Title: Mini-Machines
- Team 9 Members
- Ryan Barnes
- Vincent Chan
- Richard Nip
- Wahib Toulany
- Supervisor
- Dr. Kujath
- Requirements Definition
- Controller Gantry Set-up
- Mini-machines
- Initial Design
- Final Design
- Testing Refinement
- Video
- Budget
- Conclusion Recommendations
- Acknowledgements
- Question Period
3Requirements Definition
- 4 mini-machines
- Different locomotion for each machine
- 2 DOF
- Volume of 8 cm3
- Simplicity
- Structural stability
- Power
- Gopher
- uTank
- BoP
- Donatello
5Controller Gantry Setup
- Preventing wires from touching, causing a
short-circuit - Gantry and a controller were built
6Controller Setup
- Wires were too stiff and heavy
- Thinner wires were introduced
- Thick wires were left at the base of the motor
because the thinner wires were difficult to
solder on
7Gopher Initial Design
8Gopher Initial Design
- Consists of 2 bodies
- Bodies joined by a bar across the top
- Each body contains a stopping device
- Alternates pivot points
- Produces rotational motion
9Gopher Initial Design
10Gopher Prototype of Initial Design
11Gopher Final Design
12Gopher Testing Refinement
- Gopher design was flipped upside down
- Wires would restrict Gophers movements
- Thinner wires were used
- Wires would tangle and short-circuit
- Elastic bands prevents wires from tangling
- Uses impulse from the motor
13Gopher Video
14Gopher Conclusions
- Only achieved 1 DOF
- Simple Design
- Structurally Stable (Withstood 1m fall)
- Less than 8 cm3
15uTank Initial Design
16uTank Initial Design
- Originally had tracks too complicated
- Driven by a 1-link system
- Powered by an electric relay
- Produces forward and rotational motion
17uTank Initial Design
- 1-link system consists of an arm extended from an
- electric relay
18uTank Final Design
19uTank Final Design
-Consists of a body with 4 wheels -Powered by
two electric motors -Two wheels connected
directly to the motor two wheels move
freely -Wheels have a rubber surface to prevent
20uTank Final Design
-Motion is produced when the force of the motor
overcomes the frictional force -uTank is capable
of forward and rotational motion -The top, front
and back of the shell were removed making it
easier to access the motor
21uTank Testing Refinement
-Problems with balancing 4-point
contact -Sometimes the driving wheel would not
contact the ground -Linear and rotational motion
were fine when balancing was not a
factor -Vertical slots were added to the free
moving wheels
22uTank Testing Refinement
-Driving wheels would always be in contact with
the ground
23uTank Video
24uTank Conclusion
-Successful in achieving 2 DOF -Structural
stable Survives 1m fall -Less than 8cm3
-Simple Design
25BoP Initial Design
26BoP Initial Design
- Concept is similar to old style computer mouse
- Consists of a base enclosing a ball
- Driven by 2 one-link systems
- Powered by an electric relay
- Capable of forward and rotational motion
27BoP Final Design
28BoP Final Design
- Base encloses Ball
- Base consists of 2 rings and a beam
- Driven by 2 electric motors
- New pinion reduces slip on the ball
- Motor force greater than friction force
29BoP Video
30BoP Conclusion
- Successful in achieving 2 DOF
- Simple Design
- Structurally Stable survived a 1 m fall
- Volume less than 8 cm3
31Donatello Initial Design
- Aluminum I-beam body
- 4 Cantilever beams each beam has a leg/
ratchet component - Motion is incurred by deflection of beams
- Actuator Shape Memory Alloy Wire (SMA)
- SMA contracts 3-5 of its original length
- Requires force to return it to original shape
- Maximum Deflection depends on length of SMA
contraction - (assuming spring constant of beam is not
exceeding tension limits of SMA wire)
33Initial CalculationsDetermining feasible speed
- 20mm wire contracts 0.6 1 mm
- 3 sec per actuation 1 sec contraction 2 sec
cooling - Able to achieve 1.2 2 cm/min
34Initial CalculationsDetermining cantelever beam
- SMA wire able to withstand 3.3 N in tension
- k P/d 3EI/L3 eq. 1
- Ibt3/12 eq. 2
- Aluminum found to have desirable Modulas of
Elasticity (72 GPa) while remaining elastic under
0.8 mm deflections - L, b, t where then determined to fit volume
criteria while meeting required spring constant.
35Donatello Testing Refinement
- Test 1 No motion
- Problem SMA not contracting due incomplete
circuit - Solution Electrically insulated body with coat
of epoxy - Test 2 No motion
- Problem Aluminum legs were plastically deforming
- Solution replaced with stiffer material
36Donatello Testing Refinement
- Test 3 No motion
- Problem New leg is too stiff, SMA unable to
contract - Solution 1 Reduce number of springs in parallel
- Solution 2 Alter position of SMA
37Donatello Testing Refinement
- Test 4 Leg Motion Achieved
- Problem 1 Displacement in horizontal much
smaller than intended - Problem 2 Leg is being lifted vertically
- Problem 3 SMA movement between body and
electrical wires
38Donatello Final State of Design
39Donatello Video_1
40Donatello Video_2
- Structurally Stable survived a 1 m fall
- Volume less than 8 cm3
Item Quantity Price Sub-Totals
Shapelock 1 20.15 20.15
SMA 1 10.00 10.00
Epoxy 1 7.80 7.80
JB Weld 2 8.00 16.00
Plastic Metal 1 8.50 8.50
Clamps 1 2.00 2.00
Balsa Wood 1 3.75 3.75
Motors 12 2.00 24.00
RC Car 1 7.00 7.00
Aligator Clips 1 4.00 4.00
Wind Up Cars 3 1.50 4.50
Glue 1 5.00 5.00
Solder 1 14.00 14.00
Total   126.70
43Conclusion Recommendations
Criterion Gopher uTank BoP Donatello
Max Volume of 8cm3 ? ? ? ?
Structural Stability ? ? ? ?
DOF ? ? ? ?
Unique Locomotion ? ? ? ?
Simple Design ? ? ? ?
Controller/Gantry Setup ? ? ? ?
44Conclusion Recommendations
- 2 of 4 Mini-Machines satisfy all design
requirements - Incorporate wireless controllers into the design
- SMA is difficult to implement
- Other methods of locomotion may yield better
- Shell
- Dr. Kujath
- Greg Jollimore
- Neil Ellerington
- Angus MacPherson
- Peter Jones
- Dr. Hubbard
- Mechanical Engineering Department