Title: Microturbine%20Setur%20Rolling%20fluid%20machine
1Microturbine SeturRolling fluid machine
- Odvalovacà tekutinový stroj
- CZ 294708, EP 1 015 760 B1, US 6139267 RU
2185525, AU722378, CA 2268793, ZA98/2614
2The turbine operates on a novel hydromechanical
- The rolling body is of an axially symmetrical
shape and is located in the outlet cone
(Confusor). - The rotor is generally of half spherical or cone
shape (or similarly shaped body)
3The rotor shaft can be suspended at the top or
supported at the bottom of the turbine.
It always allowed to move a few degrees from the
center of the axis in all directions. The
passing liquids cause the rotor to roll on the
inside wall of the outlet cone. The rotor is
firmly attached to the shaft. Â
4The Micro-turbine can be effectively used with
relatively small flows or liquids, such as 4 - 15
litres/sec. and head 4 -15 metres.
5It can function in places with extremely small
heads (down to 1 m) and with flows tens to
hundreds of litres of water per second.
It can achieve effectiveness of 40 -70.
6It works effectively under difficult condition -
with unsteady heads and waters containing debris.
Produced electrical energy is generally stored
in accumulator (battery).
7The rolling turbine principle has several
advantages e.g. Precise rotation of the shaft
allows it to be used with various tool
technologies, such as water powered drills,
precise cleaning instruments, as well as
powdered water spray delivered by the way of
hollow shaft, and many other innovative uses.