Title: Graduate Optics
1Graduate Optics
2Schematic Eyes
Page 2.1
- Simplified paraxial representation of the optics
of real eyes - Assume that all ocular surfaces are perfectly
centered (single optic axis)
3Centered Optical System
Non-centered Optical System
Optic Axis
4Schematic Eyes
Page 2.1
- Simplified paraxial representation of the optics
of real eyes - Assume that all ocular surfaces are perfectly
centered (single optic axis)
- To use paraxial optics, rays must be limited to
the paraxial region - Standard emmetropic schematic eyes are derived
from the average constants of large numbers of
real emmetropic eyes (eye focused at infinity
with crystalline lens relaxed unaccommodated) - Simulate ametropia (myopia, hyperopia,
astigmatism) by varying the constants of standard
emmetropic schematic eyes - Define three different schematic eyes, from
complex to very simple - Rule of thumb use the simplest schematic eye
that will adequately represent the task/problem
being considered
5Gullstrand 1 Exact Eye
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6Gullstrand 1 Exact Eye
Most complex. Six refracting surfaces, 4
different indices, separate anterior and
posterior corneal surfaces, separate crystalline
lens cortex and nucleus
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Figure 2.1
7Exact Eye Thick Lens
8Exact Eye Equivalent Lens
9Gullstrand 2 Simplified Schematic Eye
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10Gullstrand 2 Simplified Schematic Eye
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Three refracting surfaces, 2 different indices,
single corneal surface, single homogeneous
crystalline lens medium
Figure 2.2
11Gullstrand 2 Simplified Schematic Eye (Thick
lens parameters)
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12The Reduced Eye
Total ocular power reduced to a single
refracting surface
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Figure 2.3
13Reduced Eye Simplifications
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Figure 2.3
- Reduced surface represents the balance of power
between cornea and crystalline lens (which favors
the cornea). - Because the reduced surface represents a power
balance, it sits about 1.67 mm behind the
(anterior) corneal plane - Pupil considered to coincide with the reduced
surface (in reality, it is 2 mm behind the
reduced surface)
14Reducing the Simplified Schematic Eye
Page 2.6
SS Eye
Reduced Eye
Figure 2.4
15Paraxial Optics Reduced Eye
60.0 D
16Paraxial Optics Reduced Eye
60.0 D
17Paraxial Optics Reduced Eye
60.0 D
18Reduced Eye Ray-trace
19Reduced Eye Ray-trace
20Reduced Eye Point Source at Fe
21The Human Eye Axes (and angles) Near Vision
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Figure 2.5
22The Human Eye Axes Distance Vision
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Figure 2.6
23The Human Eye Pupillary Axis
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Figure 2.7