1Survey Metadata Tool Data Management and
Information Delivery Project (DMID) 13 February
2008 1st African Digital Curation
Conference CSIR International Convention
Centre Pretoria, South Africa
Matile Malimabe
- Metadata in Context
- Official Statistics and Quality
- Enabling Quality with Metadata
- Tool Demo
- Conclusion
3Metadata in Context
Data, Information, or any Object that may be used
to Describe or Define Data Collected, Procedures
followed and Methodologies used during
statistical programs
4Metadata in Context Cont
- Why Metadata?
- To ensure Quality of Statistics
- By Documenting Production Processes, Techniques
and Methodologies used in Production of
Statistical Products - By Providing Information to Aid Analyses of Stats
SAs Statistical Products
Therefore there is a close relationship between
Stats SAs Metadata and Quality Initiatives
5Official Statistics and Quality
- Section 7 (a) of the Statistics Act (No. 6 of
1999) stipulates - The Statistician-General may designate as
Official Statistics any statistics or class of
statistics produced from statistical collections
by - (i) Statistics South Africa or
- (ii) other organs of state, after consultation
with the head of the organ of state concerned
6Official Statistics and Quality Cont
- Statistics are designated as official upon
meeting the following four requirements - Use beyond the needs of producer
- Sustainability
- Membership of the National Statistics System
(NSS) - Compliance with the Quality Provisions as
stipulated in the South African Statistical
Quality Assessment Framework (SASQAF)
SASQAF provides a universal framework for
assessing the quality of statistics within the NSS
7Official Statistics and Quality Cont
SASQAF Implications
SASQAF is one way of operationalising the Act
- Quality of Statistics will be Measured
- Failure to meet SASQAF Quality provisions
implies failure to achieve the Official
Certification for produced Statistics
8Commitment to Quality
Official Statistics and Quality Cont
Strategic Stats SAs Commitment to quality is
encapsulated in its vision to be the preferred
supplier of quality statistics
Operational SASQAF Defines 8 Quality
Methodological Soundness
9Enabling Quality with Metadata
- Survey Metadata Capture Tool
- Provides Central Storage for Metadata
- Provides Consistent Metadata Capture
- Captured Metadata may be Used
- For Interpretation of Disseminated Statistical
Products -
- As an aid to Training and Sustenance of
Organisational Knowledge
- Stats SA is developing (DMID)
- Standard Metadata Tools
- To Ensure Quality of its products
- Quality Framework
- To Measure/Assess Quality
- Metadata Tools
- Centralise Metadata for the organisations
Statistical Products - Maintain Consistent Metadata in the organisation
11Tool Demo
We will now show a short Demo of the tool DMID
has Developed to Capture Statistical Metadata
Innovative Technology Tools e.g. Survey Metadata
Capture Tool
Quality SASQAF Framework
Metadata Standardisation