Title: Aero II 39 Review of Fluid Theory
1Aero II 39 Review of Fluid Theory
J. E. Brandenburg EAS 3010 Spring 2007
- Review of Incompressible Viscous Flow
7Bernoulli Equation
8Vortex Ring Shooter
10Review of Fluid Theory
11Molecular Theory of Gases
Ideal Gas law P nkT n molecules per unit
volume kT ? average kinetic energy per molecule
lt1/2 mVth2 gt
12Continuity Equation
13Continuity Equation Cont.
which becomes as ? x ? 0.
l Similar analysis can be done for the
fluxes across the other four faces to yield the
continuity equation, which can also be written
as .
Water flow speeds up in smaller pipe nozzle flow
15Force per unit volume without viscosity
16Momentum Equation
High pressure gas
Expanding Gas flow
17Incompressibility Condition
18Incompressibility Condition
19Energy Equation without viscosity
20Energy Equation cont.
21Force on a fluid Element in Viscous flow
No point torques allowed
22Turbulent Transition
23Reynolds Number
24Transition to turbulence
At Re gt40000 flow in water pipe becomes turbulent
25Viscosity in a Gas
26Viscosity Cont.
Downward flux of y momentum
Net flux
Upward flux of y momentum
27Viscosity Cont.
28Laminar versus Turbulent flow
29The Boundary Layer
Near surface viscous effects create a boundary
layer that grows with distance and Reynolds
number grows also
30Turbulent Transition on a wing
31Turbulent Transition
32 Mars Hurricane
33Great Red Spot- Jupiter