Title: Financial Education
1Financial Education
2Please note!
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further information, please contact
Paul Stoddart HBOS Employee Equity
Solutions PaulStoddart_at_HBOSplc.com
Mark Sheppard Copperfield Communication
LLP mark.sheppard_at_copperfieldcommunication.co.uk
- Setting the Scene
- The Business Case
- The Challenges
- Options and Experience
- Our Solution
- Financial education in schools
- Financial education in the workplace
- National financial information/advice service
5Thoresen Report
- Review
- Money Guidance
- Distinguished between information and advice
- Pathfinder (planned January 2009)
6Is it worth worrying about?
- Employee output improvements
- Better ROI on employee benefits
- Cost of doing nothing?!
The Business Case
7Inertia (A) Organisational Barriers
- Regulation education vs. advice
- Skills required varied and unusual
- Whos job description?
- Unclear objectives and measurements
- What is the cost/benefit?
- Audience diversity and complexity
- Lack of examples what is best practice?
8Inertia (B) Implementation Challenges
- Scalable big companies and many employees
- Efficient minimise internal resource requirement
- Engaging keep the audience interested!
- Contextual not consumers- link to the business
- Supportive where are decisions made?
- Personalised making it relevant
9Creating the Model
10Our Solution
Welcome to IN POCKET
The Digital Financial Capability Network
11Lets have a look...
12Mark Sheppard Copperfield Communication
LLP mark.sheppard_at_copperfieldcommunication.co.uk
Paul Stoddart HBOS Employee Equity
Solutions PaulStoddart_at_HBOSplc.com
Thank You.