Title: What was going on behind the scenes at Yalta
1? starter activity
Which picture is more useful to historians in
telling us about East-West relations just after
World War II?
2What was decided at the conferences of Yalta
Yalta, Feb. 1945
3? Your task
- Turn your page so it is landscape and divide it
into 2 halves. Write the headings shown below.
4What was agreed at Yalta?
5Military support
- Russia agreed to enter war against Japan
following German surrender - In return Russia would receive territory in
Manchuria Sakhalin Island
Why did the US request Soviet help in ending the
war in Japan?
6Division of Germany
- Germany temporarily divided into four zones
- Berlin divided into four zones
7Eastern Europe
- 'Declaration of Liberated Europe' (to set up
democracies in East Europe). - Set up Polish Government of National Unity
8International organisations
- Setting up of UNO (to replace League of Nations),
to which Russia was invited - International War Tribunal to put Nazi war
criminals on trial
9What was their disagreement over or tension?
- Stalin wanted Germany to pay USSR reparations
- Stalin wanted payments in coal, US wanted coal to
rebuild Europe, Russian demands ignored
- USSR wanted to extend Polish border too far West
for western allies - Stalin disregarded calls for free elections and
arrested non-communists
- USSR forced Germans to sell food raw materials
to Soviet Union - Some German factories dismantled moved to USSR
13? Your task
- Analyse the sources in your pack and decide what
was really going on behind the scenes at Yalta.
Complete your notes in a table similar to the one
14? Starter activity
Yalta, Feb. 1945
Potsdam, July-August 1945
Study the 2 pictures, and using your own
knowledge, decide what has changed between the
times that the two conference photos were taken.
15What was agreed at Potsdam?
- New boundaries agreed (Oder-Niesse rivers formed
border between Germany Poland)
- Germany Berlin divided into separate sectors
and zones as agreed at Yalta - Demilitarisation
- Democracy re-established free press freedom
of speech
18International organisations
- Nazi Party was to be banned in Germany
- Legal trials at Nuremberg of 21 Nazi leaders for
war crimes - Allies agreed to participate fully in UNO
19What was their disagreement or tension over?
20International relations
- Stalin denied a naval base in Mediterranean
- Stalin demanded more in reparations than US or GB
- US didnt want to cripple Germany (as in WWI)
- Stalin suspicious about why West wanted to
protect Germany help it recover
- Stalin set up Communist govt. in Poland
- GB preferred non-Communist Polish govt. which
had lived in London - US USSR suspicious of Stalins intentions in
setting up Communist govt. in Lublin
23? Your task
- Divide into groups of 4. Individually decide
whether you represent the press agencies for each
of the following countries - USSR
- Poland
- Germany
- Write a press release describing the outcome of
the two conferences bringing in as much of your
countrys point of view as possible. Mention what
was achieved to the advantage or disadvantage of
your country what was achieved to the advantage
or disadvantages of your opponents what the
conferences mean for the future of international