1 NANO SCALE IMAGING Cheng-Lin Zheng Project
Advisors Katharine Dovidenko, Vincent
LaBella School of Nanosciences and
Nanoengineering UAlbany Institute for
Materials, University at Albany - SUNY Academic
Advisor Palmyra Catravas, Union College
- Introduction on carbon nanotubes (CNT)
- Two nano-scale characterization Methods Focused
Ion Beam Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling
Microscopy - Images Taken with Focused Ion Beam Microscope and
Scanning Tunneling Microscope - Discussion
- What are carbon nanotubes (CNT)?
- Visualized as 2-D graphite sheets rolled into
tubes - Carbon atoms in hexagonal array
- Electrical and mechanical properties determined
by atomic arrangement, diameter and length of CNT - SWCNTs and MWCNTs
- Properties of CNT
- Mechanical properties extremely strong
- High thermal stability and conductivity
- Can be either semiconductor or metallic
- Some issues
- Indirect measurement of CNTs
- Uncertainty in data obtained from indirect
measurement - Project goal
- Compare advantages and trade-offs of two
nano-scale characterization methods Focused Ion
Beam Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
(b) Carbon Nano Tubes of FIB
(a) Graphite Sheet Image of STM
Reference (a) STM image taken by Autumn
Carlsen, (c) and (d) Simulated
images, E. T. Thorstenson, Z. Ren, T-W. Chou,
Composites Science and Technology 61 (2001)
(d) Simulated CNT Image
(c) Simulated Graphite Sheet Image
4Focused Ion Beam Microscope (FIB)
- Main components
- source of ions (Ga-ion, 30kV)
- ion optics column
- sample stage
- secondary electron detector
- gas injection systems
- Secondary electrons emitted from the sample are
collected to form the image. - Applications
- Surface imaging
- Material modification sputtering, etching and
deposition - Implantation
- Cross sectioning
From FEI FIB200 Manual
5Images of a Sample Containing Carbon-nanotubes
Taken with FIB Microscope under Various
6Images of a Sample Containing Carbon-nanotubesTak
en with FIB Microscope Comparison under
Different Ion Beam Currents
4 pA Ga ion beam current
350 pA Ga ion beam current
7Cross-sectional Images of CNT Taken with FIB
(part I) Process of Cross-Sectioning CNT and
Images of CNT with Pt Deposition
8Cross-sectional Images of CNT Taken with FIB
(part II) Images of Milling and Final Cross
Section of CNT
- Process of Cross Sectioning CNT
- Locate CNT with distinct feature
- Pt deposition to protection CNT (11pA-150pA)
- Milling (1000pA)
- Clean cross-section milling(11pA-70pA)
9Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Components (constant current mode)
- Sample
- Sharp tip
- Mechanism to control the location of tip in the
plane parallel to sample surface - Feed back loop to control the height of the tip
above the sample - Keep constant tunneling current by adjusting the
height of tip at each measurement point. The
current-distance relationship is exponential I
?exp(-Vz) - Applications
- Atomic structure
- Topography
- Measure conductivity
10STM Images of Graphite Sheet
STM Images of Graphite
RMS roughness 0.223 nm
RMS roughness 0.311 nm
By Autumn Carlsen
- FIB and STM are complementary
- FIB measures length and diameter of CNTs
- STM helps to view the atomic structure of CNTs
by imaging graphite sheets.
12Thanks to
- Professor Dovidenko, Professor LaBella, School of
NanoSciences and NanoEngineering, University at
Albany, SUNY - Professor Catravas, Electrical Engineering
Department, Union College - Mel Stinzianni and Autumn Carlsen, School of
NanoSciences and NanoEngineering, University at
Albany, SUNY - Dean Balmer and Ted Balmer, Union College