Title: Space Management in Higher Education
1Space Management in Higher Education
- Mary Lou Downie
- Property Researcher
- Northumbria University
- 1994 Group estates and the importance of space
- Newcastle University Good Management Practice
Project. - Space management guidelines
- Review space management at your HEI
3Under-utilisation of teaching space ?
1994 Group teaching space frequency of use
HEEMS, 2002
HEEMS, 2002
4Over-provision of office space?
(HEEMS, 2002)
5Ratio of total property cost to HEI income
(HEEMS, 2002)
6Teaching income per sq.m.
(HEEMS, 2002)
7Research income per sq.m.
(HEEMS, 2002)
8Percentage of space in condition A or B
9HEFCE Funded Project Objectives
- effective space analysis and allocation
techniques - improve Estates utilisation
- accommodate planned growth
- develop a system for updating space data records
- tackle cultural issues
- provide sector guidelines drawn from best
10Key project areas
- Research best practice at 6 HEIs
- Space and utilisation audit
- Interactive space database
- space management policy
- space Performance Indicators
- Develop Guidelines
11What are the Guidelines?
- a basis for policy across the sector
- used at Newcastle to raise awareness and achieve
consensus - shed space and improve utilisation and quality
12Identify the institutions objectives and
- objectives address efficiency and effectiveness.
- strategy must support the HEIs mission
- at least one senior management champion.
13Space efficiency
- identify strategic target estate size what size
can the institutions income support? - frequency of use rates can be identified
- for all types of use
14(No Transcript)
15Addressing academic space efficiency is not
enough (HEEMS, 2001)
16Space Effectiveness
- PRINCIPLE Effectiveness of space is as important
as its efficiency - new standards agreed in consultation with users
- different uses need different spaces
- New working practices
17Management structure
- PRINCIPLE Responsibility for space efficiency
and effectiveness exercised energetically at top
management level - Supported by space advisory group
- PRINCIPLE collect for whole estate academic
admin, and provide compelling analysis as a basis
for sound decision-making - transparent to all space users, to encourage
fairness, efficiency and effectiveness.
19Utilisation surveys
- PRINCIPLE efficiency/effectiveness gains cannot
be managed without analysis of space utilisation,
disseminated at all levels.
20Utilisation data analysis
- Data required booked c.f. actual
- review data annually in the light of frequency
targets - act at senior management level
- adjust the number of teaching rooms to progress
towards the target frequency rate.
21Aims of utilisation audit
- free critical rooms/times/locations
- analyse space use,
- inform changes
- educate users.
22Central timetabling
- PRINCIPLE teaching rooms pooled for central
timetabling, for greater efficiency - all lecture and small group teaching rooms
- teaching labs
23Percentage of rooms pooled(HEEMS, 2001)
24Degree of control
25Space standards/norms
- tailored to the individual institutions mission.
- Base efficiency goals on target estate size.
26Space charging
- PRINCIPLE should create an incentive to users to
employ space efficiently by showing them its cost
and charging for it. - charge for share of centrally pooled teaching
space. - everyone must pay
- education prior to implementation
27Space charging
- PRINCIPLE will not drive efficiency if charge
per sq.m. is easily affordable. - Calibrate for target estate size.
28Space charging findings
- 25 of HEIs (HEEMS, 2000)
- costs included in the charge?
- operating cost of the estate YES
- maintaining fitness for purpose PART
- cost centres are academic not admin depts.
29Performance Indicators
- PRINCIPLE Using a range of data to link space
and business performance, for all uses.
- internal university data
- year on year
- promoting transparency and awareness
- business/space planning tool.
- Benchmark PIs
31The critical issue
- not the choice of space management systems,
- but the extent to which they are used to drive
space efficiency and effectiveness.
32Whats happening at Newcastle
33Space auditing
- Common user teaching rooms
- departmental teaching rooms
- computer rooms
- specialist rooms
- teaching laboratories
- offices
- research space
34Performance indicators
- Data merger from different sources
- enormous variations seen
- looking for trends and outliers
- need for critical analysis
- example research income per sq.m.
- hope to develop target PIs
35(No Transcript)
36Space management policy
- Policy agreed by Executive Board
- restructuring objectives
- need for multi-disciplinary approach
- contentious issues
37Review space management at your HEI
- How is space managed?
- What is the involvement/awareness of senior
management? - What space issues need addressing?
- 3 recommendations for improving space management.