Title: Low Proton Energy Running
1Low Proton Energy Running
2Adiabatic damping and aperture limitations
3Proton beam-beam Tuneshift
4Electron Beam Size Matching
5(No Transcript)
6Electron Beam-Beam Tune shift
7Lumi-scaling with Energy
8First simple Version
- Protons of 460GeV with Positrons of 27.5GeV
- Concept
- Do not touch the positron magnets in the IR
- Thus the e IR trajectory as in standard running
- Increase Beta functions and emittances by a
factor of two - Minimize distance between p beam envelope and GM
Mirror plate - Move all proton magnets GM-QR10
9Beam Optics
bxp4.9m bxe 1.20m byp0.36m bye
0.52m eNp16 mm exe
40nm eye 6 nm
e-Quadrupoles within 40m of IP not
changed Proton Optics
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11Beam-Beam Tuneshift
12Proton Trajectories for 920GeV and for 460 GeV
13Magnet Positions for 920GeV and 460GeV Proton
460GeV Magnet Axis Positions
920GeV Magnet Axis Positions
14Top View 460GeV/27.5GeV proton /positron
152nd Iteration
- ? Reduce GM magnets in strength and
- ? leave all p-magnets in the nominal proton-
- positron/electron positions
- ? Positron Lattice unchanged,
- positron IR quads unchanged
- ? Positron optics in the arc assume 60 degree
- ?positron/proton IP (-7.5mm radially)
- ? Optical Parameters
- bxp4.9m bxe 1.20m
- byp0.36m bye 0.52m
- eNp16 mm exe 40nm
- eye 6 nm
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17IR Top View
P-Magnets Nominal positron/electron
positions E-Magnets Nominal positron positions
18IR Top View Close-up
19All p-magnets are now at nominal positions
P-magnets axis
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22Effort to readjust magnets
- Discussion with surveillers
- für die vorgeschlagene "Lösung 2" mit einer
Justage von 3-4 Magneten habe ich die folgenden
Zeiten kalkuliert Aufmaß - 3-4 Standpunkte pro Seite (NR,NL,SR,SL) x
4 12-16 Std. Justierung von 3
Magneten x 4 12 Std.
12 Std. - Gesamt
36 - 40 Std. bei
Einsatz von zwei Trupps ergibt sich ein Aufwand
von 18-20 Stunden. - Spaeter geht es wahrscheinlich etwas fixer,
so daß es in knapp zwei Tagen geschafft würde.
23To Do List until PRC in May
- Match p Optics for left hand side IR
(Bernhard/Alexander) - Design trajectories for right hand side IR
(Joachim) ok - Positron Optics with 40nm (Mathias)
- Explore alternative p-Optics with larger Lumi
- GM weaker, GN-1 GN-2 stronger (factor 2),
GA stronger, 2nd GN8 off, need GN9, QR10,QR14?
(Ferdinand) done - Exact Calculation of e and p trajectories with
Mike Seidels program (refine Magnet positions if
needed) and generate magnet position lists, BPM
offsets etc(Joachim) ok - Recalculate SR deposition (Boris) for the case
the GMs are moved - Check to which extend magnets can be moved (April
5) (Michael/Peter) this Friday - Discuss with surveillers, make schedule
(Michael/Ferdinand) in progress - Lumimonitor Acceptance (Uwe/Guenther) no problem
for 2nd version without moving GM