Title: Nomad
Theo Danzfuss Bsc(Hons) Tebalo Tsoaeli Bsc
(Hons) Jiten Rama Bsc (Hons) Hulisani Ratshitanga
Enabling closed virtual communities to
collaborate Asynchronously in a Mobile,
Casually-Connected environment.
History Conceptualization and proof of concept
implementation of the Hunter-Gatherer artifact
collection framework.
Up to now deliverables have been internal
Ramblings and Scatterings.
Future Deliverables - Commercially Stable
Software Implementation - Publications - Dist
ributed Resource Sharing Frameworks - Computer
Supported Collaborative Working (CSCW) - Mobile
and Wireless Communications
Sponsored By
Current Issues
Defending Nomad - Identify Characteristics that
make Nomad Unique - Comparison between Nomad
and other Groupware projects and Products
Definition of Artifacts
What do we see as an artifact ? How do we cater
for Composite Artifacts?
Language of Composition
How do we speak Nomad? Data needed to
sufficiently describe artifacts, composition ,
community, environment, etc HowWhere do we
store/distribute/interpret these ontologies.
Method of Communication
Implementation of the Hunter Gatherer Technology