Title: Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity: The Ecosystem Approach
1Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity The
Ecosystem Approach
G. Tyler Millers Living in the Environment 13th
Edition Chapter 23
Dr. Richard Clements Chattanooga State Technical
Community College
2Key Concepts
- Types and uses of US public lands
- Forests and forest management
- Implications of deforestation
- Establishment and management of nature preserves
- Importance of ecological restoration
3Land Use in the World
Fig. 23-2 p. 595
4Land Use in the United States
Fig. 23-3 p. 595
5Types of US Public Lands
- Multiple-use lands National Forests National
Resource Lands
- Moderately-restricted use lands National
Wildlife Refuges
- Restricted-use lands National Park System
National Wilderness Preservation System
6US Public Lands
Fig. 23-4 p. 596
7Managing US Public Land
- Biodiversity and ecological function
- No subsidies or tax breaks for use
- Public should get fair compensation
- Users held responsible for actions
- Takings and property rights
8Managing and Sustaining Forests
Ecological Importance of Forests
- Food webs and energy flow
- Local and regional climate
- Numerous habitats and niches
9Managing and Sustaining Forests
Economic Importance of Forests
- Fuelwood (50 of global forest use)
- Industrial timber and lumber
- Mineral extraction and recreation
10Forest Structure
Fig. 23-9 p. 601
11Types of Forests
- Old-growth (frontier) forests
Fig. 23-18 p. 609
12Forest Management
13Management Strategies
Fig. 23-11 p. 601
Fig. 23-12 p. 602
14Logging Roads
- Increased erosion and runoff
- Pathways for exotic species
Fig. 23-13 p. 602
15Harvesting Trees
Fig. 23-14 p. 603
16Sustainable Forestry
- Selective or strip cutting
- Improved road building techniques
- Certified sustainable grown(See Solutions p. 598)
Fungal Diseases
Insect Pests
19Forest Resources and Management in the United
- Habitat for threatened and endangered species
- Water purification services
- Sustainable yield and multiple use
- Substitutes for tree products
20Tropical Deforestation
- Unsustainable agriculture and ranching
- Clearing for cash crop plantations
21Degradation of Tropical Forests
Fig. 23-22 p. 615
22Reducing Tropical Deforestation
- Identification of critical ecosystems
- Reducing poverty and population growth
- Sustainable tropical agriculture
- Encourage protection of large tracts
- Less destructive harvesting methods
23The Fuelwood Crisis
- Planting fast-growing fuelwood plants
- Burning wood more efficiently
Fig. 23-25 p. 618
24Managing and Sustaining National Parks
- Most parks are too small to maintain biodiversity
- Invasion by exotic species
- Popularity a major problem
- Traffic jams and air pollution
- Better pay for park staff
25Establishing, Designing, and Managing Nature
- Include some moderate disturbance
- Sustain natural ecological processes
- Protect most important areas
See Solutions p. 625
26Ecological Restoration
See Individuals Matter p. 630
- Creating artificial ecosystems