by improving the pT
resolution L2 is justified as it reduces the rate
to allow more time for processing data from the
100 Hz
14HLT Reconstruction
- g
- L2 cluster ECAL deposits into superclusters
and apply ET threshold - L3 isolation in HCAL and tracker
- e
- L2 common with g
- L2.5 match the supercluster with a track in the
pixel detector - L3 isolation in HCAL and tracker, cut on E/p
- Jets
- Iterative cone algorithm in calorimeters energy
corrections (non-linearity) - MET
- Vector sum of transverse energy deposit in
calorimeters, incl. muons - Tau
- Look for isolated narrow jet, either
- Isolation in ECALpixel
- Isolation in the tracker
- B-tagging
- L2.5 impact parameter with pixel track stubs
- L3 with regional track reconstruction
15Setting trigger tables
- HLT trigger paths start from corresponding L1
paths - Tresholds are set distributing bandwidth to the
various paths in order to maximize efficiencies - There can be significant overlaps
- Iterative process
- Thresholds (and streams) will change with
luminosity - And according to the physics of interest at the
time of operation - Reference 2x1033 cm-2 s-1
- Evolution of selection with luminosity is a
delicate issue, up to now studied in detail only
for jet (with prescales)
16HLT Trigger Table
- L 2x1033 cm-2s-1
- (CMS Physics TDR v.2)
17HLT Trigger Table (cont).
- L 2x1033 cm-2s-1
- (CMS Physics TDR v.2)
120 Hz
18Some HLT Efficiencies
- At low luminosity, relative to events in detector
acceptance - W ?en 68
- W ?mn 69
- Z ?mm 92
- Z ?ee 90
- tt ?mX 72
- H(115 GeV)?gg 77
- H(150) ?ZZ?4m 98
- H(120) ?ZZ?4e 90
- A/H(200 GeV)?2t 45
- H(200-400)?tn 58
19Triggers and offline analysis
- The HLT selection can have an impact on analysis
- May reduce signal efficiency and phase-space
- Unless off-line selection is tighter than HLT
- Simulation of the HLT selection is a part of
analysis! - Specific exclusive triggers can be implemented
for channels where the default trigger tables are
not enough, but - How much the selection costs in term of rate and
CPU? - Is it possible to understand the selection
efficiency from the data?
- Trigger at LHC is an integral part of the event
selection - CMS uses a single physical step after L1, to
achieve a rejection factor of 1000 - HLT algorithms have the full event data available
and no limitation on complexity, except for CPU
time - Inclusive triggers based on the presence on one
or more objects above pT/ET thresholds are
normally sufficient to get good efficiency on
most signal - More sophisticated selections are possible if
- CMS DAQ/HLT TDR, 2002, CERN-LHCC-2002-026
- Full study of HLT rates, timing, benchmark signal
efficiencies - CMS Physics TDR Volume 1 (2006),
CERN-LHCC-2006-001 - Detector performance, reconstruction
- CMS Physics TDR Volume 2 (2006),
CERN-LHCC-2006-021, - Update of HLT rates and trigger tables (Appendix