Title: Bees
2Honey bees dance to tell their hive-mates where
food is located
- Round Dance is used when food is near. Bee dances
in circles, with food sample, letting other bees
know what the source is and that the source is
close. - Waggle Dance is used when food is far. More on
next page...
See video of waggle dance
3Waggle Dance is used when food is far
- Bee indicates distance to food by time spent
doing one dance circuit. - Bee indicates direction to food by direction it
waggles (1 5 below) relative to straight up
(straight up represents toward sun).
Drawn like this
4Waggle Dance
go away from sun
go left of sun
5Wheres the Flower? 1
Your hive-mate has found food!!! Where is
it? Location A, B, C, or F? Note that sun is now
to east of hive.
Waggle dance
6Wheres the Flower? 2
Your hive-mate has found food!!! Where is
it? Location A, B, C, or F?
Waggle dance
7Wheres the Flower? 3
Your hive-mate has found food!!! Where is
it? Location A, B, C, or F?
Waggle dance
8Waggle Dance 1
- Now you found food!!
- Which way do you dance?
- Left?
- Right?
- Up?
- Down?
9Waggle Dance 2
- Now you found food!!
- Which way do you dance?
- Left?
- Right?
- Up?
- Down?
10Waggle Dance 3
- Now you found food!!
- Which way do you dance?
- Left?
- Right?
- Up?
- Down?
11Waggle Dance 4
- Now you found food!!
- Which way do you dance?
- Left?
- Right?
- Up?
- Down?
- Hybrid between African (tough) and European (lots
of honey) honey bee. - Accidentally escaped in Brazil.
- Look like European bees, but behave differently
13Why Africanized Beesare more Dangerous
- Defend hive from farther away
- Get mad faster
- More attack at once
- Stay mad longer
14What made Africanized Bees more aggressive in
first place?
- A Bird
- The Honeyguide bird
- Directs people to hives
- Mutualism
- Thus the best defense is a good offense
- In Europe, there is no such bird and the best
defense is to stay quiet