Title: Vector Junkie
1Vector Junkie
- A game developed at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, - for the course CS679 Computer Game Technologies
with Mike Gleicher, - developed by Steven Kappes, Steve Jackson, Mario
Giombi, and Yoh Suzuki
2(No Transcript)
3Vector Junkie is a fast-paced, arcade-style 2D
space combat game
4Start the game by shooting the brick of your
choice, corresponding to difficulty level.
5The controls are simple. Turn, accelerate
forwards and backwards, and fire the gun. Try to
stay alive by dodging and weaving between hordes
of enemies!
6Pick up shield power-ups, and other things like
extra lives, bullet-time upgrades, weapon
upgrades, rapid-fire mode, and thruster upgrades!
7When things get really hairy, engage bullet-time
mode! Everything, including the music, will slow
down, and your ship will move a little faster
than everything else.
8In later stages, there are smart enemies that
seek you, as well as dropships that spawn space
mines and other bad guys.
9As the stages get more difficult, take full
advantage of the weapon upgrades, shields, and
extra lives to stay in the fight.
10Shoot your way out of tight spots, evade hoards
of enemies, and detonate bombs in their midst
while racking up tons of points!
11Eventually, you will shatter into tiny pieces
but the Hall of Fame will remember you!
12Vector Junkie
- A game developed at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, - for the course CS679 Computer Game Technologies
with Mike Gleicher, - developed by Steven Kappes, Steve Jackson, Mario
Giombi, and Yoh Suzuki