- Population and Housing Census of Bhutan-2005
Office of the Census CommissionerLangjophakha,
Thimphu, Bhutan
2Census Enumeration
- Census Enumeration Day on 30th and 31st May, 2005
- De facto method includes all persons physically
found and present in an area at the reference
time of census enumeration. - The Census Method based on the UN Principles and
Recommendations - The census included all persons irrespective of
nationality within the geographical boundary of
3Total Population
- Total Population 634,982
- Male 333,595
- Female 301,387
- Urban 196,111
- Rural 438,871
- Floating Popn. 37,443
- Total Popn. Including Floating Population 672,425
4Population by Dzongkhag
Dzongkhag Population Percent
Bumthang 16,116 2.5
Chhukha 74,387 11.7
Dagana 18,222 2.9
Gasa 3,116 0.5
Ha 11,648 1.8
Lhuentse 15,395 2.4
Monggar 37,069 5.8
Paro 36,433 5.7
Pemagatshel 13,864 2.2
Punakha 17,715 2.8
Samdrupjonkhar 39,961 6.3
Samtse 60,100 9.5
Sarpang 41,549 6.5
Thimphu 98,676 15.5
Trashigang 51,134 8.1
Trashiyangtse 17,740 2.8
Trongsa 13,419 2.1
Tsirang 18,667 2.9
Wangdue 31,135 4.9
Zhemgang 18,636 2.9
All Dzongkhag 634,982 100
5Percent distribution of population across
6Single Age Pyramid
No of Persons
7 Population Pyramid
8Population by Sex
Sex Persons Percent
Male 333,595 52.54
Female 301,387 47.46
Total 634982 100
9Population by Area Residence
Area of Residence Persons Percent
Urban 196111 30.9
Rural 438871 69.1
Total 634,982 100.0
10Dzongkhag Population by Area of Residence
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Five Most Populated Urban Areas
14Population Density
Population Density 16.36
15Spoken Language at Home (5yrs )
Language Dzongkha Sharchhopkha Lhotshamkha Others Foreign Language
Percent 24 28 22 19 7
Total Population 5yrs 572597 90.18 of the Total Population
Religion Persons Percent
Buddhist 477898 75.3
Hindus 140323 22.1
Others 16761 2.6
Total 634982 100
17Marital Status
Marital Status Persons Percent
Single 217054 43.2
Married 257502 51.3
Widowed 17531 3.5
Divorced 6929 1.4
Separated 2297 0.5
Living together 717 0.1
18Dependency Aging
- Sex Ratio at birth(males to 100 females) 101
- Overall Sex Ratio 111
- Total dependency ratio 61
- Child dependency ratio 53
- Old dependency ratio 8
- Aging index(lderly per 100 childre) 14
- Median age of population 22
20In-migration out-migration
Dzongkhag Life-time in-migration Life time out-migration Net migration
Thimphu 54,685 14,915 39,770
Chhukha 24,951 9,471 15,480
Sarpang 17,997 12,252 5,745
Trashigang 7,105 23,802 -16,697
Zhemgang 3,519 12,028 -8,509
Monggar 5,418 12,871 -7,453
21In-migration out-migration
22Urban-Rural migration
- Urban Rural 19,992 persons
- Rural Urban 111,770 persons
- Net Migration (Urban) 91,778
23Population outside Bhutan
Total Persons Sex Sex
Total Persons Male Female
8979 6424 2559
25Literacy Rate by Residence and Sex (6 yrs )
- Total persons 558,522
- Literate 332,194 (59.5 )
- Illiterate 226,328 (40.5 )
- Male Urban
- Literate 203,868 (69.1) Literate 131,387
(75.9) - Illiterate 91,123 (30.9) Illiterate 41,643
(24.1) - Female Rural
- Literate 128,326 (48.7) Literate 200,807
(52.1) - Illiterate 135,203 (51.3) Illiterate 184,685
26Literate population by Sex
Sex Persons Percent
Male 203,868 61.4
Female 128,326 38.6
Total 332,194 100.0
27Literacy Rate by Area and Sex
28Literacy Rate by Dzongkhag
29Distribution of Urban Literate Population
30Distribution of Rural Literate Population
- Number of Live Births 12,538
- Total Fertility Rate 2.6
- Crude Mortality Rate (CMR) per 1000 live birth
21.4 - Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) per 1000 live birth
40.1 - Number of Deaths 4,498
34Population growth
- Crude Birth Rate (CBR) 20
- Crude Death Rate(CDR) 7
- Natural Growth Rate 1.3
- Migration rate 2.0
- Overall Growth Rate 3.3
35Delivery Attended by Health Personnels
36Main Source of Drinking Water
- - Piped water within house 28,615 (22.7)
- - Piped water outside house 77,529 (61.5)
- - Spring river pond 18,054 (14.3)
- Toilet facilities
- - Independent flush toilet inside house
23,338 (18.5) - - Pit latrine 62,806 (49.8)
- - Independent flush toilet outside house
12,036 (9.5) - - No toilet facilities 12,747 (10.1)
38Visit to health facility
- Number of Households Who visited a health
facility in the past one year - - Yes 113,342 (89.9)
- - No 12,773 (10.1)
39- Reasons for not visiting health facility
- - Not ill (no need) 9,754 hhlds (76.4)
- - Too far 1,590 hhlds (12.4)
- - Prefer home treatment 405 (3.2)
Disability Cases Percent
Seeing 5906 23.5
Speaking 4479 17.8
Hearing 8985 35.7
Moving 4370 17.4
Mental 1394 5.5
41Disability by Age Group
43Labor employment (age 15 and over)
- Total labor force 425,023 persons
- Economically active 256,895 persons
- Economically inactive 168,123 persons
- Economically active
- Employed 249,030 (96.9)
- Unemployed 7,865 ( 3.1)
44Employment Status
45Sector of Employment
Agriculture Mining/Quarring Manufacturing Electricity/gas/water Construction Retail/Wholesale Trade Hotel/Restaurant Transport/Communication Finance/Insurance Public administration/security Education Health services Others (Not classified above)
43.62 1.14 1.96 1.65 12.40 2.71 1.61 3.24 0.92 7.02 3.15 1.01 19.57
46Employment Status 18 years and above
48Type of Household
Number of regular households 126,115 Average
persons per household 4.6 persons
Type Households Population (in numbers) Percent
Regular 580,336 91.49
Institutional 45,744 7.2
Transient Population 8,902 1.4
49Head of Household
Households Percent
Male Headed 71.8
Female Headed 28.2
50Head of the Household by Dzongkhag
51House Occupancy Status
52Roof Material
- Roof material for housing
- CGI/ metal roof 82,432 hholds (65.4)
- Shingles/wood 15,852 hhlds (12.6)
- Bamboo roof 8,539 hhlds (6.8)
53Roof material by Residence
54Wall Material
- Concrete/brick/stone 57,351 hhlds (45.5)
- Mud wall 26,603 hhlds (21.1)
- Wood wall 19,581 hhlds (15.5)
- Bamboo wall 15,994 hhlds (12.7)
55Wall Material by Residence
56Major Source of Cooking Fuel
Source Households Percent
Electricity 56615 30.6
Firewood 69013 37.3
LPG 47375 25.6
57Major Source of Lighting
Source Households Percent
Electricity 72,063 57.1
Kerosene 46,064 36.5
58Communication and Media Facilities
Facilities Radio/tape player TV/Video Telephone Mobile phone Computer Internet
Households 83,183 35,420 21,597 13,703 3,219 1,564
59Ownership of Assets
Assets Land/plot House/ building Livestock Business Vehicle Fridge Washing machine Machinery
Households 81,392 61,507 51,908 7,558 12,764 19,175 4,598 3,220
60Households Walking Distance from Motor Road
Time Taken Households Percent
Less than 1 hr 89088 70.6
Within 1-4 hrs 18635 14.8
4 hrs or more 18392 14.6
61Happiness at the National Level
62State of Happiness
 Not Very Happy Happy Very Happy
Urban 1034 21,191 16,086
Rural 3094 43,849 40,861
Bhutan 4128 65,040 56,947