Earthquakes in Vrancea - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Earthquakes in Vrancea


Earthquakes in Vrancea – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Earthquakes in Vrancea

Earthquakes in Vrancea
  • M. Radulian

National Institute for Earth Physics
  • Seismotectonics
  • Seismicity patterns
  • Source vs propagation effects
  • focal mechanism
  • seismic wave attenuation
  • anisotropy
  • Seismic cycle
  • cycle characteristics
  • numerical simulation
  • Coupling between subcrustal and crustal seismic
  • Conclusions

  • Vrancea zone location
  • Placed at the contact of three major tectonic
    units, Moesian Plate (MP), East-European Plate
    (EEP) and Tisza-Dacia Plate (TDP), Vrancea zone
    is an intra-continental seismic area.

Arc systems in Europe
Reconstruction of the Mediterranean evolution
(after Mantovani et al., 2002)
Seismotectonics Detachment model
  • Vrancea - last remaining portion of the slab, in
    a process of finally detaching or having just
  • Progressive tearing of the slab from NW to SE as
    the oceanic plate is consumed and the continental
    margin enters the subduction zone.
  • The age-progressive volcanism along the East
    Carpathians is presumed to be caused by the
    progressive tearing of the slab.
  • The concentrated slab pull causes enhanced
    subsidence in the foreland (Focsani Basin).

Detachment process
Sperner et al., 2003
Girbacea Frisch, 1998
Delamination model
The oceanic lithosphere subduction ended some
time in the late Miocene, and since then a
portion of East European or Moesian platform
continental lithosphere has been delaminated
along a horizontal mid-lithospheric interface and
dripping down into the upper mantle. The
delaminated lithosphere migrated SE some 130 km
into its present position beneath Vrancea
(steepening the sinking lithosphere dip to near
After Garbacea and Frisch (1998)
Inflow of asthenosphere into the gap between the
delaminated and unaffected lithosphere of the
subducting plate. It explains the magmatism and
extensional basins in the back-arc area.
Thermo-tectonic model (Cloetingh et al., 2004)
  • Cross-section located in the bend zone of the SE
    Carpathians. Scenario in four successive steps,
    from stable to unstable subduction. The
    instability manifests in an acceleration of
    sinking to great depth due to gravity stretching,
    strength depth zonation and the formation of
    double subvertical high-velocity bodies down to
    200 km depths domain.

After Cloetingh et al. (2004)
Vrancea seismicity
  • Romania is frequently hit by strong
    intermediate-depth earthquakes which occur
    beneath the SE Carpathian bending zone - the
    Vrancea area - between 60 km to 180 km depths in
    an unusual narrow epicentral region of 30 by 80
  • During the last century, five major earthquakes
    occurred within the Vrancea zone
  • October 6th 1908 (Mw 7.1),
  • November 10th 1940 (MW 7.7),
  • March 4th 1977 (MW 7.4),
  • August 30th 1986 (MW 7.1),
  • May 30th 1990 (MW 6.9).
  • The most recent moderate shock occurred on
    October 27th 2004 (MW 5.8).
  • Vrancea is the most concentrated seismic area in
    Europe. The moment release rate here is as high
    as the moment release rate of Southern California
    (Wenzel et al., 1998).

Romanian seismic network
Real time data exchange
  • -ITALY ( MN_AQU)
  • - GEOFON

Seismicity peculiarities in Vrancea
  • The hypocentre distribution is close to a
    bidimensional one (along a NE-SW vertical plane)
  • The background seismic activity is
  • Inhomogeneous structure of the slab
  • Predominant focal mechanisms with reverse
    faulting and a nearly vertical NE-SW fault plane,
    parallel with the seismicity distribution
  • Periodicity of major shocks and the deficit of
    earthquakes at intermediate magnitudes, between
    asperity type (M 5) and large (M gt 7) events.

Seismic activity
Background seismicity (1974 2006)
Background activity (M gt 2.9) Time step 6
  • Epicentre distribution of
  • earthquakes produced between 1
  • January 1995 and 31 May 2007,
  • located by JHD algorithm.

Hypocentre distribution on two vertical cross
sections centred on Vrancea epicentral area
(reference point at 45.5oN, 26.5oE) for a
catalogue of earthquakes occurred between January
1976 and June 2007. The crosses are for
magnitudes 4-4.9, diamonds for magnitudes 5-5.9
and stars for magnitudes greater or equal 6.
Seismicity patterns The simple geometry of the
seismic activity in the subcrustal domain (h gt 60
km) shows a few remarkable features
  1. the seismicity is sharply cut off at about 170 km
    depth (only one isolated event was reported
    below, at 208 km depth)
  2. the seismic activity is dipping from NE toward SW
    in a vertical volume extremely narrow on the
    NW-SE direction
  3. the density of earthquakes is by a factor of 5
    higher in the deeper part (around 140 km depth)
    than in the upper part (around 90 km depth) of
    the seismic active body.

The areas where smaller events (M below 5)
are preferentially generated are coincident with
areas where larger events (M above 5)
are generated. In other words, the probability
of generating a moderate-size earthquake is
increased for the regions where smaller events
where previously generated.
Our tests using different time windows show that
this feature is not dependent on time suggesting
the existence of a particular earthquake
generation process facilitating the faulting
process and stress release in these areas
(dehydration, fluid contribution, phase
transformation, or other). This specific process
is obvious in the lower part of the seismogenic
volume and is responsible for the inhomogeneous
and non random distribution of foci in Vrancea,
which cannot be explained by a simple mechanical
rupture process and associated stress transfer.
Seismicity Seismic activity distribution on
After Martin et al. (2006)
Slab inhomogeneous structure
  • Two active segments where the last 4 major
    Vrancea earthquakes were generated
  • A in the upper part of the subducted lithosphere
    (around 90 km of depth)
  • B in the lower part of the subducted lithosphere
    (around 140 km of depth)
  • Key issue
  • Can the zone separating the two segments generate
    large earthquakes or it behaves like a barrier
    (as it did for more than 100 years)?

Slab inhomogeneous structure
  • Fragmentation at large scale is revealed by
    seismicity analyses and the distribution of large
    events afershocks.

Frequency-magnitude distribution
  • The frequency magnitude distribution can in many
    cases be described using the equation
  • log N a - bM,
  • (Ishimuto and Ida, 1939 Gutenberg and Richter,
  • where N is the number of earthquakes having
    magnitudes larger than M,
  • and a and b are constants. (b with depth, b with
    time, and b with
  • magnitude).
  • The frequency-magnitude relation was established
    for large earthquakes (M gt 6.0) in major regions
    of the world. Detailed seismicity studies have
    revealed that the b-value varies within the range
    (0.5, 1.5), that it is sensitive to the choice of
    the region boundaries, time interval, and
    magnitude range.

Frequency-magnitude distribution
  • Variation of the b slope on depth in Vrancea
  • Low b values indicate zones of high stress

Frequency-magnitude distribution
  • Variation of the b
  • slope on time
  • 1900-2004

Fault-plane solutions
Mechanisms indicate tension in down dip direction
with variably oriented P axes. The structure is
clearly sinking into the mantle under the
tension. Note that the Vrancea zone is bounded
approximately to the NE and SW by the
Intramoesian and Trotus fault zones, major strike
slip terrain boundaries dividing the eastern and
western Moesian Platform and the East European
Focal mechanisms of earthquakes (Mw gt 5.0,
19772001) from the CMT catalogue (Harvard, USA).
Note the elevated topography of the hinterland
(Transylvanian) and foreland basins of the
Eastern Carpathians, and Quaternary extensional
basins within the interior of the bend region.
Topographic data from USGS GTOPO 30 (Smith and
Sandwell, 1997). After Knapp et al.,
Tedctonophysics 2005.
Focal mechanism
  • Compressive, thrust faulting regime. The fault
    plane solutions of the instrumentally recorded
    large earthquakes are remarkably similar. They
    typically strike NE-SW ( 220o) and dip 60o to
    70o to the NW. The slip angle is about 90o (i.e.
    down dip compression). The similarity of the
    fault plane solutions implies a particular
    radiation pattern and isoseismal curves strongly
    elongated on the NE-SW direction.
  • predominance of reverse faulting with extension
    along the slab except a segment around 100 km
    depth (Oncescu and Trifu, 1987 Oncescu and
    Bonjer, 1997 Radulian et al., 2002 ).
  • this kind of fault-plane solution is tentatively
    explained by a slab-pull down process which
    controls the kinematics of the system.

Focal mechanism
  • The recent results obtained on the basis of the
    CALIXTO99 tomography experiment (Martin et al.,
    2006) outline a high-velocity body more extended
    than expected from the seismicity data alone.
    The high-velocity body goes down to about 350 km
    depth. Although the lower portion of the slab (h
    gt 180 km) seems to be not seismically active
    (only one isolated event was reported at 208 km
    depth see Figure 2), the density excess
    relative to the neighbouring asthenosphere
    material, is able to induce a strong pulling down
    force in the slab. This force is responsible for
    the reverse faulting with vertical extension
    which strongly influences the mechanism of
    Vrancea earthquakes, no matter of small, moderate
    or large size.
  • To explain physically the presence of a force so
    strong to generate on average three major shocks
    (M gt 7) per century, we have to admit that the
    subducting lithosphere still present beneath
    Vrancea is attached to the overriding crust
    (Sperner et al., 2001), contrary to the
    hypothesis of complete detachment (Fuchs et al.,

T principal axes projection
Mechanisms of recent earthquakes indicate
down-dip extension
Dip angles of T axes on the seismic plane change
gradually like a peacock
P principal axes projection
Macroseismic field 1802 event
  • The largest event is considered the shock
    occurred in 26 October 1802 (MW 7.9), felt from
    Saint Petersburg and Moscow to Greek islands and
  • Collapse of all the church towers in Bucharest
  • a few churches entirely collapsed
  • a lot of houses were destroyed
  • the well-known construction in that time, the
    Coltea tower, was half destroyed.

Ground motion patterns Macroseismic field
10/11/1940, Mw 7.7
4/03/1977, Mw 7.4
1977 event
Ground motion patterns PGV distribution
Peak ground acceleration distribution for the
Vrancea earthquake of August 30, 1986 (M 7.1)
Peak ground acceleration distribution for the
Vrancea earthquake of October 27, 2004 (M 6.0)
Asymmetry in attenuation
Asymmetry Eastern Carpathians - Romanian Plain
Normalized Fourier spectra
Asymmetry Transylvanian Basin - Romanian Plain
Normalized Fourier spectra
Average spectra
  • S wave (comp. N comp. E)
  • Normalized spectra
  • Averages for events 990620, 990629, 990713,
    990807, 991012

Peak ground S-wave velocity distribution
Source vs. path effectsThe strong attenuation of
the amplitude toward NW is not matching the
radiation of the typical Vrancea fault plane
Seismic Tomography of the Carpathian Arc
teleseismic data
For the entire depth domain of Vrancea
intermediate deep seismicity (60-200 km) the
tomography analysis shows a strong contrast in
structure across Carpathian Arc (foreland and
back-arc regions). Note, two different structures
are separated by a thin band oriented parallel
with the Vrancea seismicity.
Tomography image for 70-100 km depth domain
(after Martin et al., 2005)
Heat flow
Map of the heat flow map distribution (after
Demetrescu and Andreescu, 1994).
Geothermal profile across SE Carpathians arc
(after Andreescu and Demetrescu, 2001).
  • GPS measurements (Van der Hoeven et al., 2005)
    and seismic wave anisotropy. Anisotropy obtained
    from teleseisms by Ivan (2003) - orange lines and
    Achauer et al. (2001) - yellow and blue lines.
    The line length scales the delay time, while the
    orientation indicates the fast polarization
    direction. Broadband instruments belonging to the
    CALIXTO tomography experiment are considered.

  • The retrograde eastward motion of the slab and
    the rapid eastward motion of the Tisia-Dacia
    block over the past 16Ma., as indicated by the
    GPS measurements, let to specific sub-slab mantle
    flow pattern. The dominant stress pattern in the
    lower lithosphere is rather associated to slab
    retreat than slab break-off.
  • The rays having back azimuths in the northwest
    mostly travel in the upper mantle wedge or within
    the slab itself resulting into relatively small
    delay-times and strike perpendicular anisotropy.
    Conversely, southeastward back azimuths are
    related to rays mostly traveling in the subslab
    mantle. Hence SKS anisotropy sub parallel to the
    strike of the slab refers to subslab mantle flow
  • The polarization direction mimics remarkably the
    GPS displacement field, including the strong
    perturbation along the Trotus fault (compare
    directions at F09 station and F11 station in Fig.
    7). The match is broken in the Vrancea epicentral
    area where both strike-parallel and
    strike-perpendicular polarization directions are
    observed. This correlates with the complex upper
    mantle processes concentrated beneath this area.
  • The results indicate a strong region of
    anisotropy in the South-East Carpathians (time
    delays of 1.5-2s), likely related to the
    subduction process.

Vrancea seismic cycle
  • In the last 100 years, several seismic cycles can
    be identified in the Vrancea subcrustal domain.
    Each cycle is characterized by a shock larger
    than 6.5 and a relative lack of earthquakes at
    intermediate magnitudes (6 to 7). Possibly, the
    major shocks are generated by a percolation type
    process (Trifu and Radulian, 1991).
  • We can consider four successive cycles since the
    beginning of the last century
  • A 1900 1940
  • B 1940 1977
  • C 1977 1986
  • D 1986 present

Vrancea seismic cycle
Successive cumulative processes in Vrancea as
revealed by Benioffs curves.
Crustal seismicity
  • To obtain an accurate image of the seismic
    activity configuration in space, we selected all
    the events recorded since 1991 up to the present
    with at least 6 P-phase readings per event. We
    obtained finally a set of 323 selected shallow
    events (h lt 60 km) occurred on the Romanian
    territory. We used all the available digital
    stations, both from the permanent networks (the
    telemetered network of the National Institute for
    Earth Physics of Bucharest and the digital
    accelerometer network, installed and operated in
    cooperation with the University of Karlsruhe,
    Germany in the framework of CRC461 programme) and
    from the temporary network deployed during 1999
    within the seismic tomography experiment
    CALIXTO99 (Wenzel et al., 1998).
  • We applied the JHD algorithm (Douglas, 1967) to
    locate the events. The algorithm is efficient in
    identifying possible systematic errors in data
    set (reading errors, inadequacies in station
    coordinates or clock, etc.) and provides station
    corrections. The location errors, measured as RMS
    of residuals, are in general below 0.5 s.

Coupling subcrustal/crustal seismicity
  • Concentration of crustal seismicity at the
    Carpathians Arc bend, close to Vrancea, indicates
    a coupling between the processes below crust and
    in the crust.
  • Epicentres distribution for selected shallow
    earthquakes (h lt 60 km) occurred between 1991 and
    2007 for different depth intervals empty
    circles, 010 km, solid circles, 1020 km, empty
    rectangles, 30-40 km, solid rectangles, gt 40 km.
    Hatched ellipsis roughly represents the
    epicentral area for Vrancea subcrustal

Coupling subcrustal/crustal seismicity
  • A few remarkable seismicity patterns are
    noticeable in the figure
  • (1) the cluster of earthquakes adjacent to the
    epicentral area of Vrancea intermediate-depth
    earthquakes (hatched ellipse) and partly
    overlapping this area
  • (2) the seismicity along the major Intramoesian,
    Peceneaga-Camena, Trotus and Sf. Gheorghe faults
  • (3) the lack of earthquakes between the
    Intramoesian and Peceneaga-Camena faults if we go
    away from Vrancea toward Black Sea and the lack
    of earthquakes in the back-arc region
    (essentially, no well located event is noticed in
    these areas).

Asymmetry/symmetry in seismicity configuration
Earthquake sequences in the foredeep
  • The earthquake sequences which frequently occur
    at the contact between Focsani depression and
    orogen (so-called Râmnicu Sarat area) are
    following the same trend of thrust faults
    paralleling the orogenic front (Tarapoanca et
    al., 2003), as expression of coupling between the
    shortening and collision of orogen with East
    European/Scythian block and foreland (Ziegler et
    al., 1995).

Distribution of epicentres for the main
earthquake sequences generated after 1991 in the
Râmnicu Sarat area. The epicentres of the main
shocks are represented by red stars. In all cases
sequences develop on NE-SW direction.
Earthquake sequences in the foredeep
  • Fault plane solutions of the main shocks of the
    earthquake sequence recorded in Râmnicu Sarat
    zone. Nodale planes assumed to be real rupture
    planes are marked by bold lines. P axis and T
    axis positions are shown by solid and empty
    triangles, respectively. The fault plane
    solution for the events of September 2005 are
    not well constrained.

In all cases, the aftershock distribution reveals
a preferential direction of migration, in good
agreement with the fault plane solution of the
associated main shocks. Thus, the aftershocks
line up approximately on the same direction with
the strike of the NW dipping nodal plane of the
fault plane solutions of the main shocks
  • Earthquake distribution in Vrancea at
    intermediate depths is unusually confined in a
    narrow volume dipping almost vertically.
  • Seismicity is located some 130 km SE from the
    Miocene suture position.
  • Predominant reverse faulting with extension along
    the slab.
  • Geometry of the fault plane solution for large
    shocks corresponds with the geometry of the
    seismicity pattern.

Particular geometry of the foci
  • Trajectories of high density of foci where the
    local potential for earthquake generation is high
    which are persistent in time.
  • Small and moderate events are correlated in space
    and time.
  • Extreme concentration of the small and moderate
    earthquakes at intermediate depth could be
    explained by the presence of specific geophysical
    processes facilitating the earthquakes
    generation. For example, the presence of hydrous
    minerals earthquakes occur in subducting slabs
    where dehydration is expected, and they are
    absent from parts of slabs predicted to be
    anhydrous. Thus, the sharp cut off of seismicity
    below 160 km depth could be ascribed to the
    stopping of dehydration reaction at these depths.
  • The tendency of earthquakes to occur at the slab

  • Earthquakes are more efficiently generated in the
    bottom part of the active volume.
  • It looks like that the bottom part controls the
    entire process. If our hypothesis is correct, the
    strong earthquakes in the upper part of the
    sinking slab, such as 1977 earthquake or 1990
    earthquake are generated in response to the
    preceding large shocks below (1940 and 1986,
    respectively), and all the seismicity
    configuration at shallower depths (including the
    crust) should correspond to this particular
    trigger mechanism.
  • Subsequently, we expect the future major event to
    be generated in the lower lithosphere (130 160
    km depth).

  • The largest events are the most infrequent, but
    the most important to understand, since they
    control the evolution of the system and are the
    most destructive events. The detailed seismicity
    pattern analysis suggests that recognizable
    patterns of smaller, more frequent events can be
    used to detect the generation of the next major
    event although reliable and efficient forecasting
    of the largest events is still questionable.
  • Numerical simulations to identify the
    characteristics of the preparation process of the
    strong subcrustal events originating in Vrancea
    region and analyze how they can be incorporated
    in a time-dependent seismic hazard assessment.

Slab pulling down effects
  • The seismicity pattern in the crust shows a clear
    asymmetry across Vrancea intense to the SE and
    negligible to the NW. The intensification toward
    SE is controlled by the pulling down process of
    the lithospheric plate still attached to the
    crust together with the rolling back to the SE.
    The asymmetry is apparent in the map of the
    Bouguer anomaly distribution, with a positive
    anomaly due to the raise of the Moho
    discontinuity beneath the Transylvanian Basin and
    a minimum value corresponding to the subsidence
    beneath the Focsani Basin.
  • As approaching the bending zone, the foci depth
    of the crustal earthquakes increases.
  • The most distinctive property of the earthquake
    sequences in the Focsani Basin area is the
    orientation of the rupture direction parallel to
    the Carpathians Arc bend in Vrancea rupture
    tends to expand in a NE-SW direction. We assume
    that this property is a direct reflection of a
    specific and localized deformation process
    controlled by a slab-pull down process beneath
  • The asymmetry in ground motion distribution
    around Vrancea seismic area may yield a strong
    test of slab detachment and continental
    lithosphere delamination hypotheses put forth to
    explain the unusual seismicity and volcanism of
    the Carpathian arc.

  • Vrancea an atypical and unconventional case.
  • Strong lateral inhomogeneities outlined by the
    tomography image, heat flow, seismic wave
    attenuation and thermal field.
  • They suggest the eastward slab retreat and
    decoupling between underlying asthenosphere and
    the slab itself.
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