Title: News from RHIC: Expect the Unexpected
1News from RHIC Expect the Unexpected!
Barbara Jacak Stony Brook August 30, 2007
- Heat nuclei expect a plasma of quarks and gluons
- Study it experimentally
- expected QGP signatures
- useful probes of the plasma
- pp is a crucial benchmark defines the expected
- Surprise! evidence for strong coupling in QGP
- it is very opaque (jet quenching)
- it is a (perfect) thermalized fluid
- it catches even the heavy quarks
- collective response to deposited energy
- Unexpected things to expect at the LHC
3QCD predicts a phase transition
- gluons carry color charge ? gluons interact among
themselves - theory is non-abelian
- curious properties at large distance
- confinement of quarks in hadrons
4non-perturbative QCD lattice gauge theory
- ionized gas which is macroscopically neutral
- exhibits collective effects
- interactions among charges of multiple particles
- spreads charge out into characteristic (Debye)
length, lD - multiple particles inside this length
- they screen each other
- plasma size gt lD
- weakly or strongly coupled
- depends on density (number of screeners)
- can behave like a liquid or crystal if strongly
coupled - normal plasmas are electromagnetic (e ions)
- quark-gluon plasma interacts via strong
interaction - color forces rather than EM, exchange g not g
- non-abelian plasma
6 probing a heavy ion collision
we focus on mid-rapidity (y0) y1/2
ln(EpL)/(E-pL) CM of colliding system
90 in the lab at collider
7RHIC at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Collide Au Au ions for maximum volume ?s 200
GeV/nucleon pair, pp and dA to compare
8The Tools
STAR specialty large acceptance measurement of
PHENIX specialty rare probes, leptons, and
9events viewed by the 4 experiments
10Expected signatures of quark gluon plasma
- enhanced strange quark production
- if T ms, g g ? s s
- J/y suppression
- color screening breaks up cc pairs
- phase transition signatures
- if first order plateau in T vs. energy density,
long particle emission time - if second order critical fluctuations in
particles - copious thermal radiation
- chiral symmetry restoration
- jet quenching
NB These were yes/no questions, subject to
complicated S/B. The unexpected lurks in the
properties of the plasma!
11a better waylook at radiated probe
- as a function of transverse momentum
- pT p sin q (with respect to beam direction)
- 90 is where the action is (max T, r)
- pL midway between the two beams!
- pT lt 1.5 GeV/c
- thermal particles
- radiated from bulk of the medium
- internal plasma probes
- pT gt 3 GeV/c
- jets (hard scattered q or g)
- heavy quarks, direct photons
- pQCD production process
- produced early?external probe
12benchmark probes in pp collisions
QCD works at RHIC can use perturbation theory
for high p transfer processes understand initial
hard interactions in AuAu scattering of q, g
inside N pion formation in jets from q,g
fragmentation (known phenomenologically)
13jet fragments in AuAu vs. pp
in central collisions jets are quenched by the
14(colored) q g lose energy, photons dont
15jet quenching was expected
16Its the experimenters job to ask pesty
- So, what happens to heavy quarks traversing QGP?
- Prediction much less energy loss
- large quark mass reduces phase space for radiated
gluons - Measure via semi-leptonic decays
17finding c,b decays in single electron spectrum
compare data to cocktail of hadronic decays
18surprise 2 heavy quarks DO lose energy!
BUT what about e from B meson decays??!! also
collisions increase gluon u,d quark Eloss
19collective flows in heavy ion collisions
momentum space
dN/df 1 2 v2(pT) cos (2f) elliptic
20v2 is large reproduced by hydrodynamics
- large pressure buildup
- anisotropy ? happens fast
- fast equilibration!
Surprise 3 must use viscosity 0 perfect
liquid (D. Teaney, PRC68, 2003)
21Elliptic flow scales with number of quarks
transverse KE
implication quarks, not hadrons, are the
relevant degrees of freedom when the pressure is
built up
22hydrodynamic flow of quarks!
- long expected, works at RHIC as long as
- viscosity per particle (h/S) vanishingly small
- initial condition thermalized system in lt 0.6
fm/c - use QGP equation of state for first few fm/c
- NB learning properties by constraining
hydrodynamical calculation with data is standard
in plasma physics!
Surprise 4 HOW can system thermalize in lt0.6
fm/c??? parton scattering insufficient (with
pQCD cross section)
23Strong coupling suggests applying methods of
string theory to QGP
slide R. Granier de Cassagnac
Policastro,Son, Starinets
24AdS/CFT also used to calculate energy loss
- Gubser and collaborators
- Liu, Rajagopal and Wiedemann
- Teaney and Casalderrey-Solana
- Surprise 5 the matter is so strongly coupled
that string theorists can have fun with it
? large drag force from plasma on heavy quark!
25Does experiment indicate thermalization?
- For all distributions described by temperature T
and (baryon) chemical potential m - dn e -(E-m)/T d3p
Tf 175 MeV
26Strange quarks are indeed enhanced over pp
as expected for a hot equilibrated system!
27do the heavy quarks equilibrate??
- This is like putting a rock in a stream
- and watching if the stream
- can drag it along
- Rate of equilibration gives
- information on the viscosity
- of the liquid!
analogy from J. Nagle
28challenge to models of energy loss!
nucl-ex/0611018 accepted in PRL
Radiative energy loss alone fails to reproduce
v2HF. Heavy quark transport model has better
agreement with both RAA and v2HF. Small
relaxation time t or diffusion coefficient DHQ
inferred for charm.
D 1/3 ltvgt lmfp ltvgt/ 3rs D ?
collision time ? relaxation time
29transport diffusion is related to viscosity
- diffusion brownian motion of particles
- definition flux density of particles J -D
grad n - integrating over forward hemisphere
- D diffusivity 1/3 ltvgt l
- so D ltvgt/ 3ns
- D ? collision time, determines relaxation time
- data say it is small!
particle concentration
l mean free path
note viscosity is ability to transport
momentum h 1/3 r ltvgt l so D h/r
h/S ? measure D get h! heavy quark Langevin
model ? D few times 1/(4p) NB h/S
1/(4p) from string ?QCD correspondence
30minimum h at phase boundary?
quark gluon plasma
Csernai, Kapusta McLerran PRL97, 152303 (2006)
31Color screening? the famous J/y suppression
- J/Y (bound state of c and cbar quarks)
- Tests color screening length (lD)
- do bound c c survive the medium?
- or does QGP screening kill them?
note its not so clear what to expect other
observables strong coupling many collisions
32screening length onium spectroscopy
suppression at RHIC very similar to that at
SPS! why?? more suppressed at y? 0
33what does non-perturbative QCD say?
Hatsuda, et al.
Lattice QCD shows heavy qq correlations at T gt
Tc, also implying that interactions are not
zero Big debate ongoing whether these are
resonant states, or merely some
interactions Color screening yes! but not
fully Some J/y may emerge intact
J/y is a mystery at the moment!
34are J/ys regenerated late in the collision?
- c c coalesce at freezeout ? J/y
R. Rapp et al.PRL 92, 212301 (2004) R. Thews et
al, Eur. Phys. J C43, 97 (2005) Yan, Zhuang, Xu,
PRL97, 232301 (2006) Bratkovskaya et al., PRC
69, 054903 (2004) A. Andronic et al., NPA789,
334 (2007)
J/y is a mystery at the moment!
35so far we have seen
- medium is very opaque to light quarks and gluons
- to heavy quarks too
- system thermalizes very quickly
- collective hydrodynamic behavior
- vanishingly small viscosity
- i.e. doesnt support shear stress
- large cross sections strong coupling
- forget about perturbation theory (!)
- J/y suppression does not follow the energy density
what happens to the energy deposited in the
36how does the medium respond?
- to study use hadron pairs
- high pT trigger to tag hard scattering
- second particle to probe the medium
collective flow in underlying event
37at high momentum, jets punch through
central collisions
Phys.Rev.Lett. 97 (2006) 162301
on away side same distribution of particles as
in pp but 5 times fewer!
38Surprise 7 particles at lower pT look funny
1 lt pT,a lt 2.5 lt pT,t lt4 GeV/c PHENIX
39lost energy excites a sound (density) wave?
FROM DATA PEAK LOCATION ?? /-1.231.91,4.37 ?
cs 0.33 (v0.33 in QGP, 0.2 in hadron gas)
UNEXPECTED! IS IT RIGHT? relative excitation of
sound and diffusion modes under intense
study data sound mode very dominant
40The unexpected at RHIC
- the quark gluon plasma is strongly coupled
- plasma is very opaque to fast quarks gluons
- also very opaque to heavy quarks
- viscosity is vanishingly small
- thermalization takes lt 0.6 fm/c
- can apply methods of string theory for QGP
properties - partons seem to leave wakes in the plasma
- what is the fate of B quarks in the plasma?
- how can the system thermalize so fast?
- interaction mechanism for heavy quarks?
- whats going on with J/y and color screening?
41For plasma at the LHC
- Initial temperature is higher
- RHIC 2Tc
- LHC should be twice that at RHIC
- Coupling likely to still be strong!
- but plasma lifetime longer
- probe S/B differs (? need systematic
measurements) - System will cool through same temperature as
RHIC! - observables could be the same or different
- Must go measure and find out!
- dont quite know what to expect
42How hot is the medium, anyway?
- at RHIC Tinit 1.5 2 Tc ( 300 MeV)
- indirect! flow, energy loss constrain initial
conditions - will measure T via radiation of g g ? ee-
real photons inclusive/hadron decays
43di-electrons in AuAu and pp
pp normalized to meelt100 MeV/c2
- pp and AuAu normalized to p0 region
- Agreement at resonances (w, f)
- AuAu enhancement for 0.2 lt mee lt 0.8 GeV
- Agreement in intermediate mass and J/? just for
coincidence(J/? happens to scale as p0 due to
scaling with Ncoll suppression)
44Low-mass Comparison with theory
A. Toia, S. Bathe
Broad-range enhancement150 lt mee lt 750
MeV3.40.2(stat.) 1.3(syst.)0.7(model)
Includes chiral symmetry restoration
calculations for min bias, QGP thermal radiation
R.Rapp, Phys.Lett. B 473 (2000) R.Rapp,
Phys.Rev.C 63 (2001) R.Rapp, nucl/th/0204003
45low mass dilepton excess at RHIC
yield excess grows faster than Npart excess gt r
46Spin of the proton the surprises continue!
arXiv 0704.3599 (accepted for publication)
47must examine lower x
48 baryon puzzle
baryons enhanced for 1.5 lt pT lt 5 GeV/c
49excess continues to 5 GeV/c
50formation of baryons coalescence of quarks
51 52Are back-to-back jets there in dAu?
Yes! no medium ? no jet quenching
53At CERN (vs 17 GeV)
- NA50 and NA60 show suppression in PbPb InIn
- suppression follows system size
- Normal nuclear absorption from pA data ?
4.180.35 mb
54Is the energy density high enough?
PRL87, 052301 (2001)
Colliding system expands
- e ? 5.5 GeV/fm3 (200 GeV AuAu)
- well above predicted transition!
value is lower limit longitudinal expansion
rate, formation time overestimated
55Locate RHIC on phase diagram
From fit of yields vs. mass (grand canonical
ensemble) Tch 176 MeV mB 41 MeV These are
the conditions when hadrons stop interacting
Observed particles freeze out at/near the
deconfinement boundary!
56p0 suppressed to high pT, direct g at very high
57The acid test for quark scaling
f meson (bound state of ssbar) mass mproton
but flows like the mesons
58plasma basics Debye screening
- distance over which the influence of an
individual charged particle is felt by the other
particles in the plasma - charged particles arrange themselves so as to
effectively shield any electrostatic fields
within a distance of order lD - lD e0kT
- -------
- nee2
- Debye sphere sphere with radius lD
- number electrons inside Debye sphere is large
- ND N/VD rVD VD 4/3 p lD3
ne number density e charge
59plasma frequency and oscillations
- instantaneous disturbance of a plasma ?
collective motions - plasma wants to restore the original charge
neutrality - electrons oscillate collectively around the
(heavy) ions - characterized by natural oscillation frequency
- plasma frequency
- its typically high
- restoring force
- ion-electron coulomb attraction
- damping happens via collisions
- if e-ion collision frequency lt electron plasma
frequency wpe/2p - then oscillations are only slightly damped
- a plasma condition electron collision time large
vs. oscillation