Title: Introduction to Spinal Cord Injury Medicine
1Introduction to Spinal Cord Injury Medicine
- Suzanne L Groah, MD, MSPH
3Spinal Cord Injury Model System
- Originated in 1970
- Federally funded (NIDRR)
- The most comprehensive database on individuals
with SCI - Captures approximately 12-15 of new SCIs in US
4Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems
5Comprehensive Neurological ExamASIA will have
new meaning from this day forward
6Importance of Comprehensive Neurological Exam -
- Evidence-based
- Valid, reliable, consistent
- Allows for prognosis
- Neurological
- Functional (Rehabilitation goals)
- Allows study of interventions
- Rehabilitation
- Drugs
7ASIA Sensory Exam
- Sensory Exam
- 28 sensory points
- Test light touch pin/pain
- Importance of sacral pin testing
- 3 point scale (0,1,2)
- optional proprioception deep pressure to
index and great toe (present vs absent) - deep anal sensation recorded present vs absent
8ASIA Motor Exam
- 10 key muscles
- C5 - Biceps L2 - Iliopsoas
- C6 - ECRL L3 - Quads
- C7 - Triceps L4 Tib ant
- C8 FDP (3rd) L5 - EHL
- T1 ADM S1 - Gastrocsoleus
- Sacral exam voluntary anal contraction
(present/absent) - optional ms diaphragm (VC), abdominal (Beevors
test) , hip adductors
9ASIA Motor Grading
- Motor Grading Scale
- 6 point scale (0-5) ..(avoid /-s)
- 0 no active movement
- 1 muscle contraction
- 2 movement thru ROM w/o gravity
- 3 movement thru ROM against gravity
- 4 movement against some resistance
- 5 movement against full resistance
10ASIA Exam for Completeness
- A Complete No Sacral Motor / Sensory
- B Incomplete Sacral sensory sparing
- C Incomplete Motor Sparing (lt3)
- D Incomplete Motor Sparing (gt3)
- E Normal Motor Sensory
11Spinal Cord Injury Epidemiology
- Incidence
- 40/million
- 10,000 new cases per year
- Does not include those who die at scene
- 4/million or 1,000 per year
- Prevalence
- 200,000 400,000 in US
12Spinal Cord Injury Epidemiology
- Age at injury increasing
- Mean 32 years
- More people 60 years at time of injury
- 80 male
- Etiology
- 34 MVC, 19 falls, 17 GSW, 7 diving
- MVC 1 cause if lt45 years
- Falls 1 cause if gt45 years
13Spinal Cord Injury Epidemiology
- Neurologic level and completeness (ASIA)
- Cervical 50.7
- Thoracic 35.1
- Lumbosacral 11
- C5 gt C4 gt C6 gt T12 gt C7 gt L1
14Spinal Cord Injury Epidemiology
- A 49
- B 10.3
- C 11.2
- D 29.1
- E 0.8
- Thoracic usually complete
- Lumbosacral usually A or D
- Cervical A-D
15Prognosis for Recovery After SCI
16Prognosis for Recovery
- ASIA testing at 72h 1 week superior to earlier
testing - Repeat testing within 72 h 1 wk window
- Sensory exam better for predicting motor recovery
in LE than UE
17Prognosis for Recovery
- 50-67 of total 1-year recovery occurs in first 2
months - Slower recovery during 3-6 mos
- Motor recovery documented up to 2 yrs
18Prognosis for Recovery
- Motor completes plateau at 12-18 mos
- Motor incompletes plateau at 9-12 mos
19Summary of Recovery in Complete Tetraplegia
- Most regain 1 motor level
- At 72 hours 1 week,
- 50 chance of recovery 1st 0/5 muscle
- Nearly 100 recovery of 1st 1-2/5 muscle
- Sensation improves likelihood of recovery
- Greater recovery for C4 than C5 or C6
20Summary of Recovery in Complete Tetraplegia
- Initial motor significant predictor of long-term
motor and rate of recovery - Faster an initial 0/5 muscle starts to recover,
the better the prognosis - Most UE recovery in first 6 months
- Most with some initial motor plateau earlier than
those with no motor
21Summary of Recovery in Complete Tetraplegia
22Summary of Recovery in Incomplete Tetraplegia
- At 48h, if 0/5 motor but preserved PP
- 77 completes gain to at least 3/5
- 92 incompletes gain to at least 3/5
- At 48 h, of 0/5 motor but no preserved PP
- 1.3 completes gain to at least 3/5
- 3.9 incompletes gain to at least 3/5