Eastern Cape and ECD Funding - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Eastern Cape and ECD Funding


Transport (bicycles, subsidized public transport) HCBCs. Promoting Sustainable ... In EC, ECDs are subsidised on basis of signed 3 year SLA, annual allocation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Eastern Cape and ECD Funding

Eastern Cape and ECD Funding
  • Parliament, Cape Town
  • 29 August 2008
  • By
  • Denver A. Webb
  • HOD, Department of Social Development
  • Province of the Eastern Cape

None of the great social problems we have to
solve is capable of resolution outside the
context of the creation of jobs and the
alleviation and eradication of poverty. This
relates to everything, from the improvement of
the health of our people, to reducing the levels
of crime, raising the levels of literacy and
numeracy, and opening the doors of learning and
culture to all -Pres. Thabo Mbeki, SONA, 9
February 2007
  • Vision
  • To create a better life for all in the Eastern
    Cape by providing care, protection and
    development for the poor and the vulnerable.
  • Mission
  • To improve the quality of life and social
    well-being of people of the Eastern Cape through
    integrated and developmental social services in
    partnership with relevant stakeholders, utilizing
    appropriate and available resources.

  • ECD seen as very important intervention to reduce
    child poverty.
  • Also important intervention to break cycle of
    inter-generational poverty.
  • ECD interventions not an end in themselves, but
    integral part of the Eastern Cape poverty
    Eradication model
  • Also contribution to EPWP

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Context Eastern Cape Demography Informing ECD
2001 Census Children 0 4 years
Alfred Nzo 47 304
Amathole 147 120
Cacadu 33 171
Chris Hani 81 280
O R Tambo 215 827
Ukhahlamba 35 352
NM Metro 77 230
Provincial Total 637 284
StatsSA midyear estimates 2008 StatsSA midyear estimates 2008
Total Population in the Eastern Cape 6 579 300
Children 0 4 691 300
Registered and Accredited ECD Sites in Eastern
2007/08 2007/08 2008/09 2008/09
District Registered Subsidised Newly Registered Subsidised
Alfred Nzo 75 75 10 80
Amathole 446 416 134 437
Cacadu 77 77 2 79
Chris Hani 219 212 16 228
O R Tambo 224 224 14 231
Ukhahlamba 65 65 10 75
NM Metro 72 72 0 72
Totals 1178 1141 158 1202
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Budget Allocation for ECD 2007/08 and 2008/09
Total budget allocation (R millions) 2007/08 2008/09
Department of Social Development (Vote 4)
Sub-Programme 2.6 Child Care Protection R162 316 000 R227 783 000
Sub-Sub-Programme Early Childhood Development R78 330 000 R87 700 529
ECD increase 12
Policy Speech Commitment
  • In his 2008/09 Policy Speech, the MEC placed
    special emphasis on
  • Massification of Early Childhood Development
    (ECD) to reach poor communities in every corner
    of the Province and to address child poverty.
  • Early Childhood Development is one of the Apex
    and sectoral priorities that is seen as a major
    intervention to deal with child poverty. Not
    only does it provide poor children with daily
    sustenance, but it also provides them with a head
    start when they enter the mainstream of
    education. The Department will this year fund an
    additional 100 ECD centres with special focus in
    the 11 identified poorest municipalities. This
    intervention will be done in collaboration with
    other social needs cluster Departments and local
    municipalities. We will also accelerate the ECD
    registration campaign which started last year. An
    amount of R23, 6 million has been allocated for
    this increase.
  • As part of this broader transformation programme
    to deal with child poverty, Madam Speaker, we are
    happy to announce that tariffs will increase from
    R9 to R12 per child per day in subsidised Early
    Childhood Development Centres (ECDs). This
    increase is meant to improve nutrition,
    recreation and administration of Early Childhood
    Development Centres to prepare them mentally and
    physically for assimilation of education at grade
    1 level.

Tariff Structure for Subsidised ECDs 2007/08 and
2007/08 2008/09
Administration R3.00 R4.00
Recreation R2.00 R3.00
Nutrition R4.00 R5.00
Total per child per day of attendance R9.00 R12.00
Assessment of Funding and Performance
  • Had a registration campaign launch in October
    2007. In 2007/08 set a target of registering 225
    new ECD sites, which was not met. Only 17 new
    sites were funded for 2007/08.
  • Signed SLA to formalise partnership with
    Department of Education in October 2007, to
    clearly establish roles and responsibilities.
  • In EC, ECDs are subsidised on basis of signed 3
    year SLA, annual allocation letter and submission
    of monthly claims of actual attendance.
  • 72 800 children benefited from the ECD during
  • 3 369 Work Opportunities were created in ECD
    through EPWP during 2007/08
  • Now special focus placed on the 11 poorest or
    least developed Local Municipalities.

Rural Beneficiaries
  • 1141 ECD sites were funded, 72 800 children were
    subsidised and 2 282 caregivers benefited in
  • 785 sites are outside the NMM and Buffalo City,
    49 728 children are subsidised, 1 570 caregivers
  • 356 sites are in the NMM and Buffalo City, 23 072
    children are subsidised, 712 caregivers

  • ECD (along with HCBCs) seen as major contribution
    by social sector to EPWP.
  • In terms of recent National report, Eastern Cape
    social sector EPWP target was 26 268 Work
    Opportunities by end 2008/09.
  • Audited report of Work Opportunities created from
    April 2004 to 31 March 2008 shows EC created 25
    348 WOs. Have the 2008/09 year to achieve the
    balance to meet target 100.
  • In actual numbers this constitutes the largest
    number of all Provinces.

  • Reliable baseline information for evidence-based
  • Poor and inadequate infrastructure from which ECD
    services are run.
  • Lack of clear policy on issue of provision of
  • Inadequate monitoring of ECD services due to
    capacity constraints at local service office
  • Delays in provision of training to ECD
    practitioners in EPWP.
  • Quality of what takes place within ECDs as an
    educational foundation.
  • Lack of general awareness on registration by

  • In EC, we have seen a major improvement in
    funding norms, ensuring we no longer lag behind
    other Provinces in the subsidy.
  • Striking a balance between improving funding
    levels and increasing number of ECDs that receive
  • Social development sector will strive for the R12
    per child in 2009/10, so ECD in EC will not
    increase funding levels next year, but will
    increase coverage.
  • Increased number of social work professionals
    (236 Social Workers, 42 Chief Social Workers,
    21 Senior Social Workers, 300 Social Auxiliary
    Workers, 24 Contract Social Auxiliary Workers
    for the Child Protection Register) employed in
    the Department in 2007/08 has improved capacity
    for monitoring of ECDs.
  • Also will be placing more emphasis on quality of
    what takes place within ECD.
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