Title: Tomorrows People
1Older teenagers not in education, employment or
training Audit Commission May 2009
2Why an Audit Commission study and why now
- Reducing proportion of NEETs is most frequently
selected LAA indicator - Areas face significant changes and challenges
over the next few years preparing for raising the
participation age and machinery of government
changes over 16-19 funding how prepared are
areas for this? - Large amounts of public money are invested in
this area are areas getting value for money? - The economic downturn is likely to make achieving
NEET targets even harder what can areas do to
reduce the impact on young people?
3Study timings and outputs
- Recommendations to central government
(particularly around funding or policy issues) - Recommendations to LAs and partners, along with
guidance, tools and case studies to help improve
practice - Fieldwork likely to take place from September
November 2009 - Report published Spring 2010
4Scoping has included
- Review of literature and policy
- Analysis of data on NEET trends by area and
other factors such as the economy, deprivation
etc - Meetings with national stakeholders (e.g. DCSF,
DIUS, DWP, Ofsted) - Visits to local and regional stakeholders
(Dudley, Lewisham and Cambridgeshire councils,
Government Office West Midlands)
5How do councils ensure that interventions to
reduce the level of NEETs are cost effective?
- What type of provision is available for young
people in the core NEET group (focusing on
sub-groups of young offenders, teenage parents,
care leavers and young people with learning
difficulties and disabilities)? - How much does the provision cost?
- What are the completion rates and outcomes?
- What savings are gained from the provision in
6Are councils and there partners making best use
of the sources of funding available for working
with young people NEET?
- What sources of funding are available how many
are short term? - What is the balance of funding between preventing
young people becoming NEET and working with those
who are already NEET? - What is the balance between universal and
targeted support and what results do they
achieve? - Are there any barriers to accessing funding to
reduce the NEET group?
7How can the childrens trust create greater
efficiency in reducing NEETs?
- What evidence is there of strong links between
the childrens trust, 14-19 partnership and NEET
strategy group bringing additional resources or
funding to the problem? - Are there any examples of sub-regional
commissioning bringing greater efficiency gains? - How do childrens trust encourage links with
other agenda e.g. teenager pregnancy, anti-social
behaviour? - What activity resources do schools provide to
reduce NEETs?
8Do councils ensure economic strategies have
sufficient focus on young people?
- Any examples of collaboration between economic
development and regeneration teams and work on
NEETs what benefits did this bring? - Are there links between employment and skills
board and 14-19 partnership groups does this
join up demand and supply more effectively? - Do economic strategies and skills strategies have
sufficient focus on young people? - What are LAs doing to support young people during
the economic downturn what can they be expected
to do?
9Discussion and feedback
- Are these the right research questions are
there other issues we should focus on? - What is the quality of data generally on the cost
of interventions and the outcomes achieved? - Are there particular organisations/groups of
people you think it would be useful for us to
speak to in fieldwork? - What type of outputs/tools/guidance would it be
helpful for areas to have?
10Next steps
- Scoping workshop with stakeholders at the end of
May LEACAN representative invited - Research design signed off mid-June
- We would welcome the opportunity for further
discussion and feedback as the study progresses - For any queries contact Emma Belton, study
manager, (e-belton_at_audit-commission.gov.uk)