Karl Marx - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Karl Marx


Marx used John Locke's labor theory of value to demonstrate how capitalists were taking the surplus value of labors efforts to empower themselves. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Karl Marx

Karl Marx
  • Ethan Fishman

  • Karl Marx has had profoundly practical impact on
    world politics in late 19th and early 20th
  • He was born on May 5th, 1818 in Trier to a
    Lutheran converted family descended from Jewish
    Rabbis and Scholars.
  • Marx began his education at the University of
    Bonn and then transferred to continue his studies
    at the University of Berlin where he came under
    the influence of Hegelian philosophy.

Life - Continued
  • Georg Hegel argued that human events progress
    dialectically through periods of stability and
    violence driven by the idea or spirit of history.
  • The young Hegelians, a group to which Marx
    belonged, antagonized the Prussian monarchy by
    arguing that the time of Prussian absolutism was
  • Marx began a journalistic career in 1841 working
    for the Rheinische Zeitung after completing his
    doctorate. Because of its critical tone, the
    journal was shut down by the government.

Life - Continued
  • Marx fled to Paris and began work on The Economic
    and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, a work that
    displays the influence of Ludwig Feuerbach and is
    associated with an understanding of Marx as a
    humanist as opposed to the historical determinist
    contained in later works.
  • In 1843, he married Jenny Westphalen and later
    met Friedrich Engels (1820 1895), a wealthy
    textile manufacturer who became Marxs lifetime
    intellectual collaborator and financial supporter.

Life - Continue
  • For his work with the Franzoesische Jahrbuecher,
    Marx was expelled from France.
  • He settled in Brussels and joined the Communist
  • During this time, Marx published the Communist
    Manifesto of 1848 that explained the difference
    between the Leagues philosophy and the
    philosophy of Saint Simon, Fourier, Owen,
    Bakunin, and Proudhon.

Life - Continued
  • The Manifesto ends with these famous words
  • Let the ruling class tremble at a Communist
    revolution. The proletarians have nothing to
    lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
    Working men of all countries, unite!
  • Marxs words appeared prophetic as revolutions
    and class warfare swept Europe.
  • Marx emphasized practice (praxis) the
    transformative power of philosophy.
  • The philosophers have only interpreted the
    world, in various ways the point, however, is to
    change it.

Life - continued
  • In 1849, Marx fled the forces of reaction to
    London where he lived in poverty and had three
    children die.
  • Marxs time in London was spent in the reading
    room of the British Museum and in organizing the
    International Workingmens Association.
  • Isaiah Berlin paints a picture of Marx
    highlighting his strength of convictions and his
    intolerance for those not convinced by his logic.
  • Marx died in 1883. Engels noted
  • Fighting was his element. And he fought with a
    passion, a tenacity and a success which few could
    rival (H)e died, beloved, revered and mourned by
    millions of revolutionary fellow workers from
    mines of Siberia to the coasts of California, in
    all points of Europe and America. His name will
    endure through the ages, and so also will his

Questions for Reflection
  • What did Marx mean by Praxis?

Historical Materialism
  • Marx turns Hegel up side down and examines the
    dialectic as a material process (historical
    materialism) as opposed to a spiritual or
    metaphysical process.
  • This material dialectic unfolds in the following
  • Thesis establishes stability
  • Anti-thesis violently challenges existing order
  • A synthesis emerges establishing a new stable

Historical Materialism - continued
  • The stages of Marxs materialist conception of
  • Primitive Communism
  • Slavery
  • Feudal Lords
  • Capitalism
  • Advanced Communism
  • Engels Socialism Utopian and Scientific
    articulated the fundamental importance of
    economics to understanding human history.
  • The final causes of all social changes and
    political revolutions are to be sought, not in
    mens brains, not in mens better insight into
    eternal truth and justice, but in changes in the
    modes of production and exchange. They are to be
    sought not in philosophy, but in the economics of
    each particular epoch.

Historical Materialism - continued
  • The forces of production (technology people use)
    and the relations of production (the division of
    labor) are exploitative as long as classes exist.
  • These forces and relations are the substructure
    (economic conditions) that produces the
    superstructure of society (political, social,
    religious, legal, educational, and cultural
  • Marxs position can be interpreted as
    deterministic or humanistic. Totalitarians have
    tended to emphasize inevitability, whereas his
    collaborator, Engels, takes a more nuanced

The Materialist Conception of History, From
German Ideology
  • The first historical fact is the production of
    material life itself. Therefore in any
    interpretation of history one has first of all to
    observe this fundamental fact in all its
    significance and all its implications and to
    accord it its due importance. It is well known
    that the Germans have never done this, and they
    have never, therefore, had an earthly basis for
    history and consequently never a historian.

Marx and Determinism, From A Contribution to the
Critique of Political Economy
  • In broad outlines Asiatic, ancient, feudal, and
    modern bourgeois modes of production can be
    designated as progressive epochs in the economic
    formation of society. The bourgeois relations of
    production are the last antagonistic form of the
    social process of production antagonistic not
    in the sense of individual antagonism, but of one
    arising from the social conditions of life of the
    individuals at the same time the productive
    forces developing in the womb of bourgeois
    society create the material conditions for the
    solution of that antagonism. The social
    formation brings, therefore, the prehistory of
    human society to a close.

Questions for Reflection
  • Would you describe Marx as a humanist or a
    determinist? Why?

Marxist Anthropology
  • Lewis Morgan (1818-1881), an American
    anthropologist argued that primitive peoples
    lived in communism offering Marx a starting point
    for his understanding of dialectical evolution.
  • Specialization led to slavery and technological
    innovation led to feudalism.
  • Capitalism replaced feudalism because of similar
    technological advances creating two conflicting
    classes, the bourgeoisie (the exploiters) and the
    proletariat (the exploited).

Marxist Anthropology - Continued
  • As economic crises multiply, the proletariat will
    unite and overthrow the bourgeoisie ushering in
    advanced communism.
  • Advanced communism will be similar to primitive
    communism with the addition of material abundance
    supplied by a higher technological base.
  • The false consciousness of exploitative
    morality will be replaced by an authentically
    human morality.
  • Religion will be unnecessary since it was merely
    a tool exploiters used to control the exploited.

Marxist Anthropology - Continued
  • Traditional family relationships will also go by
    the way side as the material reality of those
    relationships is displaced by the new mode of
    production and distribution.
  • The new mode of production will enable each to
    contribute according to ability and take
    according to need.
  • There will be an interim period before advanced
    communism involving the dictatorship of the
    proletariat where violence and force are used to
    bring about advanced communism.
  • Marxs embrace of the necessity of revolution and
    the ensuing violence and force led him to reject
    thinkers who did not see such a necessity as
    utopian socialists.

Engels, Anti-Duhring, 1878
  • We therefore reject every attempt to impose on us
    any moral dogma whatsoever as an eternal,
    ultimate and forever immutable ethical law on the
    pretext that the moral world, too, has its
    permanent principle which stand above history and
    the differences between nations. We maintain on
    the contrary that all moral theories have been
    hitherto the product in the last analysis, of the
    economic conditions of society obtaining at the
    time A really human morality which stands above
    class antagonisms and above any recollection of
    them becomes possible only at a stage of society
    which has not only overcome class antagonisms but
    has even forgotten them in practical life.

Questions for Reflection
  • Was Marx mistaken in not calling for a strict
    political accountability of the political
    leadership to the rank-and-file proletariat?

Theory of Alienation
  • Humans find the cosmos as a hostile place.
  • For Hegel, thinking about the universe and
    framing it within concepts offers the peace of
    mind we seek.
  • For Marx, creative labor to produce what we need
    for survival is the way for overcoming this
    alienated experience. Class structure and the
    division of labor negate possibilities of
    creativity and exacerbate human creativity.
  • Capitalism combats creative labor in three ways
  • By separating labor from its products, capitalism
    robs workers of pride in their craft.
  • Avaricious competition turns workers against each
    other and replaces quantity for quality as
    innovation and creativity are excluded from work.
  • The bourgeoisie maximally exploits the worker
    bringing the quality of the workers life to a
    low point in human history.

Theory of Alienation - Continued
  • Despite his criticisms, Marx does not consider
    capitalism an immoral system.
  • According to his understanding of history,
    capitalism is a necessary stage to bring about
    advanced communism.
  • After the dictatorship of the proletariat passes,
    the alienation of the workers will cease.
  • Machines will deal with the tedium and boredom of
    labor and man will become the real, conscious
    lord(s) of Nature.

Questions for Reflection
  • What did Marx think of democratic socialists such
    as the Labor Party in England?

The Alienation of Labor, From Economic and
Philosophic Manuscripts
  • As a result, therefore, man (the worker) no
    longer feels himself to be freely active in any
    but his animal functions eating, drinking,
    procreating, or at most in his dwelling and in
    dressing-up, etc. and in his human functions he
    no longer feels himself to be anything but an
    animal. What is animal becomes human and what is
    human becomes animal.

Engels On The Kingdom of Freedom, from
Socialism Utopian and Scientific
  • With the seizing of the means of production by
    society, production of commodities is done away
    with, and, simultaneously, the mastery of the
    product over the producer. Anarchy in social
    production is replaced by systematic, definite
    organization. The struggle for individual
    existence disappears. Then for the first time
    man, in a certain sense, is finally marked off
    from the rest of the animal kingdom, and emerges
    from mere animal conditions of existence into
    really human ones. The whole sphere of the
    conditions of life which environ man, and which
    have hitherto ruled man, who for the first time
    becomes the real, conscious lord of Nature,
    because he has now become master of his own
    social organization.

Questions for Reflection
  • Do you think that Marx has a realistic view of
    human nature?

Industrial Reform
  • The theme and reality of alienated labor was a
    powerful enough reality to be captured in the art
    work of Charlie Chaplin in the film Modern Times.
  • After World War II, some companies organized
    workers into small teams that shared
    responsibility for creating a final product.
  • This innovation was adopted in the Scandinavian
    countries, Japan, and the United States.
  • Marx would likely reject such reform as a
    deceitful practice by capitalists to enhance
    profits that would merely delay the inevitable
    evolution of advanced communist society.

Theory of Surplus Value
  • Marx used John Lockes labor theory of value to
    demonstrate how capitalists were taking the
    surplus value of labors efforts to empower
  • As the capitalists sought to increase profits,
    they would rely more and more on constant capital
    (machinery, buildings, and raw materials).
  • As competition intensifies more and more workers
    will be released and many defeated capitalists
    will join the ranks of the proletariat.
  • Eventually the masses in desperate circumstances
    will rebel and overthrow the capitalist mode of
    production and transfer economic ownership and
    political control into public hands.

Questions for Reflection
  • Can reform of the industrial workplace forestall
    the proletarian revolution Marx predicts?

  • Marxists in Russia were faced by the problem that
    their society was too backward for a communist
  • V.I. Lenin (1870-1924) and Leon Trotsky (1877
    -1940) argued some societies could skip
    capitalism and move toward advanced communism.
    Lenin further argued discontented peasants could
    substitute for the proletariat as the engine of
    the necessary revolution.
  • Lenin argued a dictatorship of the communist
    party over the peasants and the proletariat would
    be necessary to prevent them from sliding into a
    stagnant trade union mentality.

Marxism-Leninism - continued
  • Lenin opposed anarchists dismantlement of
    administrative apparatuses and argued that the
    communist were ready to subordinate, control, and
    manage human beings as they were into advanced
  • Lenins unleashing of force and violence with no
    definitive end point created a legacy that would
    become increasingly dark as Stalin (1879-1953),
    Mao Zedong (1893 -1976), Kim Il-Sung (1912-1994),
    Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), Fidel Castro (1926
    today), and Pol Pot (1925 1998) unleashed
    murder and oppression to bring complete equality
    to the earth.

The Knell of Capitalist Private Property, From
Capital, 1867
  • Along with the constantly diminishing number of
    the magnates of capital, who usurp and monopolize
    all advantages of the process of transformation,
    grows the mass of misery, oppression, slavery,
    degradation, exploitation but with this too
    grows the revolt of the working class, a class
    always increasing in numbers, and disciplined,
    united, organized by the very mechanism of the
    process of capitalist production itself. The
    monopoly of capital becomes a fetter upon the
    mode of production, which has sprung up and
    flourished along, and under it. Centralization
    of the means of production and socialization of
    labor at last reach a point where they become
    incompatible with their capitalist integument.
    This integument is burst asunder. The knell of
    capitalist private property sounds. The
    expropriators are expropriated.

Questions for Reflection
  • Do you agree with Marx that only human labor, and
    not machines, can produce economic value?

Herbert Marcuse
  • Herbert Marcuse (1898 1979) one of Marxs most
    original late twentieth century interpreters
    imagined the life after alienation as being
    dedicated to creative labor, immersed in
    satisfaction of a dynamic culture, and
    characterized by a liberated sexuality.
  • The proletariat has been barred from this
    potential by being bought off by a
    one-dimensional consumer society.
  • The marginalized in that society offered a
    potential source for the needed Marxian
  • Needless to say, Marcuse was immensely popular
    with the Hippie generation of the 1960s and 1970s.

  • If Marx is a humanist critical of human evils, he
    is not original.
  • If Marx is an economic determinist, he is
    original but is troubled by necessary role of
    technological and economic forces to make a new
    mode of production recognizable within the
    superstructure of society.
  • It is also interesting to ponder why the dynamic
    force of the dialectic, so active throughout
    history would eventually stop.

Conclusion - Continued
  • There are strong parallels in Marxs thought with
    the religion he rejects.
  • The dictatorship of the proletariat and the Jews
    40 years in the desert to be prepared for the
    promised land.
  • The communist revolution is an apocalypse
    followed by advanced communism, which is an
    earthly heaven.
  • Man saves himself and Marx is the prophet of this
  • Does life always get better and have
    technological innovations tended toward progress
    or have there been regresses in human history.
  • Holocaust
  • Atomic Bomb
  • Many positive changes have occurred without
    revolution. Must a revolution inevitably come?

Questions for Reflection
  • Why is Marxism sometimes described as a secular

Questions for Reflection
  • To what extent have capitalist societies met the
    standards of political justice outlined by Marx
    in his Communist Manifesto?

New Orleans
  • Did the Hurricane Katrina tragedy on the Gulf
    Coast illustrate the evils of capitalism about
    which Marx warns?
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