Title: Living Beyond Breast Cancer: Celebrating a New Normal
1Living Beyond Breast CancerCelebrating a New
- A Breast Cancer Symposium
- Saturday, May 30, 2009
Cronin Auditorium, Hospital of Saint Raphael
1450 Chapel St, New Haven CT 06511
2Womens Center for Breast Health at the Hospital
of Saint Raphael
3What can I do to stay healthy?
4What Increases the Risk of Breast Cancer ?
- Multifactorial
- Gender
- Age
- Family history
- Personal history
- Dense breast tissue
- Radiation to chest
5What Increases the Risk of Breast Cancer ?
- Not having children, or having them later in life
- Recent use of birth control pills
- Long-term use of combined hormone replacement
therapy - Alcohol
- Lack of Exercise
6Factors with No Defined Link
- High fat diet
- Underwire bras
- Antiperspirants
- Breast implants
- Pollution
- Smoking
- Night work
7Traditional Breast Cancer Treatment
- Surgery
- Radiation
- Chemotherapy
- Hormonal Therapy
8Breast Cancer Treatment 2009
- Individualized treatment planning
- Genetic testing
- Genomic profiling
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine
9 - Therapies can be hard on the body and mind
- Complementary therapies to ease side effect,
anxiety, and promote sense of well being
10The goal of complementary medicine is to balance
the whole person physically, mentally, and
emotionally while conventional medicine does
its work. For many people diagnosed with breast
cancer, complementary medicine has helped
torelieve symptoms ease treatment side
effects improve quality of life
11Complementary medicine treatments
- Acupuncture
- Aromatherapy
- Chiropractic Therapy
- Guided Imagery
- Hypnosis
- Journaling
- Massage
- Meditation
- Music Therapy
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation
- Reiki
- Shiatsu
- Spirituality and Prayer
- Support Groups
- Tai Chi
- Yoga
12The National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)
- Division of NIH
- Naturopathy a system in which the body is
encouraged to heal itself through changes in
nutrition and lifestyle - Ayurveda a system in which the body, mind and
spirit are integrated to prevent or treat health
problems - Meditation a practice that encourages clearing
of the mind and inward focus - Creative therapy such as art or music, in which
patients express their feelings and hopes through
drawing, painting, singing or playing a favorite
instrument - Yoga which uses controlled breathing and
13How many people seek complementary therapy?
- 2002 National Health Interview Survey, (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention). - 36 of U.S. adults are using some form of CAM.
- 62 if megavitamin therapy and prayer for health
reasons are included - July 2000 issue of the Journal of Clinical
Oncology found that - 69 of 453 cancer patients had used at least one
CAM therapy as part of their cancer treatment. - December 2004 issue of the Journal of Clinical
Oncology - 88 of 102 people with cancer who were enrolled
in phase I clinical trials (research studies in
people) at the Mayo Comprehensive Cancer Center
had used at least one CAM therapy.
14The National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)
- Acupuncture to relieve neck and shoulder pain
following surgery for head or neck cancer - Ginger as a treatment for nausea and vomiting
caused by chemotherapy - Massage for the treatment of cancer pain
- Mistletoe extract combined with chemotherapy for
the treatment of solid tumors
15What have clinical trials shown?
- Green tea
- Vitamin D
- Turmeric
- Nutritional supplements must be taken in addition
to conventional surgery, radiation and
chemotherapy to achieve improved outcomes
reported in clinical trials - 1997, a panel of experts at the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Conference
found acupuncture to be effective in managing
chemotherapy-associated nausea and vomiting and
in controlling pain associated with surgery
16When considering Complementary or Alternative
Medicine, what questions should I ask my health
care providers?
- What benefits can be expected from this therapy?
- What are the risks associated with this therapy?
- Do the known benefits outweigh the risks?
- What are the potential side effects?
- Will the therapy interfere with conventional
treatment? - Is this therapy part of a clinical trial? If so,
who is sponsoring the trial? - Will the therapy be covered by health insurance?
17Through Treatment and Beyond
- Nutrition
- Physical Fitness
- Sexuality
- Stress Management
18Womens Center for Breast Health at the Hospital
of Saint Raphael
19Healthful Eating
20Physical Fitness
21Regaining Intimacy After Treatment
- Thomas Fynan, MD, Medical Oncology
- Vanna Dest, APRN, Genetic Counseling
- Joyce Chung, MD, Radiation Oncology
- Nhu Ngo, MD, Pathology
- Amy Sherman, MD, Breast Imaging
- Denise Barajas, MD, Surgery
23Stress Management