CRE-SMI Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CRE-SMI Training


CRESMI Training – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CRE-SMI Training

CRE-SMI Overview
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What is CRE-SMI?
  • CRE/SMI Two different reviews
  • CRECoordinated Review Effort
  • Performance Standard 1-Meal Counting and
  • Performance Standard 2- Meal Components
  • General Review Areas
  • State Agency (ODE) Specific Areas
  • SMISchool Meals Initiative
  • Comprehensive nutritional review of School Food
    Authoritys (SFA) selected menu planning option

CRE review cycle and schedule
  • SFAs must be reviewed at least once every 5 year
  • SFAs are notified in August that they will be
  • Confirmation letter sent at least 30 days prior
    to review.

Hint Always be prepared!
Review Period and Number of Sites to be Reviewed
  • CRE includes
  • Day of review (the day we are on-site)
  • Review period
  • Review period most recent month for which a
    claim for reimbursement was submitted.
  • When selecting school(s) to be reviewed, ODE must
    use USDA required procedures.

of Schools in SFA Minimum of School to Review
1-5 1
6-10 2
11-20 3
21-40 4
41-60 6
61-80 8
81-100 10
101 or more 12 plus 5 of the numbers of schools over 100
School selection cont.
  • School Selection Worksheet.
  • Schools w/free ADP of 100 or more and 100 or
    more free participation must be reviewed.
  • Additional schools that must be reviewed
  • Elementary schools (pre-K, K-8) w/free ADP of 100
    or more and 97 free participation.
  • Combination schools (K-12, 7-9, 7-12, etc.)
    w/free ADP of 100 or more and 87 free
  • Secondary schools (9-12) w/free ADP of 100 or
    more and 77 free participation.
  • If none of these criteria are met, then optional
    criteria can be used.

Program areas to be reviewed
  • Performance Standard 1
  • Meal Counting and Claiming/Eligibility
  • Performance Standard 2
  • Meal Components
  • General Areas Wide variety of subjects and ODE
    specific subjects

The Review Process
  1. CRE announcement letter sent to SFA in August.
  2. ODE will contact SFA to set exact date for
  3. Second CRE announcement letter sent to SFA
    approximately 30 days before review date.
  4. ODE reviewers will conduct entrance conference
    with the superintendent and/or their designee(s).
    ODE reviewers may review breakfast service prior
    to the entrance conference.
  5. ODE reviewers will conduct an exit conference
    with the superintendent and/or their designee(s)
    to discuss the review findings. ODE reviewers
    will issue a Document of Administrative Findings
    (DAF) outlining the Corrective Action required by
    the SFA.
  6. The SFA has 30 days to adequately respond to all
    findings noted in the DAF. Should the DAF be
    incomplete or past due, the SFAs claims will be
    placed on HOLD until all review findings are
  7. If there are no findings or the DAF has been
    adequately addressed, ODE will issue a closure
    letter for the review.

The First Review
  • Breakfast and Lunch will be reviewed.
  • What will ODE reviewers be looking at
  • Applications/Benefit Issuance Process
  • Applications should be sorted by review school
    and Benefits Issuance Document.
  • 100 Percent of applications will be reviewed (ODE
    retains right to review less).
  • Temporary and denied applications.
  • Approved eligible student counts vs. reviewers
  • Applications will be checked for correct approval
    on income and family size.
  • Determine if questionable applications were
    researched before a determination was made.

The First Review Cont.
  • Direct Certification (DC)
  • Official ODE downloaded DC list.
  • DC list updated regularly?
  • Predetermined Eligibility letter for DC sent to
  • Are siblings of directly certified students
    included in the eligibility benefits following
    new USDA guidelines?
  • Is DC list only used for first 30 operating days
    of the school year?
  • Head Start Documentation
  • Are Head Start students enrolled in the school
    district in an academic program?
  • Is a statement of low income provided by an
    authorized Head Start employee? OR
  • A list of income eligible Head Start students.
  • Is the list new for each school year?
  • Was predetermined eligibility letter sent to

The First Review Cont.
  • Even Start Program Documentation
  • Approved Even Start application, or
  • Statement of enrollment in Even Start or a list
    of children in Even Start must be on file.
  • Confirmation of pre-kindergarten status.
  • Re-certify each year.
  • Runaway Youth Documentation
  • To document a childs runaway status and
    eligibility for free meal benefits, the school
    must obtain a list with each childs name and the
    signature of the local runaway coordinator.
  • Homeless Youth Documentation
  • To document a childs homeless status and
    eligibility for free meal benefits, the school
    must obtain a list with each childs name and the
    signature of the local homeless coordinator.

The First Review Cont.
  • Migrant Youth Documentation
  • To document a childs migrant status and
    eligibility for free meal benefits, the school
    must obtain a list with each childs name and the
    signature of the local migrant coordinator.
  • Master List/Roster
  • Is there a listing of all students and their
    approved categories by school?
  • The list/roster should include
  • Childs name
  • Approved status
  • Date approved
  • Date noting a change must be on roster or
  • School master list will be compared to all F/R
    applications, DC list, runaway, homeless,
    migrant, Head Start/Even Start.
  • Denied (paid) applications will be checked for
    correct approval and students status will be
    checked on roster to make sure student is
    receiving proper benefits.

The First Review Cont.
  • Documentation of any Changes
  • Any change on the master list/roster or the
    application must be initialed and dated by the
    person making the change.
  • Verification Process
  • Is the correct sample size based on October 1
    count of applications?
  • Is the district summary sheet completed?
  • Did the district document by application?
  • Was verification completed by November 15?
  • Were an adequate number of applications selected?
  • Were required income and SSN documentation
  • Is the Verification Record completed?
  • Were correct letters sent to households
  • Were changes to the master list/roster made if
    verification results changed eligibility?
  • Meal Count/Collection Procedures
  • Is the counting, recording, and claiming of the
    number of meals served to students by category
  • Is there adequate documentation to support the
  • Is the medium of exchange used correctly? No
    overt identification? Is the collection procedure
    observed the same as approved by ODE?
  • Is there equal access for all students?

The First Review Cont.
  • Point-of-Service Count
  • Is the system used providing an accurate point-of
    service count of reimbursable meals served (one
    per eligible student per day) by category (free,
    reduced and paid) each day without overtly
    identifying students eligibility?
  • Consolidation of Claims
  • Are the edit checks conducted to prevent claiming
    more students than in attendance?
  • Are edit checks performed daily (compare each
    schools daily claim against the number of
    students approved for free and reduced-price
    lunches, the schools average daily attendance
    and the schools enrollment?
  • Are on site reviews completely annually for an
    SFA with more than one feeding site?

The First Review Cont.
  • Menu Requirements for all meal patterns
  • Are all required components/food items available
    in correct portion sizes on reimbursable meal
    serving lines on day of review?
  • Are all items offered before the point-of-service
  • Are food production records complete and adequate
    to support claims?
  • Do the Month of Review menus meet meal pattern
  • Are CN labels available for food based menus,
    product data sheets for Nutrient Standard menus?
  • General Record Keeping Policies
  • Are records kept for 3 years plus current
    operating year?
  • Are approved applications (date approved, level
    of benefits, signature or initials of reviewing
    official) kept?
  • Is supporting information, such as dates of
    transfers, withdraws and changes in eligibility,

The First Review Cont.
  • Records to maintain daily
  • Is the daily record of Reimbursable Meals
  • Is the daily record of Income updated?
  • Are food production records completed by the end
    of each day?
  • Is the system that notes transfers, withdrawals,
    etc. updated as needed?
  • Are edit checks conducted daily?
  • Records to maintain monthly
  • Is the consolidation of school meal counts by
    category correct?
  • Is the reimbursement claim submitted
    electronically via CNPweb no later than 60 days
    following the completion of the claim month?

The First Review Cont.
  • Financial Records
  • Are financial records, purchasing procedures, and
    meal pricing available for review?
  • Is the fund balance from last year carried
    forward (positive or negative)?
  • Is the net cash balance less than three months
    operating expenditures?
  • Is all interest posted to Child Nutrition Program
  • Does payroll account for only Child Nutrition
  • Are meals priced as a unit?
  • Do reduced-price charges exceed maximum allowed?
    (40 cents for lunch and 30 cents for breakfast,
    public schools must have zero charge for
    reduced-price breakfasts due to Oregon law)
  • Are adult meals prices at least the free
    reimbursement rate plus commodity entitlement
  • Is there a bidding process in place? Is district
    purchasing awarded items?
  • Are state matching funds deposited in the CN

The First Review Cont.
  • Policy Statement
  • Is the district following all attachments to
    their free/reduced policy statement?
  • Civil Rights
  • Are disabled children receiving accommodations
    for feeding?
  • Nondiscrimination poster posted?
  • Is the nondiscrimination statement printed on
  • How is the district handling complaints of
  • Is the district providing/using foreign language
    translation applications, if needed?
  • Is there separation by race, color, national
    origin, sex, age or disability in the eating
    periods, seating arrangements, serving lines or
    eating areas?
  • Is there overt identification?

The First Review Cont.
  • Procurement Process
  • Do you know what the Federal procurement
    regulations are? If not review 7 CFR 3016.
  • Do you know what your local small bid threshold
    is? If not are you using Oregon small bid
    threshold of 5,000?
  • If you are purchasing below the small bid
    threshold are you obtaining at least 3 quotes?
  • If you are purchasing above small bid threshold
    are you using an Invitation for Bid or Request
    for Proposal?
  • Are all purchases being procured competitively
    with no restrictive requirements?
  • Is the Buy American provision being followed?
  • Is child nutrition required to purchase off an
    exclusive school beverage contract?

The First Review Cont.
  • Competitive Foods
  • Does the SFA have a board policy allowing foods
    to be sold in competition with school meals?
  • Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value
  • Is serving/purchasing of Foods of Minimal
    Nutritional Value (FMNV) in foodservice area or
    with CNP funds observed?

The First Review Cont.
  • Provision 2 Base Year
  • Is there a notification document to
    parent/guardian on file including media release?
  • Meals being provided at no charge to students?
  • Meals being counted and claimed by eligibility
    category of student?
  • All other eligibility rules still apply.
  • Provision 2 Non-Base Year
  • Is documentation of public announcement regarding
    Provision 2 on file?
  • Meals being provided at no charge to students?
  • Is the percentage of free/reduced/paid
    established in the base year being applied to
    monthly count correctly?
  • Are base year free/reduced applications still
    available for review?

The First Review Cont.
  • Food Service Management Company Operations (if
  • Is the contract being followed?
  • Is the SFA monitoring the management company
  • SFA employee completing yearly on-site reviews?
  • Is SFA filing monthly claim for reimbursement,
    establishing meal pricing, and retaining
    signature authority?
  • Is SFA monitoring free/reduced applications and
    verification process if management company is
    completing? Is this agreement in contract?
  • Does the SFA have an advisory board composed of
    parents, teachers, and students to assist in menu
    planning? Documentation of attendance on file?
  • Is FSMC following all applicable rules regarding
    commodities and rebates?

The First Review Cont.
  • After School Snacks (if applicable)
  • Documentation of education or enrichment activity
  • Attendance records
  • Snack Production Records
  • Roster/tally sheet of daily count of snack
  • Two afterschool on-site reviews per year
  • Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (if applicable)
  • Invoices and time and effort document Month of
    Review FFVP claim
  • Adequate amount of produce to serve the enrolled
    number of students in the school
  • Sponsor/school is serving a variety of fruits and
  • Sponsor/school following the Implementation Plan
  • Sponsor/school completing two yearly self-reviews

The First Review Cont.
  • Commodities
  • Is the district storing foods properly
  • Off floor, away from walls?
  • Cleaning supplies stored separately?
  • Old, excessive or damaged commodities utilized or
  • Annual Commodity Storage Evaluation completed?
  • Health Inspections/Food Safety
  • Has the school been inspected twice within the
    last 12 months? Most recent inspection posted?
  • Have violations been addressed, if noted on
  • Is HAACP food safety plan available at every
    production, serving site in SFA?

Follow-up Review
  • Review Threshold
  • Review threshold or degree of error in a critical
    area of review is exceeded and triggers a
    follow-up review
  • Review Findings classified as either
  • Non-systemic
  • Unusual factors contributed to the error
  • Systemic
  • An error is built into a system and would likely
    re-occur if no changes to system.
  • Clerical
  • Means the error may or may not be non-systemic or

Fiscal Action
  • If an over-claim is noted during a review, fiscal
    action could occur we take money back!
  • ODE has option to disregard any over-claim of
    600 or less per program.
  • Month of review claim (and possibly others) will
    be adjusted by ODE.
  • Eligibility errors normally go back to beginning
    of month of review to date of correction.
    Reviewer retains discretion.
  • Meal counting/meal component errors normally go
    back to the beginning of the school year to date
    of correction. Reviewer retains discretion.
  • ODE has discretion to go into previous fiscal
    years depending on severity of the situation.

Lack of Response or Documented Administrative
Findings (DAF) Plan Past due
  • No response
  • Claims put on hold until DAF received
  • Response past due
  • Claims put on hold until DAF received
  • Appeals Procedure
  • Available when fiscal action is assessed.
  • Cannot appeal findings.

Scope and Timeline for Follow-up Review
  • If Follow-up review has been triggered
  • Problem areas addressed
  • All other Child Nutrition Programs reviewed
  • Follow-up review must be conducted before
    December 31 of the following year.
  • If a second follow-up review is required, ODE can
    place a HOLD on program funds.
  • Eliminate possibility for follow-up reviews
  • Program termination?

School Meals Initiative (SMI)
  • Comprehensive evaluation of districts lunch menu
    to ensure compliance with the Dietary Guidelines
    for Americans.

Required Nutrient Levels
What must sponsors do?
  • Traditional Food Based Menu Planning (TFBP)
  • After the on-site visit by ODE during the week of
    review, you will send us
  • Printed Menu
  • Production Records for SMI week of review
  • Standardized recipes used
  • Nutrition Fact Labels for non-single food items.
  • Condiment recording form

What must sponsors do?
  • Nutrient Standard Menu Planning (NSMP)
  • Prior to the on-site visit by ODE, you will send
  • Printed Menu for SMI week of review
  • Menu spreadsheet detail report using portion
  • Recipe audit report
  • Nutrition facts labels for products used
  • Data entry for local ingredients
  • During on-site visit, ODE will evaluate
  • Production Records are being completed
  • Adjustments made to servings planned from
    production records
  • Data entry for local ingredients
  • Portion sizes used in analysis are the same as
    on-site day of review
  • Use of standardized recipes in analysis and
  • Verify ingredients used in analysis and those
    used in production
  • After on-site visit, you will send ODE
  • Completed production records for the week of

Compliance or Corrective Action
  • Whether on NSMP or TFBP, if any of the 8 required
    Federal nutrient levels are inadequate, a
    improvement plan will be issued.
  • If any of the 3 recommended state nutrient levels
    are inadequate, a improvement plan will only be
    necessary if at least 1 federal nutrient level is
  • If you meet all requirements you will receive a
    congratulations letter.

Lack of response or Corrective Action Plan Past
  • No response to information requested
  • Claims put on hold until information received
  • Corrective Action past due
  • Claims put on hold until corrective action

The whole point of the CRE-SMI review is to
ensure that money is being spent appropriately
and you are providing nutritious meals to
children that meet Federal requirements.
  • We are here to help. If you need any assistance
    in the operation of your child nutrition program,
    please call or e-mail your assigned child
    nutrition specialist.
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