Title: Small Company Process Enhancement
Industrial Statistics Research Unit
We are part of Newcastle University, Department
of Mechanical, Material and Manufacturing
Engineering based in the in the Stephenson
Mission Statement "To promote the effective
and widespread use of statistical methods
throughout European industry and to use the ideas
and experience so gained for the benefit of
students and the wider academic community."
- Consultancy
- Training
- Major Research Projects
All with the common goal of promoting quality
improvement by implementing statistical techniques
5Typical UK or Regional projects
- Assessment of environmental risks in chemical and
process industries - Introduction of statistical process control (SPC)
in micro-electronics company - Help to develop a new catheter for open-heart
surgery via designed experiments (DoE)
6Typical UK Food Projects
- Waffle Manufacturer
- Bakery - Biscuits
- Bakery - Shortbread
- Butter Manufacture
- Soft-Drinks Bottling Plant
- Crisp Manufacturer
- Tea Blender
- Cheese Maker
7Typical UK Food Projects
- Involved in development of Quorn
- One other large company -
- Helped reduce waste on a production line
- The company changed its name
- Used to be called Rowntrees
8Some past successes
- Manufacturing Down-time cut by 40
- Production Waste reduced by 50
- Lead times reduced from 6 to 3 weeks
- Stock holding levels halved
- Material use optimised saving 150k pa
- Expensive equipment shown to be unnecessary in a
new process
9Other Benefits
- Better monitoring of processes
- Better involvement of people
- Staff morale is raised
- Waste is reduced
- Throughput is increased
- Profits go up
10Tools of the trade
- Measurement
- Logical problem solving
- Data analysis
- Process capability
- Empowered team formation
- etc
11Voice of the Customer
Concept of assessing customer wishes and giving
them what they want Links suppliers and customers
in supply chain Becomes easier to make better
products and protects market
- What can it do for companies?
Minimise cost Maximise output More information
than otherwise
13Teaching Company Schemes
Key UK Government sponsored Technology Transfer
- Government sponsored up to 70
- for graduate on substantial project
- over 2 years working at the Company
- with academic supervision from partner University
- We employ the graduate
14ISRU have had TCS with
- Amersham International
- Boots
- Wavin Industrial Products
- ICI Quality Award
- Food for Thought
- Villa Soft Drinks
- RR Donnelley
- Glaxo Best Practice Award
15 European Research Projects
16Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in Steel Rails
6 Labs mostly major European Steel producers Two
stages - Fractional design - material
constraints New way of determining stages of
crack growth based upon plots of moving average
of MSE through a derived curve New European
Standard First time that a balanced Factorial
array has been embedded in EC research contract?!
17Transient Pressures
Safety of water and sewage systems Pressure
Hammer - Dangerous 6 partners - great interest
throughout World Large rigs in Italy and Holland
- The Watterloop - filling in the Zieder - Zee
Petrochemical Industry applications Safety
(risks) Model Experimental Design - Uncertainty
in constants largely unknown!
18Firemens Boots
Safety Standards for footwear Many Partners -
mostly in Scandinavia Questionnaire for
Firemen Several experiments now
designed Eventually - Trial of new standards Side
issue - advice on stats aspects other standards -
Huge scatter - simple ANOVA can solve - standards
need urgent repair USA standards also have flaws
Find the hidden patterns in survey data 75000
responses from round EC ISRU approach - Screen
then Model Data Mining - The usual suspects - FA
/ PCA - Regression - C-Correlations - GAs Much
interest in Europe about Innovation WE may be
leading the field in this?
20Sensory Analysis of Butter
First ever international intercomparison on
sensory analysis in the Dairy industry 9 Labs
throughout Europe e.g. Lurpak - French Food
Safety Agency - 11 partners 4 stages - 4
experimental designs Sampling Protocol
-Fractional Factorial Used DoE - Compared to
ANOVA - this is best way see - Avery and Masters
21Recent Projects
EC 5th Framework - Competitive Growth - Water
Quality - CRM - Public health office - Microbes -
Industrial Experimental Design EC- Standards
Measurement and testing- Sensory Analysis for
Food Packaging Materials and Taste taints EC
Standards - Cyclic Oxidisation Testing
22Recent Projects
Thematic Network on Industrial Statistics 30
Partners across Europe To push forward use of
statistics in Business and Industry
Pro-Enbis Thematic Net on Water Surges 20
partners to investigate the effects of Waterhammer