Title: Automated Generation and Analysis of Attack Graphs
1Automated Generation and Analysis of Attack Graphs
- IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2002
Oleg Sheyner, CS, CMU Joshua Haines,
MIT Lincoln Lab Somesh Jha, CS, WISC
Richard Lippmann, MIT Lincoln Lab Jeannette
M. Wing, CS, CMU
Presented by Allen C.B. Kuo
- Introduction
- Attack Graphs
- An Intrusion Detection Example
- Analysis of Attack Graphs
- Summary
- Overview
- Model the network security by constructing attack
graphs - Present an automated technique for generating and
analyzing attack graphs - Which attacks would be most cost-effective to
guard against
4Introduction (contd.)
- Evaluate the vulnerabilities of a network of
hosts - Effects of interactions of vulnerabilities
- Each path in an attack graph is a series of
exploits - Automated constructing attack graphs ensures that
the graphs are - exhaustive
- succinct
- suitable for networks with hundreds of nodes
5Introduction (contd.)
- Steps to produce and analyze attack graphs
- Model the network
- Model the network as a finite state machine
- Produce an attack graph
- Model checker NuSMV automatically produces the
attack graph - Analysis of attack graphs
6Introduction (contd.)
7Introduction (contd.)
- Model checking
- A method for formally verifying finite-state
concurrent systems - Specifications about the system are expressed as
temporal logic formulas - Efficient symbolic algorithms are used to
traverse the model - Check if the specification holds or not
- Main challenge is state space explosion
- Reference http//www.cs.cmu.edu/modelcheck/
8Attack Graphs
9Attack Graphs
- Definition
- An attack graph (AG) is a tuple G
- S is a set of states
- is a transition relation
- is a set of initial states
- is a set of success states
10Attack Graphs (contd.)
- We define an execution fragment as a finite
sequence of states - An execution fragment with is an
execution - An execution with final state in is an
11Attack Graphs (contd.)
- Constructing attack graphs
- Formal model M (network)
- Given property p (safety property)
- We can express the property that an unsafe state
cannot be reached as - Ex
12Attack Graphs (contd.)
- Algorithm for generating attack graphs
A attacks (set, indication, quantity?) P
properties (set, boolean?)
13Attack Graphs (contd.)
14An intrusion Detection Example
- Finite State Model
- NuSMV Encoding
- Experimental Results Attack Graphs
- Performance Observations
15Example Network
Intruders goal
16Example Network (contd.)
- Two target nodes, ip1 and ip2
- Services in ip1 ftp, sshd
- Services in ip2 ftp, database
- Attack node, ipa, with four possible atomic
attacks - (0) sshd buffer overflow
- (1) ftp .rhosts
- (2) remote login
- (3) local buffer overflow
17Example Network (contd.)
- An atomic attack
- Detectable
- Stealthy
- Goal of intruder
- Disrupt the functioning of the database
- Intruder needs root access on the database host
18Finite State Model
- Connectivity
- Expressed as a ternary relation
- Network route
- When there is a network route form h1 to h2
- Model trust as binary relation
- A user may log in from h2 to h1 without
19Finite State Model (contd.)
(1) h1 and h2 are connected by a physical
link gt y (2) h1 can connect to h2 on ftp port gt
y (3) h1 can connect to h2 on the sshd port
gt y
- Initial states of network
- Tr is empty
- Relation R
IPa y,n,n y,y,y y,y,n
IP1 y,n,n y,y,y y,y,n
IP2 y,n,n y,y,y y,y,n
20Finite State Model (contd.)
- The intruder
- Has a store of knowledge about the target network
and its users - The function
gives the level of privilege
that intruder A has on each host
21Finite State Model (contd.)
- Intrusion detection system
- Specify the IDS with a function
- When h1 and h2 refer to the same host or
different hosts
22Finite State Model (contd.)
- Atomic attacks
- sshd buffer overflow
- Give a remote user a root shell on the target
- Both detectable and stealthy
- ftp .rhosts
- Create remote login trust relationship, stealthy
- remote login
- Detectable
- Local buffer overflow
- User -gt buffer overflow -gt gain root access,
23Finite State Model (contd.)
- Specification of sshd buffer overflow
24NuSMV Encoding
- Nondeterministically assigned state variables
- Which attack (attack num) will be tried next
- The source host from which the atomic attack will
be initiated - The target host of the atomic attack
- If next attack has both detectable and stealthy
strains, the variable is set nondeterministicallys
25Experimental Results Attack Graphs
- We want to violate the property
26Experimental Results Attack Graphs
Overflow sshd buffer on host 1, it is a stealthy
Overwrite .rhosts file on host 2 to establish rsh
trust between host 1 and 2
Log in using rsh from host 1 to host 2
Overflow a local buffer on host to obtain root
27Performance Observations
- Environment
- PentiumIII/ 1Ghz/ 1GB RAM / RedHat Linux 7.0
- Performance
Hosts Attacks Vulnerabilities Bits of state Num of states Reachable states Time
3 4 less 91 101 5 sec
5 8 more 229 So many 6190 2 hr to construct 5 min to check model
28Analysis of Attack Graphs
- Minimization Analysis
- Minimum and Minimal Critical Attack Sets
- Computing Minimal Critical Sets
- Probabilistic Reliability Analysis
29Minimization Analysis
- Find a minimal set of atomic attacks
- Modify the model making only a subset of atomic
attacks available to the intruder
30Minimization Analysis (contd.)
right subgraph all attacks are available to the
Left subgraph sshd buffer overflow attack is not
available to the intruder
States where the attacker had not been detected
by IDS
Desirable for the attacker
31Minimization Analysis (contd.)
- Checking every possible subset of attacks is
exponential in the number attacks - Finding the minimum set of atomic attacks which
must be removed to thwart the intruder is in fact
32Minimum and Minimal Critical Attack Sets
- Assume that we have produced an attack graph
33Minimum and Minimal Critical Attack Sets (contd.)
- Given
- C is critical respect to s
- Intruder cannot reach his goal when the attacks
in C are removed for A - Every path from s to an unsafe state has at least
one edge labeled with an attack
34Minimum and Minimal Critical Attack Sets (contd.)
- A critical set ( A(s) ) corresponding to a state
s is minimal - If no subset of A(s) is critical with respect to
s - A critical set ( M(s) ) corresponding to a state
s is minimum - If there is no critical set M(s) such that
M(s) lt M(s)
35Minimum and Minimal Critical Attack Sets (contd.)
- Lemma
- Given
and integer k - Determine where is
NP-complete - Proof sketch
- Prove that the problem is in NP
- Prove the problem is NP-hard
- The reduction is from the minimum cover problem
36Computing Minimal Critical Sets
- Finding a minimal critical set
corresponding to the initial state s0
37Probabilistic Reliability Analysis
- Suppose we know the probabilities of some
transitions in the scenario graph - Markov Decision Process
- Nodes are assigned to 1 or 0 (intruders goal has
been achieved or not) - Expected value is a fraction of 1 (equivalent to
the probability of getting to the goal state)
38Probabilistic Reliability Analysis (contd.)
- Example to the scenario
- 0.8 for sshd buffer overflow
- 0.5 for ftp .rhosts
- 0.95 for the remote login
- 0.2 for local buffer overflow
- The computed probability of intruder success is
0.2 - Best strategy is to attempt sshd buffer overflow
on host IP1, and then conduct the rest of attack
from that host
- Exhibit an algorithm for automatic generation of
attack graphs - Identify a level of atomicity appropriate for
describing a model - Network model includes intrusion detection
components - Stealthy and detectable attack variants
- Ways of analyzing attack graphs
41Future Work
- A method of generating attack graphs for more
general classes of properties - Ex
- This will be disabled using a DOS attack
- Building a library of specifications of atomic
attacks - Discover new, unexpected attacks, and hence
identify new network vulnerabilities - Model benign system activity as well
- Ex a legitimate users transaction will finish
despite intruder interference
42Thanks for your attention!
Presented by Allen C.B. Kuo