Title: Persistence of nitrogen limitation over terrestrial carbon uptake
1Persistence of nitrogen limitation over
terrestrial carbon uptake
- Galina Churkina, Mona Vetter and Kristina
Trusilova - Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
- churkina_at_bgc-jena.mpg.de
2Increase in Global Reactive Nitrogen Fixation
BNF biological nitrogen fixation
(after Galloway et al. 2004)
3Land Ecosystems and Nitrogen
- Productivity of many land ecosystems is control
by nitrogen availability (Vitousek, 2002, Reich
et al. 1997, FACE results, etc.)
Reich et. al. PNAS, 1997.
4Is carbon uptake of land increased because of
acceleration of nitrogen cycle?
- Largest increases in nitrogen deposition are
occurring in Europe, North America, and Asia - A most significant effect of nitrogen
fertilization is expected in forests because of - high C/N ratios of wood (e.g. C/Nwood600,
C/Nherbacious20-40) - long lifetime of carbon in wood
- Maximum sensitivity to nitrogen deposition was
found in old forests (Vetter et al. 2005) - Our study focused on forests in Northern
6Model Simulations
- Simulations with terrestrial ecosystem BIOME-BGC
model (carbon, water, nitrogen cycles) - validated for deciduous and evergreen forests in
North America and Europe (Law et al. 2001,
Thornton et al. 2002, Churkina et al. 2003, etc.) - Input Drivers
- climate data from NCEP reanalysis (1948-2002)
- increasing atmospheric CO2 (after Keeling)
- increasing nitrogen deposition
7BIOME-BGC structure carbon and nitrogen cycles
Assumption constant C/N ratios of plants,
litter, and soil
8Distribution of Nitrogen Deposition
MOGUNTIA (Dentener Crutzen, 1994)
N deposition (kg/ha/yr) 1 16 Preindustrial level 1 Increasing to industrial level2
Forest cover Each grid cell is forested Each grid cell is forested According to vegetation map According to vegetation map
D-C - differentiating effect of nitrogen
fertilization on forest productivity in different
climates F-E - potential of forests with lifted
N limitation to decelerate CO2 concentration rise
in the atmosphere
1 N deposition for each pixel is set to
preindustrial level according to MOGUNTIA
results 2 N deposition for each pixel is set to
industrial level according to MOGUNTIA results
10Explanation of residual land carbon sink?
Reference 1980s (Pg C/yr) 1990s (Gt C/yr)
Residual land carbon sink Residual land carbon sink Residual land carbon sink
IPCC 2001 -0.3-3.8 incomplete
House et al 2003 0.3-4.0 1.6-4.8
Additional land carbon uptake due to increased nitrogen deposition Additional land carbon uptake due to increased nitrogen deposition Additional land carbon uptake due to increased nitrogen deposition
Townsend et al. 1996, Holland et al. 1997 n/a 0.1-2.3
Nadelhoffer et al. 1999 n/a 0.25
This study 0.21 0.26
11Compensation of the fossil fuel emissions?
- 8.1 Pg of carbon was additionally sequestered in
N. H. forests during 1950-2000 - evergreen needleaf (3.9 Pg)
- deciduous broadleaf (4.0 Pg)
- deciduous needleaf (0.21 Pg) forests
- 300 Pg of carbon has been emitted into the
atmosphere from fossil fuels over the same time
period (EDGAR-HYDE 1.4, Van Aardenne et al.
2001, EDGAR 3.2)
12Sensitivity of forests to elevated nitrogen
Relative change in NPP
Increase in nitrogen deposition is 15 kg/ha D-C
each grid cell is forested and has the same N
- Forests fertilized through enhanced nitrogen
deposition - may partially explain missing carbon sink on land
- might have sequestered 2.7 of carbon emitted by
the industry during the last 55 years - Elevated nitrogen deposition is unlikely to
enhance vegetation carbon sink significantly
because of - climatic limitations
- differentiating effects on carbon sequestration
of uneven aged forests