Title: Multiway range trees: scalable IP lookup with fast updates
1Multiway range trees scalable IP lookup with
fast updates
- Priyank Warkhede, Subhash Suri , George Varghese
- Computer Networks
- The International Journal of Computer and
Telecommunications Networking - February 2004
- Introduction
- Ip lookup by binary or multiway search
- Multiway range tree
- Updates to the range tree
- Experimental
- Conclusion
- In this paper, we introduce a new IP lookup
scheme with worst-case search and update time of
O(log n), where n is the number of prefixes in
the forwarding table. Our scheme is based on a
new data structure, a multiway range tree, which
achieves the optimal lookup time of binary
search, but can also be updated in logarithmic
time when a prefix is added or deleted.
4Ip lookup by binary or multiway search
- Binary search tree
- Each prefix r matches a contiguous interval b,e
of address, - for example r128 begins at point
and the end at point
- With each key pi, we store two prefixes,
match(pi) and matchlt(pi). - match(pi), is the longest prefix that begins
or ends at pi. - matchlt(pi), is the longest prefix whose
interval includes the range (pi-1,pi), where pi-1
is the predecessor key of pi.
5Ip lookup by binary or multiway search
6Ip lookup by binary or multiway search
- Multiway search tree ( use B-tree )
7Ip lookup by binary or multiway search
- Difficulty of updating search trees
- Maintaining the precomputed prefixes match(p)
and matchlt(p), worst-case require O(n)
8Multiway range tree
- Our main idea is to store prefixes at all nodes
of the search tree, such that the following two
conditions are met - (1) every prefix matching a key is stored at
some nodes - along the root to leaf path for that key
- (2) no prefix is stored at more than O(logn)
9Multiway range tree
- Address span
- key idea is to associate address spans with
both the nodes and keys of the search tree - Associating prefixes with nodes
- if for some node v of the tree, span(v) is
contained in the range br, er, then r is a
matching prefix for any address in span(v.) We
could store r - at every node v whose span is contained in
range br, er. -
- the prefix a will be stored at keys b c and
nodes x y w.
10Multiway range tree
11Multiway range tree ( for updates )
- For the purpose of updates, we partition the
prefixes stored at each key into two list, call
then equal list and the span list - Except for the keys, all other nodes in the range
tree have a single span list list of prefix,
which are maintained in a heap, orderd by prefix
12Multiway range tree (search algorithm)
- Let Mv be the (narrowest) prefix stored at each
internal node v in the search structure, where Mv
is the root of the corresponding heap at node v
in the update structure. - Let Ek be the prefix stored with each leaf key in
the search structure corresponding to the root of
the equal list heap in the update structure - let Gk be the prefix stored with each leaf key in
the search structure corresponding to the root of
the span list heap.
13 updates the range tree
- Updating the keys and handling splits and merges
- Updating the address spans and prefix
- Inserting or deleting the new prefix
14Experimental ( model )
- Using pentium
- Cache line is 32 bytes
- Using C programming language on a UNIX machine
15Experimental ( empirical results for IPv4 )
16Experimental ( empirical results for IPv4 )
17Experimental ( empirical results for IPv4 )
18Experimental ( empirical results for IPv4 )
- The worst-case update time for our scheme is
calculated assuming node split/merge at each
level of the tree. - the average update performance of the scheme.
first built the prefix database corresponding to
the Mae-East database. We then generated 500
random prefixes, inserted them into the data
structure,and then deleted them in random order.
19Experimental ( comparison with other schemes)
20Experimental ( comparison with other schemes)