Title: 1' FY09 GOESR3 Project Proposal Title Page
11. FY09 GOES-R3 Project Proposal Title Page
- Title GOES imager assimilation in GSI cloud
analysis for Rapid Refresh - Project Type 3
- Status Renewal
- Duration 2
- Leads
- Stan Benjamin, NOAA/ESRL
- Other Participants
- Steve Weygandt, NOAA/ESRL
- Ming Hu, NOAA/ESRL
- John Derber, NCEP/JCSDA
22. Project Summary
- Develop techniques to improve initialization of
3-d multi-species hydrometeor fields within GSI
via assimilation of GOES imagery data. - Develop code to read in GOES imager-based data
into GSI from NCEP prepBUFR - Test and refine cloud analysis technique using
GOES imager-based data within GSI - Write plan for assimilation into sub-hourly
imager data in GSI variational framework (jointly
between ESRL/GSD and EMC)
33. Motivation/Justification
- Supports NOAA Mission Goal(s) Weather Water
- Operational data assimilation systems have not
able to take advantage of GOES high temporal data
because of a lack of advanced data assimilation
capability - This work will demonstrate the use of high
temporal and spatial resolution GEO data in the
short-range hourly-updated operational prediction
models (Rapid Refresh, building from current RUC)
to improve short-range forecasts for
aviation/transportation and severe weather users.
44. Methodology
- NWP Models, Assimilation System, and Data Sets
- NWP model - WRF configuration for Rapid Refresh
(ARW core, Thompson microphysics (explicit
forecasts of cloud water, ice, rain water, snow,
graupel) - GSI for data assimilation component
- Build from initial cloud analysis module in GSI,
built from previous software for GOES cloud-top
product assimilation in the RUC (along with METAR
cloud/visibility, 3-d radar reflectivity,
lightning) - JCSDA community radiative transfer model (CRTM)
- GOES imager data - visible, IR, near-IR
- Exploratory Research
- Develop software to calculate observation-backgrou
nd (O-B) differences between model background
(1-h Rapid Refresh forecasts) and GOES
imagery-based fields
55. Summary of Recent Results
- Revised GSI cloud analysis code in continued
testing at ESRL/GSD in experimental
hourly-updated Rapid Refresh - Study of cloud retention from analysis to model
in RUC, resulting in redesign, especially to
ensure saturation in cloudy volumes after
analysis increment applied - Recent revisions to operational RUC cloud
analysis for - assimilation of 3-d radar reflectivity (17 Nov
2008) - improved use of GOES and METAR cloud data and
retention (17 Nov 08, 31 March 09). - Upgrades also being transferred to Rapid Refresh
GSI cloud analysis code - Previous history
- 2002 - Initial GOES-cloudtop product based cloud
analysis introduced to operational RUC (using
previous 1h forecast as background) - 2005 - Major revision to RUC cloud analysis to
add assimilation of METAR multi-level cloud and
visibility observations
6GSI cloud analysis for Rapid Refresh -- Updating
cycled cloud / hydrometeor fields with METAR,
satellite, radar observations - 4 March 2008 12z
7GSI cloud analysis for Rapid Refresh-- Updating
cycled cloud / hydrometeor fields with METAR,
satellite, radar observations
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10RUC 3h forecast of 1000 ceiling (IFR flight
conditions)-probability of detection
verification against METAR observations over US
every 3 h
2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009
Improvements in GOES-cloud and METAR assimilation
in Nov 2008 and March 2009 have led to major
improvement in NCEP RUC cloud forecasts
11N. boundary
N. boundary
- ESRL- experimental RUC
- - Assimilating GOES
- CTT/CTP/WP (water path)
- NASA LaRC experimental
- larger areal coverage
NCEP - operational RUC - Assimilating
GOES CTT/CTP - NESDIS operational
Cloud top height 15z 14 Jan 2009 - 0h (analysis)
12July 2009 NASA Langley producing larger-area
cloud products for RR including Alaska coverage
NASA-LaRC Cloud-top retrieval 1415z - 14 Jan 2009
Rapid Refresh - 0h cloud-top 15z - 14 Jan
2009 Assimilating NESDIS-RUC cloud data
136. Expected Outcomes
- Improved short-range cloud-top and cloud-base
(ceiling) forecasts for Rapid Refresh - Improved surface radiation short-range forecasts
from improved initial cloud fields - Initial GOES imager assimilation capability
within GSI for improved initial hydrometeor
fields for other NCEP models using GSI - Plan for direct variational assimilation of GOES
cloud imager data within GSI
147. Major Milestones
- FY09
- Software to read in GOES imager data into GSI
- Refine initial GSI cloud analysis data to
assimilate GOES imager data - Develop initial plan for assimilation of GOES
imager data into variational framework - FY10
- Implement initial GOES imager assimilation
technique as part of operational implementation
of initial Rapid Refresh at NCEP - Refine cloud analysis techniques, including
initial testing of variational approach
158. Funding Profile (K)
- Summary of leveraged funding
169. Expected Purchase Items
- FY08
- (75K) Fund 35 of scientist FTE from Jul08 to
Jun09 - FY09
- (75K) Fund 35 of scientist FTE from Jul09 to
Jun10 - FY10
- (75K) Fund 35 of scientist FTE from Jul10 to