Title: Danny and the Dinosaur by Sid Hoff
1 Danny and the Dinosaur by Sid Hoff
2stared star ed
definition looked at for a long time
The boy jumped back, when he looked up and saw
that the giant cat stared at him.
definition go from one side to the other
The boy will cross the park on his new bicycle.
4lovelylove ly
definition pretty
Marsha was such a lovely bride in her white
wedding gown.
5insteadin stead
definition In place of
I wanted chocolate ice cream, but I had to eat
strawberry instead, because that was all we had.
6delightedde light ed
definition very happy
Jason was delighted with the gift he received
from his Grandpa and Grandma.
7block block
definition the distance form one street to the
next in a city.
They walked from their apartment building one
block over to the department store.
8fooledfool ed
definition tricked
Lucy fooled Charlie Brown into thinking she
would hold the football for him to kick, but she
pulled it away and he fell again.
9alonea lone
definition away from everyone else
We stood on the shore and wondered why the dog
was floating in the boat all alone.
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