Title: Recent Advances in Modeling of Solidification Behavior
1Recent Advances in Modeling of Solidification
- J. M. Vitek1, S. S. Babu2 and S. A. David1
- 1 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- 2 formerly ORNL, now at Edison Welding Institute
- Presented at Trends 2005
- Pine Mountain, Georgia
- May 16 to 20, 2005
- This research was sponsored by the programs
within the U. S. Department of Energy, under
contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC - Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering
- Advanced Turbine Systems Program, Office of
Fossil Energy - NNSA Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention
Program - The authors would also like to thank General
Electric Corporation for providing the Rene N5
3Understanding Weld Solidification is Critical
- Solidification behavior determines weldability
and solidification structure controls properties
and performance - Weld solidification is related to casting but it
has many unique features - High growth rates, cooling rates and thermal
gradients - Vigorous fluid flow
- Epitaxial growth
- Conditions that vary with position
4Modeling Provides the Path Toward Understanding
Weld Solidification Behavior
- What I will cover
- Thermodynamic, kinetic and phase transformation
modeling applied to solidification - Interface response functions
- Welded single crystal grain structures
- Phase field modeling
- What I wont cover
- Heat and fluid flow modeling
- Recurring theme integration of models
6I. Computational Thermodynamics The Backbone of
Advanced Models
- Need to know the phase diagram (phase stability
for multicomponent systems and as a function of
temperature) - Need to identify solute redistribution
- Computational thermodynamics (CT) addresses all
of these
7Solidification Involves
- Competition among primary phases
- Stabilization of non-equilibrium phases as a
result of segregation - Non-equilibrium solidification temperature
ranges, often well beyond equilibrium ?T - Solute redistribution, strongly affected by
solidification morphology, and vice versa - Solidification structure and solute distribution
that influence solid-state transformations,
in-service behavior, stability, etc
CT provides the basis for quantifying all of these
8CT Has Advanced Significantly in the Last 10 Years
- Many more systems are covered, including
specialty databases - Thermodynamic databases are more accurate
- CT can be used extensively in IRF models, phase
field models, etc
9What Can Be Done with CT?
10Ex 1Sample Scheil Simulations
- For IN718 alloy
- To 99 solid
- Routines also available for partial inclusion of
solid state diffusion
11Ex 2 Diffusion Kinetics Models Interface with CT
- Include
- Solid state diffusion
- Scaling effects
- Undercooling
- Classic application is to interdendritic
12But Diffusion Kinetics Models Can Be Used for
Much More
- Consider Al-4 wt Cu system
- 10 µm cell size
- Consider only primary FCC solidification
- Follow profiles versus time
13Interdendritic Effects Can Be Examined
- Standard dendrite theory considers only isolated
dendrite - Can model dendrite shape
- Between dendrites have undercooling and
segregation which may lead to - New dendrites
- New grains
- New phases
14Dendrite Shape and Interdendritic Undercooling in
Arbitrary thermal gradient (1.3 x 106 K/m) was
used and this determines vertical length
15Example 3 Kinetics Calculations Explain FN
Distribution in Castings
- FN distribution in 316SS cant be explained by
- Solidification mode change
- Intuitive solid-state transformation behavior
- Combined with thermal profiles, kinetics
calculations solve problem
High FN
Low FN
16FN Distribution Is a Combination of
Solidification and Solid State Cooling Rates
17II Interface Response Functions
- IRF calculates growth front undercooling as a
function of solidification phase and its
morphology - Non-equilibrium effects are taken into account
- IRF identifies solidification phase (when
competition is possible) and solidification
morphology (planar front, dendritic)
Based on work of Kurz and co-workers.
18In-Situ Experiments Showed a Solidification Mode
Change in Fe-Mn-C-Al to Austenite Solidification
at High Solid-Liquid Interface Velocities
19TRXRD Measurements Conclusively Confirmed
Equilibrium d-Ferrite Solidification Mode at
Lower Cooling Rates
- This is confirmation that switching occurs as a
function of interface velocity.
20IRF Calculations for Fe-C-Al-Mn Agree with
Experiment Only If Parameters Are Changed
- Calculations depend on
- kv, Partition coefficient fVelocity,
Temperature - mV, Liquidus slope fVelocity,Temperature
- R, Dendrite tip radius fkv,mv
- Cl, Interface concentration fkv
- Gibbs Thompson coefficient
21III Solidification Grain Structure in Welded
Single Crystals
- Single crystals represent a technologically
important class of materials - Successful welding of single crystals, yielding
crack-free single crystal welds, is needed - Modeling of solidification behavior in single
crystals is needed to understand and advance this
technology - Modeling has identified mechanism of stray grain
22Avoiding Stray Grains Is the Key to Welding
Single Crystals
Fe-15Cr-15Ni perfect, no stray grains
Ni superalloy lots of stray grains and cracks
23Proper Evaluation Must Combine Several Sub-Models
- Heat and fluid flow to identify weld pool shape
and solidification conditions along weld pool
(thermal gradient, solidification front velocity) - Geometrical model identifies active base metal
dendrite growth direction as a function of
solidification front orientation - Nucleation and growth model identifies tendency
to form new (stray) grains
24Schematic of problem and contribution of each
- Heat and fluid flow model
- ID weld pool shape
- ID thermal gradients
- ID growth velocity as f(weld speed)
- Geometric model
- Relate dendrite orientation to solidification
front - Relate dendrite growth velocity to
solidification front velocity - Nucleation and growth model
- Relate formation of new grains ahead of SF to
undercooling ahead of dendrites
25Theory for Extent of Constitutional Supercooling
Has Been Derived by Gäumann et al
26Calculations Predict Stray Grain Formation
- Find range of probabilities over entire pool
- Find effect of weld conditions on tendencies
27Tendency to Form Stray Grains as a Function of
Location Was Found
Symmetric, high speed
Symmetric, low speed
Asymmetric, low speed
Blue low likelihood of stray grains, Red high
likelihood of stray grains.
28The Optimum Weld Processing Conditions Could Be
Low power and high speed yield the lowest
predicted values of F
29IV Phase Field Modeling Offers Many New
- Phase field modeling is a mathematical formulism
that allows for the solution of many difficult
but important problems - Phases, compositions, grain orientations are
described with diffuse boundaries - Phase transformations, grain growth,
recrystallization can all be modeled - Integration with CT provides solid basis for
considering multi-component, multi-phase systems
30Advantages and Disadvantages of Phase Field
- Advantages
- Multidimensional
- Can handle multi-component systems with slow and
fast diffusers - Models spatial distribution
- Disadvantages
- Computationally intensive
- Need to identify critical parameters
- Anisotropy
- Surface energy
- Nucleation density, etc
31Commercial Software (MICRESS) Is Available and
Was Used
- Fe- 1 at C- 1 at Mn
- System parameters
- 0.75 x 1.5 mm size
- Cooling rate of 10K/s
- Thermal gradient of 25 K/mm
- Primary BCC (5 grains) nucleation of FCC (15
nuclei) - BCC anisotropic FCC isotropic
32Solidification Movie
- Shown
- Development of dendritic structure
- DAS spacing
- Accommodation of secondary arms
- Interdendritic nucleation of secondary FCC
- Overtaking of dendrites by secondary (FCC) phase
- Could extend to
- Stray grain formation
- Growth behavior as function of dendrite
orientation - Phase competition
33Phase Field Calculations Provide Important
Additional Information
34Phase Field Fills in the Gaps
- Adds dimensionality to kinetics (Dictra is 1D)
- Adds multi-phase and directly includes
thermodynamics - Describes morphology and distribution, not just
amounts of phases (as CT and Dictra) - Could extend to look at stability in service
how non-equilibrium phases and solute segregation
will evolve during high T exposure
35But Phase Field Has Problems
- Parameters may not be known very well
- Nucleation rate, nucleation conditions
- Anisotropy and orientation dependence of
parameters (surface energy, etc) - Computational time
- Movie took 60 hours of CPU
- But parallel operations are near
- Problem will diminish with time
- Key components of quite sophisticated models are
available - Integration is the key
- See model integration more and more advances
will be in terms of added sophistication of
component models - Problem of identifying parameters, their
reasonable values, and determining sensitivity to
accuracy of parameters