Title: Diabetes Diagnosis, Classification and Aetiology
1Diabetes Diagnosis, Classification and Aetiology
- Theresa Smyth
- Nurse Consultant in Diabetes
2Definition of Diabetes Mellitus
- WHO (1999)
- a metabolic disorder of multiple aetiology
characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia with
disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein
metabolism resulting from defects in insulin
secretion, insulin action or both - World Health Organisation (1999) Definition,
Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus
and its Complications, World Health Organisation,
3Common symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus
- Polyuria / Nocturia
- Excessive thirst and appetite
- Weight Loss
- Lethargy
- Blurred Vision
- Skin infections
- Vaginal infections
4Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus
- Blood glucose levels - venous samples
- 1 sample is diagnostic if symptoms are present 2
samples if asymtomatic - Fasting plasma glucose of gt 7.0mmols
- Random plasma glucose of gt 11.1mmols
- Plasma glucose of gt 11.1mmols 2 hours after an
oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).
5WHO (1999) Definition biochemical - GTT
- Venous Plasma
- Fasting gt7.0mmol/l DIABETES
- Fasting 6.1-7.0 mmol/l Impaired Fasting Glycaemia
- 2 hour level gt11.0 mmol/l DIABETES
- 2 hour 7.8 11.0 mmol/l Impaired Glucose
6Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG)
- Fasting plasma glucose gt 6.0mmol/l and 6.9 mmol/l
- Intermediate state between normal glucose
tolerance and diabetes - Present in 5 of the population and increasing
with age - Has greater risk CVD
7Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT)
- Fasting plasma glucose lt7.0 mmol/l and OGTT 2
hour value gt7.8 mmol/l but lt11.1 mmol/l - Intermediate state between normal glucose
tolerance and diabetes - Individuals often manifest hyperglycaemia only
when challenged with oral glucose in an OGTT - 2-5 of people with IGT progress to diabetes per
year - IGT associated with increase risk of developing
cardiovascular disease
- Fasting Plasma Glucose only
- Simpler
- Reproducible
- Screening plus diagnosis
- Fasting Plasma Glucose misses out 1/3rd !!
9Diagnosis Random Plasma Glucose
- Easier to do
- Insufficient data to determine lower limit for
initial screening test - To increase sensitivity and specificity lower
cutoff - Australia
- RPG gt 5.5 OGTT
- European guidelines
- FPG 5-6 rpt FPG 1year
- FPG 6.1-6.9 - OGTT
10Steps in Diagnosis without GTT
- Step 1
- Symptomatic or Glycosuria of Incidental
hyperglycaemia - Check random venous plasma
- IF
- gt11.0mmol/l DIABETES
- gt5.5 mmol/l but less than 11mmol/l then Step 2
11Steps in Diagnosis without GTT (cont)
- Step 2
- Check fasting venous plasma
- If gt 7.0mmol/l then REPEAT and if confirmed
DIABETES - If gt6.0 mmol/l then need GTT
- If gt5.0 then consider annual check assess CVS
risk factors.
- Type 1 Diabetes
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Other Specific Types
- e.g. Chronic or recurrent pancreatitis, MODY,
drug induced - Gestational
13Type 1 Diabetes
- Formally know as IDDM
- Beta cell destruction autoimmune
- Tend to be under 40 years
- Tend to present with ketones and weight loss
- Usually Lean
- Markers of autoimmunity islet cell antibodies
- Family history positive in 10 of cases
- 30-50 concordance in identical twins
14Type 2 Diabetes
- Formally known NIDDM
- Disorder of insulin action and insulin secretion
- Usually obese
- Usually over 50 years but coming down!
- No markers of autoimmunity
- Family history positive in 30 of cases
- Nearly 100 concordance in identical twins
15Type 2 Diabetes
- Approx 90 of all diabetes cases world wide
- Maybe no symptoms - often not diagnosed
missing million Diabetes UK - Patients may have lost up to 50 of beta cell
function at diagnosis - A further 25 will be lost within 6 yrs of
diagnosis (UKPDS, 1998)
16Maturity Onset Diabetes in the Young (MODY)
- Uncommon approx 2 of all diabetes
- Relative insulinopenia
- Before 25 years
- Mutation in gene encoding for beta cell
- Different types 6 different genes identified
- 1- may not need any drug treatment
- 2 - may need insulin
- 3 - is often sulphonylurea sensitive
17Type 2 or MODY
18(No Transcript)
19Who gets diabetes?
- Estimated that 2 million people in the UK have
diabetes mellitus - ?750,000 to one million undiagnosed cases
- A new patient is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
every 5 minutes - The number of cases are due to increase to 3
million by 2010 - Diabetes UK Fact Sheet (2000) and Audit
Commission Testing Times (2000)
20Who Gets Diabetes?
- Diabetes is becoming more common
- Type 1 diabetes is increasing in children,
particularly in under 5s - Type 2 diabetes is increasing across all groups,
including young people, and particularly among
black and minority groups - Elderly
- 1 in 20 over 65s
- 1 in 5 over 85s
- 7 25 of people in care homes
- ¼ of Asians over the age of 60
- Diabetes National Service Framework Standards
Department of Health 2001 Audit Commission
Testing Times (2000)
21Three million by 2010
Diabetes prevalence (thousands)
Amos AF et al. Diabet Med 199714(Suppl 5)S1S85
22(No Transcript)
23Obesity and Diabetes
- As a country becomes wealthier so does the
incidence of obesity and diabetes - Coca Colonisation
- McDonaldisation
- 22 of women and 20 of men in the UK are obese
- Type 2 diabetes now seen in Caucasian children
due to obesity
24The Size of the Problem
- Microvascular complications - affecting the
smaller blood vessels - Eye (diabetic retinopathy), kidneys,
(nephropathy) and nerves (neuropathy) - Macrovascular complications affecting the
larger arteries - Resulting in coronary heart disease (CHD),
stroke, and peripheral vascular disease - 50 of patients already have one or more vascular
complication at diagnosis to Type 2 diabetes
(UKPDS, 1990)
25The Size of the Problem
- 80 of people with DM will die prematurely from
long term complications - Patients with DM can expect to live 5-10 years
less than someone without diabetes - 70-75 of Type 2 DM will die of CVD
- (BDA - Counting the Cost - 1996)
- Cardiovascular mortality
- 2-3 Xs higher in men with DM
- 3-5 Xs higher in women with DM
- (UKPDS, 1998)
- Glycosylated haemoglobin
- Average blood glucose over last 8-12 weeks
- Is not diagnostic