Title: Smart Card Application in Schools
1Smart Card Application in Schools
Co-Advised by Prof. Helen Shen Mr. Eddie Chua
(mySch) Mr. Ambrose Tse (mySch)
Group No HE4 Lao Shing Kit, Jing Wong Sau Chung,
- Introduction
- System Architecture
- Problems Solutions
- Testing and Evaluation
- Conclusions
3 1. Introduction
- Project Goal
- To integrate a Smart Card system with a school
intranet system called mySch developed by mySch
(http//www.mysch.net) using a software model.
Mainly focus on 3 areas (1) Attendance
Recording System (2) ECA Administration System
(3) Electronic Payment System
- Benefits
- More convenient to use different services in
school - To increase efficiency in administrative work
Main Concerns (1) Connection of 2 systems (2)
Stability of dataflow (3) Correctness of
42. System Architecture - Hardware
I. Smart Card Card Reader
52. System Architecture - Software
II. Software Model
Act as a bridge to ensure accurate and stable
Extra Packets Lost
Extra Packets Stored
62. System Architecture - Flow
72. System Architecture - Card Server
- Card Server
- Main component in the software model
- Ensure accurate and stable dataflow
- Functions
- Transfer of data from card readers to mySch
- Synchronization of data
- Modification of Smart Card reader settings
- Exportation of the data collected
- ECA administration
82. System Architecture - mySch Server
(1) Attendance Recording System (2) ECA
Administration System
Java Servlet Programs
92. System Architecture - mySch Server
(3) Electronic Payment System
Java Servlet Programs
Java Servlet Programs
Java Servlet Programs
Java Servlet Programs
Java Servlet Programs
Price, status
Price, status
Price, status
Price, status
Price, status
Price, status
Java Servlet Programs
Java Servlet Programs
Java Servlet Programs
Java Servlet Programs
103. Problems and Solutions
Which language for implementation?
How to synchronize students records?
(1) Visual Basic vs Java
- iGuard API involves ActiveX Control
(2) Visual Basic vs Visual C
- easy for interface design
113. Problems and Solutions
How the 3 systems are implemented?
- HTTP request with query string
- http//fyp.mysch.net/bin/smartcard/syncRegNum?
- loginambrosepwdambrose123
- uid0001uloginkennethupwdken117nameWongsex
124. Testing Evaluation
- Simulate the situation of a real school in terms
of - Number of users (1000 users)
- Number of accesses (2 times/user)
- Access rate (1.3 seconds/record)
- Modification to the programs
- Lock the sending signal of Card Server
- Impose selection criteria for sending HTTP
- requests
135. Conclusions
- Future Extensions
- Integrate more services in mySch
- Using different brands of card readers and
compare performance - embedded in handheld devices/ Web-based
- Benefits from the Project
- integrate 2 well-developed systems
- Importance of controlling dataflow
- IT applications in schools
Thank you for your attention - The End -