Title: Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles
1Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles
2Phylum Chordate all have spinal cords
- Subphylum Vertebrates all have a spinal cord
held within a bony spinal back bone - Classes are Jawless Cartilage, and Bony Fish
3Fish characteristics all fish have these
- All fish have notochords (they are used for
support but are eventually replaced by back bones)
4 - All have nerve cords
- All have two chamber hearts.
- All live in the water, are aquatic. Except
mudskippers! And more mudskippers. - All are cold blooded
Exterior view Click on heart to see HUMAN heart
Interior View
5All have gill slits to breathe
6Gills feathery organs for gas exchange
2 distinct sexes usually most are oviparous
they lay eggs
Some of these eggs have hatched. Eyes can be seen
in the unhatched eggs.
8Three Classes of Fish
9Agnathans -Jawless Fish
- No Jaw use suction cups to eat
- No paired fins
- No Scales
- Endoskeleton is all cartilage
- Has a notochord for all its life
- Examples Hagfish and lamprey
10Lamprey have teeth on their TONGUE
11Chondrichithes-Cartilage Fish
Shark video
- Endoskeleton is all cartilage
- First fish type to have jaws, scales and paired
fins - Internal fertilization
Manta Ray video click on picture
12Sharks (an order)
- Have rows of teeth
- Most are meat eaters
- Keen sense of smell
- 3000 replaceable teeth in 6-20 rows
- Placoid scales boney, spiny, enamel covering
- Electro receptors sense muscle contractions
13Rays- an order
- Large paired fins extend on body sides like wings
- Live near the ocean floor
- Feed on small fish, mollusks, and crustaceans,
and croc hunters - 1-7 meters long( Pacific Manta Rays are the
largest of the rays, growing up to 17 ft (5.2 m)
long and 22 ft (6.7m) wide, and weighing up to
3,500 lb (1,590 kg)
14Osteichthyes -Boney Fish
- Largest class of fish
- Huge variety
- Scales and paired fish
- Both fresh and salt water
- Gills have gill covers to increase water flow
- Lateral line detects vibrations
- Nostrils odor sensitive/better than sight
- Air bladder (swim bladder) regulated swim depth
- Tail called caudal fin
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17Scales physical protection
18Fish reproduce by spawning
- Usually external fertilization
- Some cyclicly, others only once in a lifetime
Blue gill spawning bed
19Boney Fish Gallery
- Creatures of the Deep
- Seahorse
- African Cichlids
Clown Fish
Small mouth bass
Blue Marlin
20Fish Gallery, cont
Salmon spawning
Northern Pike
Butterfly fish
21Coelacanth- thought to be extinct
23Amphibian means double life
24Poison Dart Frogs
Mud puppy
26All have a three chambered heart
- Use their thin, moist skin to breathe in water or
land too - Also use simple lungs to breathe on land
28Lack external ears but have well developed
internal ears, however cant hear high frequency
29Hibernate in Winter
- Frogs hibernate in the Winter
- Frogs estivate in the Summer
- Frogs are COLD blooded!!
31Amphibian reproduction- external
fertilization eggs are gel-like-must be laid in
32Have a cloaca area shared by reproductive
organs, excretory organs and urogenital organs
33TWO Orders
- TAILess Frogs and Toads
- TAILed - Caudates Newts and Salamanders
34Tailed (Caudates) an order
- examples salamanders and newts, mudpuppies
- never lose their tails
- long body, neck and tails
- salamander may keep feathery gills (mudpuppy)
- newts begin with gills, end with lungs
- mostly found in northern hemisphere
- limbs extend at right angles from the long narrow
body - all 4 legs about the same size
35Tailess (Anurans)
examples frogs and toads no tail (adult
stage) adapt to environments all over the
world short body no neck frogs smooth moist
skin toads dry rough skin metamorphosis
eggs?tadpole (legless) ? legged ? frog with tail
? frog
Cane Toad
36Caecilians wormlike amphibians
- Includes caecilians
- No legs, most have no tails
- 3-60 inches long
- smooth skin and small eyes
- blind or nearly so
- feeds on worms and insects
- lives in burrows
38General Characteristics
- Ectotherms (cold blooded)
- Lay water-tight, leathery eggs on land or give
- birth to live young
- Internal fertilization
39General Characteristics, cont
- No metamorphosis
- Breathe with lungs entire life
- Three chambered heart
40- Most have four legs (except snakes)
- Most have claws to dig, climb and run
- Scales prevent drying out and injuries
41Reptiles -4 orders
43Snake Characteristics
- have no ears (tympanic membrane instead)
- use tongues for smelling
- tongue picks up chemicals from the air and
- transfers them to a sensing organ (Jacobs
- organ) in the roof of the mouth
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45Pit vipers and some pythons, have heat-sensitive
pits on their face
Some snakes inject venom into the prey through
hollow fangs
46- Pit vipers and some pythons, have heat-sensitive
pits on their face - All snakes are predators
- All swallow their prey whole
- Venom is a protein
Jaws un-hing
Some kill prey by constriction
47Non moveable eye lids
48Largest - Anaconda
Most poisonous in world sea snake
Most poisonous in U.S. coral snake
Basilisk Lizard
Frilled Lizard
50Examples iguana, gecko, skink, chameleon
51Can release its tail to escape
Moveable eye lids
Some have long, sticky tongue for capturing food
52Eat spiders, grasshoppers, worms, slugs, and
small insects as well as members of their own
Jaragua lizard (adult female), from Beata Island,
on U.S. dime.
54Largest Komodo Dragon
Gila Monster - poisonous
55Alligators and Crocodiles
- eat any type of animal or will also canabalize
- can live for up to 100 years
- called last living dinosaur
- temperature of egg, determines the sex of
offspring - lay about 50 eggs
57- alligators may have 80 teeth and average 6 to 14
feet but may get up - to19 ft long
- swallow prey hole
- Crocodiles can reach 6 meters often
- crocodiles have survived for over 200 million
years - crocks have narrower snout than alligator
58- crocks can stay under water for up to 2 hours
- most live in shallow water
- only reptile with a 4 chambered heart
Here's what a crocodile heart looks like. Look at
all that plumbing! It has a few features that we
don't have, that I'll get to in a moment, and
that are special adaptations for the life of an
ectothermic, diving ambush predator.
59Plovers clean crocodiles teeth with no fear of
becoming lunch! What kind of relationship is this?
60Turtles and Tortoises
61- have two hard boney
- shells
- land and water types
- have no teeth
62- endangered due to soups and jewelry
- eat worms, fish and insects, some are also
herbivores - use beak to feed
- some can completely hide inside their shells
63More feeding
64- some swim faster than you can run
- turtle more dependent on water environment,
tortoise is land - dweller only.