Title: Welcome to Crow Country and The Absalooke Tribe
1Little Big Horn College Crow Agency,
Photo of sign http//www.nativeamericanbasketbal
Photos and PowerPoint by Brandi Suazo 2008
2Entering the college campus with a symbolically
empty mind, one will read
Without education we are the White mans
victim Chief Plenty Coups
As one leaves, they have symbolically filled
their mind with education and therefore leave the
campus with these words
With education, we are the White mans
equal. Chief Plenty Coups
3A Growing College Facility
The colleges original facility was a home and
garage. Its second home was in part of the
Community Action Program Building and two trailer
houses. It was later moved to this site- a former
Tribal Administration Building which has been
added on to. Now, the college includes a modern
learning center, the lovely new library and
archive building in addition to this original
4This facility was transformed into the Student
Union Building and is decorated with beautiful
murals painted during the colleges history.
and is home to a daycare and other
family-oriented facilities to help parents attend
In addition, the building provides space for
important support services like a TRIO Program...
It housed the library until the new building was
5The Learning Center was originally named after
Seven Stars. However, because he is still
living, his family asked to have the building
renamed for the time being.
Its new name is The Driftwood Lodges Learning
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7The Learning Center is two stories of classrooms
including science labs, conference rooms,
computer labs, art spaces and lecture halls.
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11The New Library
Dedicated June 11, 2008
12Where the Past meets the Future
The ultra-modern design of the library includes
the best green technology available today.
Further, the working fireplace is an homage to
the traditions of the past where people can meet
to pass on tribal histories.
13The NEW Facilities
14Throughout the new library, Absáalooke or Crow
historic shapes and colors are used to decorate
the space and to commemorate the motifs used in
past beading and other original projects.
The golden-yellow color known as greasy yellow
is special and distinct to the Crow Nation.
15The heritage of the Crow Nation is inherent in
their language since one of the most defining
characteristics of a culture is their unique
Here we see signs for the restrooms printed in
the English and Crow languages as well as in
16The library has several spaces to display
Absáalooke heritage and art.
This poster depicts the finds of a recent
archeological dig. During the dig, parts of pots
were discovered revealing that the Crow fashioned
clay pots. Until recently, it was assumed that
they did not make pottery.
The facility supplies ample space for replicas
and other important artifacts, art, and archives
to be displayed and stored appropriately.
17Administration Building
There are eight lodge poles here to reference a
tipi. Similarly, four larger logs are used to
represent those present in the assembly of the
18Honor is given to the past through the interior
designs of the buildings as well as the placement
of the buildings on the site and the décor on the
The four horizontal poles above the door
represent the pins traditionally used to hold the
tipi flap.
The two long, vertical poles and four shorter,
horizontal poles symbolize the traditional
Lodges are traditionally set up in a
crescent-moon shape with the opening of the
grouping towards the east. The chief would have
his tipi in the far west. Here, the library has
been placed on the far west of the site to
symbolize the wisdom and knowledge that a chief
would hold.
19Thank you for visiting Little Big Horn
College. Please come again!