Title: Freedom Of Information: the Key Value
1Freedom Of Information the Key Value
LIBR 500 Foundations of Information
Technology Bill Mugford 26 January 2001
2What does freedom of information mean?
3It means
- Freedom of expression
- Not having to fear the consequences of expressing
ones ideas, opinions, or artistic impulses - In words, music, sculpture, or pictures
4It means
- Freedom of access
- Not being prevented from reading, or seeing, or
hearing anything that was created to communicate
with the public
5It also means
- Having some control over personal information
- The right to examine information about oneself
kept by official bodies - The right to enter objections into the record
6Are there justifiable constraints on freedom of
7There are always hard cases for a civil
- Language used as a weapon
- Slander and libel
- Incitement of hatred towards an identifiable
8Why is freedom of expression the key value?
9Freedom of information can set people free. It is
essential to
- Democracy
- Religious freedom
- Scientific progress
- Social advancement
- Artistic development
- Human dignity
10Why is freedom of information so vulnerable?
11Freedom of information can
- Threaten the special interests of the powerful
- Challenge the status quo
- Confront people with facts or conditions they
find distasteful, even disgusting - Make people feel unsure of their values
12To find out about a case of book-banning in
Surrey schools
- The Action Fund to Fight Book-banning
13To contact organizations dedicated to freedom of
- Canadian Library Association
- BC Civil Liberties Association
- Canadian Civil Liberties Association
- American Library Association Office for
Intellectual Freedom