Title: Vincenzo Vagnoni
1 - Vincenzo Vagnoni
- Umberto Marconi
- INFN Bologna
- Joint Physics Meeting with CERN Theory Group
- 28th LHCb Week
- February 28th 2003
- B0(s) ? h?h? decay selection
- Selection strategy
- Determination of the optimal cuts
- Annual yields and background over signal ratios
- CP sensitivities
- Toy Monte Carlo to generate event by event proper
time distributions - Evaluation of ?Adir and ?Amix after one year of
LHCb data taking - Two different approaches
- ?2 fit of the binned asymmetry
- Unbinned maximum likelihood estimation
- Consistency checks
- Conclusions
3VELO 21stations (Rmin 8mm) Si 220 mm, strips R
e f
6?5 m2
3 Tracking stations IT Si strips OT straw tubes
TT1.4?1.2 m2 Si microstrips
4B decay selection strategy
- MC samples used size (number of events)
- B0 ? pi pi- 60k
- Bs ? K K- 65k
- B0 ? K pi- 62k
- Bs ? K- pi 24k
- ?b ? p K- 20k
- ?b ? p pi- 21k
- inclusive bb background 1.144M
- Procedure followed to tune selection
- Determine offline cuts which maximize the signal
efficiency but a) reject all the background
from the (limited) inclusive bb sample b)
provide good rejection of the specific background
events - Multivariate brute force approach to establish
the best cut values - grid scan over 11-dimension selection parameter
space - reject all the bb background events in 600
MeV/c2 mass window - maximize S / sqrt(SB) with B ? channel specific
background - Determine trigger cuts which maximize the
efficiency for offline-selected events at fixed
trigger output rate (determined with min. bias
- only 20 times the signal statistics, but
BR(signal) ltlt 1/20 - only 1/2 minute of data-taking at nominal LHCb
luminosity !
5B0(s) ? h?h?Selection cuts
- Charged tracks
- Each leg identified as a K, or a particle lighter
than K (using RICH) - Cuts on
- p
- max. pT
- min. pT
- max. IP/?IP
- min. IP/?IP
- ?2 of common vertex
- B candidate
- Cuts on
- pT
- IP/?IP
- L/?L
- mass
6Breakup of the optimal cuts
Parameters used for selection Parameters used for selection Parameters used for selection B0 ? pi pi- B0 ? pi pi- B0 ? K pi- B0 ? K pi- Bs ? K K- Bs ? K K-
pi, K smallest pt (GeV/c) gt 0.65 gt 0.15 gt 0.3
pi, K largest pt (GeV/c) gt 3.1 gt 2.5 gt 2.25
pi, K p (GeV/c) ? 2.5, 100 ? 2.75, 200 ? 2.75, 125
pi, K smallest IP/?IP gt 5.75 gt 7 gt 4
pi, K largest IP/?IP gt 6 gt 7.25 gt 4.5
pi, K vertex fit ?2 lt 6.75 lt 6 lt 20
B pt (GeV/c) gt 1.6 gt 2.25 gt 0.6
B IP/?IP lt 2.5 lt 3.25 lt 2.75
B L/?L gt 7.25 gt 8 gt 7.25
B ?m (MeV/c2) lt 45 lt 55 lt 45
7Rejection of physics background
B0(s) ? h?h? selections
- Relying on
- mass resolution (18 MeV/c2 single Gaussian)
B0 ? pi pi-
B0 ? K pi-
BS ? K K-
8Rejection of combinatorial background (B0? pi
incl. bb
- Assume combinatorial background dominated by bb
events - Can reject all generated bb background
- also when relaxing B mass cut
- Preliminary estimate
B/S lt0.7
- Contribution of ghost tracks to the combinatorial
background is negligible
9Inclusive bb background mass spectra
B0 ? pi pi-
B0 ? K pi-
BS ? K K-
Before cuts
After cuts
10Annual yields and B/S ratios
Event type MC sample Efficiency Efficiency B/S B/S Untagged annual yield
Event type MC sample Selection Trigger specific bb inclusive (CL 90) Untagged annual yield
B0 ? pi pi- 60000 0.073 0.31 0.088 lt 0.7 27000
B0 ? pi pi-
B0 ? K pi- 62000 0.084 0.29 0.046 lt 0.2 115000
B0 ? K pi-
Bs ? K K- 65000 0.10 0.27 0.049 lt 0.5 35000
Bs ? K K-
- LHCb TP (using only opposite side tagging)
- ?tag 0.4
- ?tag 0.3
- ?tag (1-2?tag )2 6.4
- Preliminary studies with the current simulation
indicate a similar result - Other methods to be added (analysis on going)
- Bs tag with Kaon same side
- Bd tag with Pion same side
- Jet charge
- In the following we will assume the TP numbers
12B0 ? pi pi- BS ? K K- CP sensitivities
- Two approaches used
- ?2 fit of the binned asymmetries
- Unbinned maximum likelihood
- Tagged event samples generated by means of a toy
MC taking into account - Annual event yield S
- Background over signal ratio B/S
- Tagging efficiency ?tag
- Wrong tag fraction ?tag
- Proper time resolution function R(?-t)
- Acceptance ?reco(?)
B0 ? pi pi- BS ? K K-
S (1 year) 27000 35000
B/S 0.8 0.55
xq 0.755 20
?tag 0.4 0.4
?tag 0.3 0.3
Adir 0.19 -0.17
Amix 0.62 -0.27
13B0 ? pi pi-
Proper time resolution
Proper time acceptance
Single Gaussian fit ?411 fs
14CP Asymmetryrelevant formulae
15Example of fitted asymmetries
- All the following plots correspond to one year of
data taking
16Check of fit consistency ?ACP / ?(ACP)
- Fit of 500 asymmetries generated with different
random seeds
- Distributions consistent with N(0, 1)
17Adir vs Amix
- Scatter plots obtained with a multiquadric
smoothing due to limited statistics (500 trials)
18Dependence of ?Adir and ?Amix on B/S
Current estimate of B/S
- Expected error dependence on B/S reproduced
19Unbinned maximum likelihood approach
- Maximize log likelihood with respect to Adir and
20log likelihood plots
21log likelihooderror ellipses and 68.27
confidence regions
22Check of log likelihood approach consistency
- 500 event samples generated with different random
23log likelihooddependence of ?Adir and ?Amix on
24Dependence of ?Adir and ?Amix on the years of
data taking
- ?Adir and ?Amix after one year of LHCb data
taking have been estimated - Least ?2 fit of the binned asymmetry and unbinned
maximum likelihood estimation give consistent
results -
B0 ? pi pi-
BS ? K K-