Title: Extraction of morphologic characteristics from discrete scalar field
1- Extraction of morphologic characteristics from
discrete scalar field
Luca Chiarabini
2General Idea
- Our domain is a set of discrete rappresentations
of scalar fields f,
f ?2 ? ?
- A mountains or hills surface, are example of
real scalar fields
3General Idea
- We obtain a discrete rappresentation of a scalar
field f if we approximate every portion of f (for
example) with a triangular plane serface
- We call such kind of rappresentation
Triangulation of Scalar Fild f
4General Idea
- A very interesting new research field is the
study of a images rappresentation semantic
- The semantic of the scalar field rappresentation
is the set of Morphological important region
5General Idea
- Let ? a scalar fields f triangulation. We say
that a triangle t?? is,
Non morphologically important if t represent a
portion of plane surface of f
morphologically important if t represent a
portion of crest (of a mountain) of f
6General Idea
- In the litterature the canonical approaches to
morfological study of surfaces rappresentation,
- Study of Gaussian curvature of surface
- Application of Morse Theory
- To study Watershed Transform on Morse functions
- To study Watershed Transform on triangulation of
scalar field
8Morse Theory
- Let f a C2-differenziable function defined on
plane ?2 in ?.
We say that f is a Morse function if, for all
critical point x of f, x is non-degenere
9Morse Theory
- Let f ?2 ? ? a Morse function. We say that
? I ? ?2 I? ? , is a Integral curve if
- ? connect two critical points
- ? follow the steepest descent way of f , that is
?t?I. ? '(t) ?(f(? (t)))
10Morse Theory
- Let f ?2 ? ? a Morse function
- For every critical point x of f we consider the
set of integral lines that start from x we get
a stable decomposition of domain of f
- In the same way, for every critical point x, we
consider the set of integral line that end in x
we get a unstable decomposition of domain of f
11Morse Theory
- The boundary of stable and unstable decomposition
constitute a critical net
- The critical net is composed from the union of
integral line that link a minima point to saddle
point, and integral line that link a saddle point
to maxima point
12Watershed Transform
- The goal of this tecnique is recognize objects
boundary in digital images
- We can see an image as a topographic relief
So, applay the Watershed Transform to topographic
relief means extract reliefs ridge lines
13Watershed Transform
- We punched the regional minima and
and flood the entire relief in a lake
- When the water in two distinct basin is nearly to
merg a dam in built to prevent the merging
14Watershed Transform
Let f a Morse function. Then the Watershed
Lines of f is equal to the subset of integral
lines of critical net such that link a saddle
point to maximum point
15Watershed Transform
- There are two canonical approaches in order to
extract the Watershed line from digital image
Simulation of immersion
Steepest descent
We flood the image from bottom. For every
waters level (driven by pixels gray level) we
calculate the Watershed lines (that is, the
pixels equidistant from two distinct basin).
Watershed lines is equal to the set of pixels
from wich exist two paths of steepest descent
that end in two differnt minima regions.
16Watershed Transform
- The basins and the Watershed lines extracted from
digital image, depend to pixels adiacency
8- adjacency
- Let I a digital image (4/8 - adjacency). The
Watershed lines extracted from I by simulation of
immersion or steepest descent can be not equal.
17Watershed Transform (simulation of immersion)
- Toy digital image, 4-adjacency
We identify two distinct basins
Waters level 0
Watershed pixels, because these pixels are
equidistant from two distinct basins build in the
previous step
This pixel is merged with blue basin
Waters level 1
Waters level 2
18Watershed Transform(simulation of immersion)
- The flooding process end when the hight of the
water is equal to the maximum grey level of the
image (in this case, 3)
Waters level 3
- Let n the number of pixel of the image. The
- work in O(nlog(n)) steps (in the wrost case)
- use O(n) memory unit (1unit1byte)
19Watershed Transform (steepest descent)
If from a pixel p exists two differents steepest
descent way with the same lenght that arrived to
two different regional minima, we say that p is
Watershed pixel. Watershed lines is the set of
Watershed pixels
this pixel belong to blue basin
Watersheds pixel
20Watershed Transform(steepest descent)
- In this case are detected the same set of
Watershed pixels as simulation of immersion
- Let n the number of image pixels. The algorithms
- work in O(n) steps (in the wrost case)
- use O(n) memory resources
21Watershed Transform
- Sometimes this two approaches return different
result on the same image
(The Watersehed pixel are shadowed)
22Watershed on Triangulated Surface
- The meaning of Watershed Transform on
triangulated surface
- Rapresentation of triangulated surface
- Which kind of segmentation algorithms to use
- Policy in order to face the sovrasegmentation
23Watershed on Triangulated Surface
- We want to segment the triangulated surface into
several regions ( minima basins ), where each
region is a connected component of triangle
- The set of common edges between two adjacent
regions compose the Watershed lines
24Watershed on Triangulated Surface
- Rappresentation of a domain
25Watershed on Triangulated Surface
- The kind of segmentation policy depend on the
kind of domain rappresentation we choosed
26Watershed on Triangulated Surface
- Give a different label to every minima node /
regional minima
- Follow steepest descent way (from every node)
until we meet a minima node / regional minima /
labelled node
- We label all nodes of the followed path with the
same label of the node that we met
27Watershed on Triangulated Surface
- We build a subdivision of the input Mesh in
connected component of triangles (using a
labelled direct rappresentation)
28Watershed on Triangulated Surface
- Normally in a discrete rappresentation of
terrains the number of insignificant regional
minima is too big. So arise the
Sovrasegmentation problem.
- Its necessary use region merging policy
Idea the region less deep than a prefixed
threshold are merged with an adiacency region
29Watershed on Triangulated Surface
- The segmentation algorithm works in O(n) steps,
being n the number of Mesh nodes.
- The merging algorithm works in O(r) steps, being
r the number of regions created (r is always less
than the number of triangles of the Mesh)
- We can represent a triangulated surface as a
planar graph, where the number of arcs and faces
(edges and triangles) is linear in the number of
nodes (vertexes)
- So, the temporal and spatial complexity of the
method that we propose is linear in the number of
vertexes of the Mesh.
- Equivalence between Watershed lines and a subset
critical net lines extracted from a Morse function
- Develop and analisys of a Watershed algorithms on
triangular Mesh
Future Work
- Extension of Morse Theory on Piecewise-Linear
- Extension of watershed transform on
Piecewise-Linear functions
- Relation between Watershed line and Critical net
extracted from Piecewise-Linear functions