Title: Regional Brain Glucose Hypometabolism in OIF Veterans with mTBI
1Regional Brain Glucose Hypometabolism in OIF
Veterans with mTBI
- Elaine R. Peskind, MD
- Co-Director, VISN 20 Mental Illness Research,
Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC) - Friends of Alzheimers Research Professor,
- Department of Psychiatry Behavioral Sciences
- University of Washington School of Medicine
2The Controversy
- Controversy about etiology, course, and treatment
of persistent somatic, cognitive, and behavioral
symptoms in OIF/OEF veterans following mTBI. - Do these chronic symptoms reflect persistent
structural or functional brain damage? -
3The Controversy (continued)
- An epidemiological study in military personnel
found that symptoms of chronic mTBI (except for
headache) more correlated with PTSD and
depression. - However, many skilled clinicians are convinced
that war combatants chronic symptoms of mTBI
reflect real albeit subtle persistent brain
damage. -
- 12 male OIF veterans with blast-induced mTBI
- Mean age 32.0 8.5 years (range 24-49)
- 12 cognitively normal community volunteers
- Mean age 53.0 4.6 years (range 49-56 7M, 5F)
5Neurocognitive Assessments
- Alzheimers Disease Research Center Uniform
Dataset - University of Pennsylvania Computerized
Neurocognitive Battery - Ruff 2 7 Selective Attention Test
- Controlled Word Association Test
- Sentence Repetition
- Wechsler Test of Adult Reading
- Test of Memory Malingering
6Neurologic Assessments
- Neurologic exam
- Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale
- Brief Smell Identification Test
7Behavioral Assessments
- Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS)
- PTSD Checklist Military (PCL-M)
- Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9
- Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
Consumption (AUDIT-C) - Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)
- Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI)
8Quantification of Cumulative Blast Exposure
- Numbers of exposures to blast
- Number of episodes of blast-concussion induced
loss of consciousness (LOC) - Date of first, last blast exposure
- History of non-blast head trauma (e.g.,
sports-related, motor vehicle accident)
9Quantification of Cumulative Blast Exposure
(QCuBE) - continued
- Intensive characterization of worst 5 exposures
- Type of explosive device
- Tamping forces
- Distance from blast center
- Tactical details, e.g.
- Open air vs. in building or vehicle, head/body
position relative to blast - Protective equipment
- Secondary, tertiary TBI
- Immediate symptoms
10Recruitment/Retention Progress to Date
- 19 OIF veterans with mTBI consented
- 27 more recruited (in past month)
- 14 completed all study measures
- 2 undergoing study procedures
- 1 refused LP
- 1 failed neuropsych effort measures
11mTBI Study Subject Demographics (N 12)
Mean SD Range
Age 32.0 8.5 24-49
Education (yrs.) 13.8 1.9 11-16
Combat Experiences Scale 12.9 1.83 9-15
CAPS 56.67 30.83 0-100
PCL-M 32.33 18.04 5-59
PHQ-9 9.75 8.53 0-25
AUDIT-C 5.58 2.5 1-9
PSQI 9.09 3.14 5-15
12TBI Symptom Questionnaire
endorsing moderate-severe symptoms (N 12)
Ringing in ears 10 Sensitivity to light 4
Forgetfulness 9 Fatigue 4
Feeling anxious or tense 9 Poor coordination 4
Difficulty falling or staying asleep 8 Numbness on parts of body 4
Irritability 8 Loss of balance 3
Sensitivity to noise 8 Vision problems 3
Hearing difficulty 6 Getting into fights 3
Poor frustration tolerance 6 Apathy 3
Mood swings 6 Disinhibition 2
Headaches 6 Feeling dizzy 2
Feeling depressed or sad 6 Change in taste/smell 1
Slowed thinking 6 Slowness in speech 1
Poor concentration 6 Nausea 1
Difficulty making decisions 5 Loss/increased appetite 1
13QCuBE Data (N12)
Mean SD Range
Years since most recent blast 3.5 1.2 2-5
of blast-related LOCs while deployed 1.0 1.35 0-4
All blasts while deployed to Iraq 13.0 14.0 3-51
Received medical attention in field 2.4 3.7 0-10
Total number of blasts without LOC 28.9 35.4 4-100
of blast-related LOCs while in military 1.0 1.35 0-4
All military blasts 29.9 35.9 5-102
All LOCs while in military (any cause) 1.5 1.88 0-5
Other non-blast head trauma ( of incidents) 1.7 2.0 0-5
of times knocked out in entire life 1.75 1.76 0-5
14Range of Blast Forces
15Performance on Standard Neuropsychological
Assessments in mTBI subjects (N12)
16Penn Computerized Neurocognitive Battery Accuracy
Scores (N12)
17Penn Computerized Neurocognitive Battery Speed
Scores (N12)
- Standard brain FDG PET imaging
- 10 mCi F-18FDG
- 3D Image acquisition (GE Advance scanner)
- T1-Weighted and Diffusion Tensor Imaging
- 3T MR scanner (Achieva, Philips Medical Systems)
- 8 channel sense head coil
- 3D MPRAGE T1-weighted scans
- Axial DTI of the whole brain, 32 gradient
directions - Resting-state fMRI for functional connectivity
- Cross-relaxation imaging of demyelination
19(No Transcript)
20Minoshima, et al. J Nucl Med 1995
21Composite Z-Score Map of Brain Glucose
Hypometabolism in mTBI Subjects (N12) Compared
to Community Volunteers (N12)
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
- Blast-exposed OIF veterans with chronic mTBI have
persistent glucose hypometabolism in cerebellum,
pons, thalamus, and medial temporal lobes years
after blast exposure - Cognitive and behavioral/emotional symptoms
resemble the cerebellar cognitive-affective
- FDG-PET findings appear to be independent of the
presence or absence of PTSD. - These findings support the hypothesis that
regional brain hypometabolism may provide a
substrate for chronic mTBI symptoms in
blast-exposed combat veterans.
26Future Plans
- MRI analysis pending
- Diffusion tensor imaging
- Cross-relaxation imaging
- Default state BOLD fMRI
- CSF biomarker measurements pending
- Normative sample of gt150 controls (age 21-50)
already collected - Dept. of Defense grant submission
- Iraq deployed control groups mTBI without PTSD,
PTSD without mTBI, neither mTBI nor PTSD - Longitudinal follow-up
27CSF Biomarkers
- Total tau, phospho-tau181
- A?42
- neurofilament low molecular mass protein (NFL)
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
- F2-isoprostanes
- Interleukin-8
- Beta2-microglobulin
- ? Acute markers spectrin degradation products,
S100?, neprolysin
28(No Transcript)
29Image processing and olfactory tract localization
Fiber Tracking
30Winner Society of Nuclear Medicine Correlative
Imaging Council (Walter Wolf) Award