Title: Johansson S , Wijk H
1Putting evidence into practise
Integrating methods for research and profound
knowledge of improvement in the curriculum of
Health Care educations
Johansson S , Wijk H Sahlgrenska University
Hospital Gothenburg Sweden, Sahlgrenska Academy
Institution of Health and Care Sciences
Gothenburg University Sweden
International Forum on Quality and Safety in
Health Care Paris 2008
2Every 10th visit to the Health Care Sector in
Sweden cause an adverse event for the patient
Pharmacological interventions
Care related infections
3I am sorry, but unfortunately we do not have any
evidence based treatment to offer, but we have a
lot of other possibilities!
4Caring Science cares.
- In Sweden
- - 1975-1998 42
- - 1990-1998 80
- - the amount of PhD student in Caring
Science has doubled since 1992 - Today we have 1 000 PhD thesis in Caring science
5Integrated Quality Improvement
Quality Improvement
Health care
Vision Goal
Priority sectors
Quality Indicators
6Evidence based care can lead to
Preventive actions
Decreased adverse events
Secure care
Effective care
Increased quality of life
- Answer the phone ! - But there is no one
calling ! - Why do You always have to wait to the
last minute!?
7- There is a
- need of integration
- between practice
- based and
- evidence based
- knowledge among
- professional
- Specialists in
- Health care
8and what about our future colleagues?
9Evidence Based Care
Practice Based Care
Clinical Decision
Patient empowerment
10- Profound knowledge of quality improvement can
lead to - Active development
- Patient focus
- A learning organization
Haven't got the time Have work to do
Come and look at something interesting!
11Evidence Based Care
Practice Based Care
Clinical Decision
Profound Knowledge of Improvement
Patient empowerment
12We include Profound knowledge of quality
improvement in the curriculum of the Health Care
programs on advanced level
13- We involve supervising nurses by
- presenting clinical problems to improve during
the course - supporting the implementation of the result in
the students thesis into clinical practice
14- We evaluate
- - Quality of hypothesis and methods used
- Staffs opinion on value of the thesis for
improvement of care - Students opinion on the importance of
evidence/experience-based knowledge for
development of caring - Students view on their professional role
15Better Pain assessment among patient with severe
dementia by integrating an evidence based
observational instrument
Decreased Postoperative pain and nausea by risk
assessment of all patients prior to operation
followed by preventive actions at risk
Increased patient empowerment by the use of a
pedagogic evaluated model for patient education
16(No Transcript)