Title: Diseases of Herbaceous Ornamentals Houseplants
1Specialized Master Gardener Training Diseases
of Herbaceous Ornamentals
Brian D. Hudelson Department of Plant
Pathology University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extensio
2Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsDamping-Off/See
dling Blights
- Pathogens
- Pythium spp.
- Rhizoctonia solani
- Fusarium spp.
- Hosts
- Seedlings of virtually anything
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7Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsDamping-Off/See
dling Blights
- Control
- Use a pasteurized soil mixture
- Use decontaminated pots, working surfaces and
tools - Moderate soil moisture
- Use a soil with adequate drainage
- Dont overwater
8Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsDamping-Off/See
dling Blights
- Control
- Germinate seeds at higher temperatures
- Use fungicides to protect seedlings
- Etridiazole, metalaxyl, mefenoxam, captan
- Applied as a seed treatment or drench
9Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsRoot Rots
- Pathogens Pythium spp., Phytophthora spp.,
Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium spp.
Thielviopsis spp. - Hosts
- Virtually anything
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20Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsRoot Rots
- Control
- Moderate soil moisture
- Plant outdoor plants in well-drained sites
- Use a soil with adequate drainage
- Improve drainage in poorly drained sites/soil
mixes - Add organic matter to improve drainage
- Use raised beds
- Dont overwater
- Mulch properly
21Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsRoot Rots
- Control
- Dont move contaminated soil or plants to
non-infested areas - Pretest soils/mulches/composts for the presence
of root rot fungi - Decontaminate recycled water
- Filtration
- Irradiation
- Chemical treatment
22Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsRoot Rots
- Control
- Use fungicides to prevent infections
- Etridiazole, metalaxyl, mefenoxam, fosetyl-Al
- PCNB, thiophanate-methyl, fludioxonil
- Use granular formulations if possible
- Use during periods of wet weather
23Diseases of Herbaceous Ornamentals Fungal Leaf
- Pathogens
- Many different fungi
- Alternaria spp., Cercospora spp., Phyllosticta
spp., Colletotrichum spp., Drechslera spp,
Bipolaris spp., Helminthosporium spp., Fusarium
spp., ad nauseum - Host
- Anything and everything
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27Diseases of Herbaceous Ornamentals Fungal Leaf
- Control
- Do not overhead water
- Do not overwater
- Do not overcrowd plants
- Remove and destroy infected leaves
- Remove and destroy infested leaf debris
28Diseases of Herbaceous Ornamentals Fungal Leaf
- Control
- Use fungicides to prevent infections
- Chlorothalonil, copper-containing fungicides,
mancozeb, maneb, myclobutanil, propiconazole,
thiophanate-methyl - Neem oil
- Baking soda (1.5 Tsp/gal) and horticultural oil
(3 Tsp/gal) - 7-14 day application interval
29Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsPowdery Mildews
- Cause
- Erysiphe spp. Microsphaera spp.
- Uncinula spp. Sphaerotheca spp.
- Phyllactinia spp. Podosphaera spp.
- Blumeria spp. Brasiliomyces spp.
- Oidium spp. Ovulariopsis spp.
- Hosts
- Virtually everything
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36Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsPowdery Mildews
- Control
- Remove diseased plant material and debris
- Reduce humidity
- Plant less densely
- Thin existing stands
- Use resistant cultivars/varieties
37Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsPowdery Mildews
- Control
- Use fungicides to prevent infections
- Dinocap, dithiocarbamates, myclobutanil,
triadimefon, triforine, sulfur or
thiophanate-methyl - Baking soda (1.5 Tsp/gal) and horticultural oil
(3 Tsp/gal) - Apply when humidity gt60-70
- 7-14 day application interval
38Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsDaylily Rust
- Cause Puccinia hemerocallidis
- Hosts
- Daylilies, Hosta (?)
- Patrinia (feverfew)
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44Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsDaylily Rust
- Control
- Buy daylilies from a reputable source
- Inspect plants prior to purchase for symptoms of
rust - Keep new plants isolated from established plants
- Choose appropriate varieties
- Highly susceptible
- Pardon Me, Lemon Yellow, Pandora's Box,
Little Gypsy Vagabond, Karie Ann, Colonel
Scarborough, Quannah, Ming Toy, Double Buttercup,
Russian Rhapsody, Irish Ice, Imperial Guard
45Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsDaylily Rust
- Control
- Choose appropriate varieties
- Moderately susceptible
- Happy Returns, Prelude to Love, Gertrude
Condon, Stella D'Oro, Joan Senior, Butterflake,
Wilson's Yellow, Star Struck, Crystal Tide - Least susceptible
- Mac the Knife, Yangtze, Holy Spirit,
Butterscotch Ruffles
46Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsDaylily Rust
- Control
- Destroy severely diseased plants
- Remove and destroy leaves from lightly diseased
plants - Use fungicides for to prevent infections
- ROTATE propiconazole, flutalonil, azoxystrobin,
OR myclobutanil WITH chlorothalonil OR mancozeb - 7-14 day application interval
47Diseases of Herbaceous Ornamentals Botrytis
Blight/Gray Mold
- Pathogen
- Botrytis cinerea
- Hosts
- Virtually everything (particularly flower parts)
- Hit list roses, peonies, geranium
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51Diseases of Herbaceous Ornamentals Botrytis
Blight/Gray Mold
- Control
- Remove and destroy diseased plant material
- Remove senescing plant parts
- Plant less densely
- Thin existing plant stands
- Do not overhead watering
- Do not overwater
52Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsBotrytis
Blight/Gray Mold
- Control
- Use fungicides to prevent infections
- Chlorothalonil, copper-containing fungicides,
fludioxonil, iprodione, mancozeb, maneb,
thiophanate-methyl, triflumizole - 7-14 day application interval
- Apply during periods of high moisture
53Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsSouthern Blight
- Pathogen
- Sclerotium rolfsii
- Host
- Many herbaceous ornamentals
- Some woody ornamentals
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56Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsSouthern Blight
- Control
- Inspect plants prior to purchase and avoid
infected plants - Remove infected plants
- Use fungicides for control
- Bayleton
- 14 28 day intervals
57Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsXanthomonas
Leaf Diseases
- Cause Xanthomonas campestris
- - pv. poinsettiicola - pv. hederae
- - pv. begoniae - pv. dieffenbachiae
- - pv. pelargonii
- Hosts
- - Poinsettia - Ivies
- - Begonia - Dumbcane et al.
- - Geranium
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63Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsXanthomonas
Leaf Diseases
- Control
- Start with clean propagation materials
- Follow strict sanitation procedures when working
with plant materials - Remove symptomatic plants
- Remove contaminated plant debris
- Disinfest greenhouses after production
64Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsRalstonia Wilt
- Cause Ralstonia solanacearum
- races
- biovars
- Hosts
- Geranium
- Potato
- Many other herbaceous plants
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66Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsRalstonia Wilt
- Control
- Start with clean propagation materials
- Follow strict sanitation procedures when working
with plant materials - Keep plants from different sources separated
- Disinfect pruning tools
- Disinfect hands when working with plants
67Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsRalstonia Wilt
- Control
- If you suspect you have the disease, contact the
WI DATCP - Remove symptomatic plants
- Remove co-mingled plants
- Remove contaminated plant debris
- Disinfest greenhouses after production
68Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsViral Plant
- Causes Many, many different viruses
- Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV)
- Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)
- Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
- Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
- Dasheen mosaic virus (DsMV)
- Cymbidium mosaic virus (CyMV)
- Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV)
69Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsViral Plant
- Hosts
- Wide-range
- DsMV
70Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsViral Plant
- Hosts
- Narrow-range
- CyMV
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81Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsViral Diseases
- Control
- Avoid pathogens
- Buy plants from a reputable source
- Inspect plants prior to purchase for presence of
disease - Have plants tested for viruses prior to
purchase(Agdia Testing Services, Inc.,
www.agdia.com) - Dont smoke around your plants
- Control insect vectors
- Remove or isolate infected plants/plant debris
- Remove potential weed hosts
82Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsViral Diseases
- Control
- Sanitation
- Disinfest tools
- Sodium dodecyl sulfate (sodium lauryl sulfate)
Alconox (1 1) - Alcohol dip followed by flaming
- Clean benches and pots adequately
- Decontaminate recycled water
- Wash hands, particularly if you smoke
- Chemical control
- None
83Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsRoot Knot
- Cause Meloidogyne ssp.
- Hosts
- Wide host range
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85Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsRoot Knot
- Control
- Use resistant varieties
- Plant non-hosts in infested areas
- Start with clean materials
- Use soil-less growing media or pasteurized soil
- Discard infected plants
86Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsCyst Nematodes
- Cause Cactodera ssp. (Cactus cyst nematode)
- Hosts
- Cacti
- Other succulents
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89Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsCyst Nematodes
- Control
- Start with clean materials
- Use soil-less growing media or pasteurized soil
- Discard infected plants
90Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsFoliar
- Cause Aphelenchoides ssp.
- Hosts
- Wide host range
- Houseplants African violets, ferns,
begonia chrysanthemum - Landscape plants Hosta
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94Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsFoliar
- Control
- Start with clean propagation materials
- Follow strict sanitation procedures when working
with plant materials - Remove symptomatic plants
- Remove contaminated plant debris
- Avoid overhead irrigation
- Hot water treatments (?)
95Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsAster Yellows
- Pathogen
- Aster yellows phytoplasma
- Hosts
- Many plants in the Asteraceae
- Many other plants in many other plant families
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99Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsAster Yellows
- Control
- Control leafhopper vector (?)
- Remove infected plants
100Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsNutrient
- Cause
- Nutrient deficiencies
- Nutrient toxicities
- Affected plants
- Virtually anything
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105Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsNutrient
- Management
- Fertilize properly
- Water properly
- Maintain proper soil pH
- Repot plants on a regular basis
- Pot plants into inert containers
106Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsPesticide
- Cause
- Accidental exposure to herbicides
- 2,4-D
- Dicamba
- Improper use of fungicides/bactericides/insecticid
es - Affected plants
- Virtually anything
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111Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsPesticide
- Control
- Apply herbicides only when needed
- Follow application directions exactly
- Apply herbicides only when wind speed is low (lt 5
mph) - Dont apply herbicides too close to nontarget
plants - Apply herbicides at low pressure
- Use amine rather than ester forms of herbicides
112Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsEnvironmental
- Cause Toxic compounds in the environment
- Fluoride
- Sulfur dioxide
- Ethylene
- Affected plants
- Virtually anything
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116Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsEnvironmental
- Management
- Remove the source of the pollutant
- Avoid use of contaminated water
- Increase ventilation
- Make sure heating systems are working properly
117Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsAdverse
Environmental Conditions
- Cause
- Temperature stress
- Water stress
- Light stress
- Affected plants
- Virtually anything
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122Diseases of Herbaceous OrnamentalsAdverse
Environmental Conditions
- Management
- Maintain plants at proper temperatures
- Water plants appropriately
- Grow plants in appropriate light
- Avoid extreme changes in environmental factors
123Plant DiseasesWhere to Go for Help
Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic Department of
Plant Pathology University of Wisconsin-Madison 16
30 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706-1598 (608)
262-2863 bdh_at_plantpath.wisc.edu http//pddc.wisc.e
du (http//wihort.uwex.edu)