Title: Making Smart Drink Choices
1Making Smart Drink Choices
2Moving More lets take a break and get moving.
3How Much Sugar?
420-Ounce Cola
17 Teaspoons of Sugar
518 Teaspoons of Sugar
20-Ounce Fruitopia
620-Ounce Powerade
9 Teaspoons of Sugar
7What is a Soft Drink?
- Soda
- Lemonade
- Sweet tea
- Sports drinks
- Fruit drinks
- Any beverage sweetened with sugar or sugar
8How many soft drinks do you drink each day?
10Extra Calories
11What difference does two cans of regular soda per
day make?
2 cans per day 109,500 calories
109,500 calories 31 extra pounds
12No Nutrients
Non-diet Soda
Orange Juice
1 Milk
Per 12-ounce serving
Calories 160 168 153 Vitamin A,
IU 0 291
750 Vitamin C, mg 0 146
3 Calcium, mg 0 33
450 Magnesium, mg 0
36 51 Potassium, mg 0
711 352
13How can you and your family make smart drink
Choose soft drinks every once in a while and
drink smaller portions.
14How can you and your family make smart drink
Decrease the amount of sugar you add to tea.
15How can you and your family make smart drink
If you drink soft drinks, choose diet soft drinks.
16How can you and your family make smart drink
Choose healthier beverages such as low-fat or
fat-free milk.
17How can you and your family make smart drink
Choose low-fat or fat-free milk
- Bones
- Teeth
- Muscles
- Nerves
18How much milk should you and your family drink?
- Children between 1-2 years
- 2 cups per day of whole milk
- Children 2-8 years
- 2 cups per day of fat-free or low-fat milk
- Children 9 years and older
- 3 cups per day of fat-free or low-fat milk
- Adults
- 3 cups per day of fat-free or low-fat milk
19What is a milk equivalent?
One cup (8 ounces) of low-fat or fat-free milk is
equal to
- 8 ounces of low-fat or fat-free yogurt
- 8 ounces of low-fat or fat-free frozen yogurt
- 1 ½ ounces of low-fat cheese
20Quick and Easy Ways to Get More Milk
- Drink milk with meals
- Put milk on cereal
- Add milk to hot beverages
- Take yogurt to go
- Enjoy frozen yogurt
- Make yogurt smoothies
- Make soups with low-fat or fat-free milk
- Use dry milk powder in cooking
21What if you dont drink milk or eat yogurt or
- Lactose-intolerance
- Allergy to dairy products
- Dislike for dairy products
- Ethical or religious reasons
22Non-dairy Sources of Calcium
- Calcium-fortified rice or soy milk
- Calcium-fortified orange juice
- Calcium-fortified cereal
- Canned salmon with bones or sardines
- Almonds
- Broccoli
- Green leafy vegetables (collards, spinach, kale
and bok choy)
23How can you and your family make smart drink
Choose water
- Controls body temperature
- Carries nutrients
- Aids breathing
- Protects organs
- Protects joints
24How much water should you and your family drink?
6-8 (8 ounce) glasses each day
- More needed during warm weather
- More needed with physical activity
25How can you and your family make smart drink
Choose water
- Keep water handy.
- Drink water before, during, and after physical
activity. - Encourage children to drink water.
- Order water at restaurants.
26What is a 100 juice?
27How much juice should you and your family drink?
- Infants 6 months or older
- No more than 4 ounces a day
- Children 1-6 years
- Limit to 4 to 6 ounces a day
- Children 7-18 years
- Limit to 8 to 12 ounces a day
- Adults
- Select whole fruit (fresh, frozen, canned or
28Eating Smart try this recipe for you and your
Fruit Smoothies
29What one change will you make in what you and
your family choose to drink?
30What will make this hard for you and your family?
How can you overcome this challenge?
31Making Smart Drink Choices