Title: Machine Protection System Commissioning Plans
1Machine Protection System Commissioning Plans
- Jan UythovenMany thanks to the Members of the
MPS Commissioning Working group, The MP Working
Group and the LHC Commissioning Working Group.
Special thanks to R. Schmidt and J. Wenninger
- Introduction
- The Commissioning of the MPS has started!
- Plans for further Commissioning and follow-up
- Conclusions
- Core elements of the LHC Machine Protection
System - Beam Interlock System
- Beam Dumping System
- Beam Loss Monitoring System
- Collimation System
- Quench Protection System Powering Interlocks
- Injection System
- Together with other elements they will need to
guarantee the safety of the LHC equipment
protection - Detect any equipment state or beam state that is
potentially dangerous - Dump the beam before damage to equipment can
occur - This safety of the system needs to be guaranteed
(SIL 3) by - Good system design
- Redundancy between subsystems
- Redundancy within critical subsystems
- Reliable system components
- Careful follow-up during production and
installation - Thorough commissioning of the system
- Individual System Tests
- System commissioning with and without beam
4The LHC Machine Protection System Interfaces
Movable Detectors
Beam Loss Monitors BCM
Experimental Magnets
Environmental parameters
LHC Devices
Collimator Positions
LHC Devices
Safe Beam Parameter Distribution
LHC Devices
LHC Experiments
Collimation System
Transverse Feedback
Beam Aperture Kickers
Operator Buttons CCC
Safe LHC Parameter
Software Interlocks
Beam Dumping System
Beam Interlock System
Safe Beam Flag
Injection Interlock
Powering Interlocks sc magnets
Powering Interlocks nc magnets
Magnet Current Monitor
Beam LifetimeFBCM
Screens / Mirrors BTV
Access System
Vacuum System
Beam loss monitors BLM
RF System
Timing System (Post Mortem Trigger)
Monitors aperture limits (some 100)
Monitors in arcs (several 1000)
Power Converters
QPS (several 1000)
Power Converters 1500
Cryo OK
Vacuum valves
Access Safety Blocks
RF Stoppers
5Commissioning has Started!
- LHC Hardware Commissioning
- Individual System Tests of LHC on the way
- Experience of MPS equipment with the powering of
the first LHC sector - SPS operation 2006 and 2007
- Fast Magnet Current Change Monitoring in 2006 and
later in 2007 - Beam Interlock Systems following same design as
LHC BIS being used for - CNGS and TT40/TT60 (towards LHC!) extraction
interlocking - SPS ring interlock in 2007
- LHC-like beam permit loop with clients connected
to the dump through one of the 6 BICs connected
to the loop - Safe Beam Flag for CNGS operation
- Proof of the hardware and the design choices
that have been made - Experience concerning commissioning and
operations of systems similar to those that will
be used in the LHC
6SPS Extraction towards to LHC Using SPS
Extraction BIS
7SPS extraction BIS information
Signals as seen on an oscilloscope for testing
the interlock system
Beam Energy Tracking System considers dipole DCCT
and HV of extraction kicker Same hardware as for
the LHC Beam Dumping System (but reverse logic)
8SPS extraction BIS information
Bar graph summarising the status of the interlock
9Fast Magnet Current Change Monitor MBG 4101M
Interlock Triggers at 10-4 change of I nominal
FMCM triggers _at_ 3984.4 10E-4
3 FMCMs were operational last year and tested
following well defined procedures. Modified CERN
types (better adapted for pulsed magnets and
additional controls interface) will be installed
later this year
M. Zerlauth,Adapted DESY design
10LHC Hardware CommissioningD2.L8 presently under
Quench event at 17018 ms
- Presently being commissioned
- Quench Protection System PIC system
- Obtain experience with
- Tools for Post Mortem and Logging
- Sequencer
Current ramp
Current starts to change 17.027 ms
Quench heaters efficient 17.026 ms
Quench loop reading PIC 17021 ms
Signal to BIC
Quench detected 17018 ms
11Plans for (further) Commissioning and follow-up
- Thorough commissioning of the Machine Protection
System - Individual System Tests
- Part of the LHC Hardware Commissioning
- LHC Cold Check-Out period (machine closed, ready
for beam) - System commissioning with beam
- Different phases depending on beam intensity and
beam energy - Special attention to the links between the
different systems
Most hours of MPS testing before first beam, Some
systems completely tested before beam ?
12100 Tested before First Beam
Movable Detectors
Beam Loss Monitors BCM
Experimental Magnets
Environmental parameters
LHC Devices
Collimator Positions
LHC Devices
Safe Beam Parameter Distribution
LHC Devices
LHC Experiments
Collimation System
Transverse Feedback
Beam Aperture Kickers
Operator Buttons CCC
Safe LHC Parameter
Software Interlocks
Beam Dumping System
Beam Interlock System
Safe Beam Flag
Injection Interlock
Powering Interlocks sc magnets
Powering Interlocks nc magnets
Magnet Current Monitor
Beam LifetimeFBCM
Screens / Mirrors BTV
Access System
Vacuum System
Beam loss monitors BLM
RF System
Timing System (Post Mortem Trigger)
Monitors aperture limits (some 100)
Monitors in arcs (several 1000)
Power Converters
QPS (several 1000)
Power Converters 1500
Cryo OK
Vacuum valves
Access Safety Blocks
RF Stoppers
13MPS Commissioning Working Group
- Sub working group of the LHC Commissioning
Working Group - Six meetings since November 2006,
- 20 Members
- Two people per main system
- Engineers in charge
- a few others
- Webpage http//lhccwg.web.cern.ch/lhccwg/MPS/mps.
Mandate of Sub-Working Group on the Commissioning
of the Machine Protection System " Produce the
detailed (step by step) description of the
commissioning of the LHC Machine Protection
System and record the test results. " The aim is
to have a first version available by June / July
...but was defined with circulating beam in mind
for November 2007
That is going to be tight.
14Detailed Procedure for Each System
- Follow standard format for tests to be performed
at the different phases - Identical to LHC HC strategy
- To be published and approved by MPS comm. wg
members - Specific tests are listed and tabulated
15Format of the Procedures
16Manufacturing and Test Folder (MTF)
- Each Described Test is to be found back in the
MTF system - The Status of the Test (passed, not passed,
pending) and possible test reports are kept in
this system - Identical system to what is being used for the
LHC Hardware Commissioning - Many of the MPS tests will be done during the LHC
Hardware Commissioning - Need to have compatible systems
- MPS commissioning procedures can refer to LHC HC
17The Hardware Commissioning Manufacturing Test
B. Perea Solano
Organization of the stored information within
18Validation of the tests performed to the equipment
External Properties (LDB) Property Values
(test variables) Parameters (historical
Report documents, journals, EDMS, etc.
19Within MTF specific reports (views) can be
created to show the progress of the commissioning
as an example by region for all the systems
20Status of Written Procedures
- Some of the procedures exist and are well
advanced, (almost) ready for distribution within
edms - PIC, FMCM, Vacuum System
- Advanced (already presented)
- BIS system, BLM system
- Next presentations
- Injection System, WIC System
- Outstanding main systems (but already worked
upon) - Beam Dumping System, Collimation System
- Other systems need to be assigned to people to
write procedures - Experiments, RF Feedback, Aperture Kickers AC
dipole, Safe Beam Flag etc. - After comments and approval to be described in
MTF - Results of tests to be entered in MTF
- Custom reports to be created to follow progress
21Different Procedures Work in other Groups
- LHC Hardware Commissioning WG
- Procedures per System create for MPS if it does
not exist - LHC Commissioning Working Group
- Procedures are given per phase of LHC
Commissioning - First Injection (pilot), energy ramp, increasing
the intensity etc. - MPS commissioning
- Procedures are per System, over all phases
22Besides Procedures
- MPS Commissioning Working Group is a forum to
discuss different items related to the MPS
commissioning and operation - Establishes a team of experts who can be called
in during LHC operation when required - Training for Engineers In Charge
23Topics concerning the MPS under discussion in the
different working groups
- BLM operation
- Which thresholds to set?
- Proposed 30 of quench level, for the arcs, this
concerns operational efficiency and not machine
protection - When and How to change BLM settings?
- Are remote changes via Management of Critical
Settings more risky than a local change? - Procedure for disabling single BLMs when required
- Protection settings (collimators) during the
different phases of LHC commissioning - Relation with limits on beam parameters (beta
beta, orbit etc.) during the different
commissioning phases - Interlocking Strategy of the Aperture kicker and
Ac Dipole - Based on keys and LHC Safe Beam Flag
- The Commissioning of the LHC Machine Protection
System has already started - LHC Hardware Commissioning
- SPS extraction and ring Beam Interlock System,
FMCM - Proof of the hardware design choices that have
been made - Experience concerning commissioning and
operations of systems similar to those that will
be used in the LHC - To guarantee a Safe LHC operation, the
commissioning procedures of the different MPS
components - Are being described in detail following a fixed
format, distributed and agreed upon - Will be followed up in the Manufacturing and Test
Folder - A lot of work still to be done
- On paper (procedures, MTF, reports)
- In reality, following the paper work
- The fruits of the work should be
- Limited confusion during LHC commissioning, with
and without beam - Never see the destructive potential of the LHC
being confirmed