Title: Backcalculation: Basics and Beyond
1Backcalculation Basics and Beyond
- Prof. L. H. Irwin, P.E., Ph.D.
- Cornell University
- FWD Users Group West Lafayette, IN 4
October 2004
2Basic Topics
- What is backcalculation?
- How did it evolve?
- How can you use it to the greatest advantage?
- Setting up the pavement model
- How do you assess the validity of the results
that you get? - Can you ever believe them?
3Advanced Topics
- What is the surface modulus?
- How can you use it to estimate the depth to "hard
bottom" (bedrock) beneath the pavement? - How do we account for stress-dependency in
unbound materials? - Do we really need to ?
- What difference does it make if we don't?
- The process of converting measured pavement
deflections into layer moduli
5How backcalculation works
1. Starting with a Seed Value for the modulus
calculate a deflection
2. Try a higher modulus
3. Use the measured deflection to estimate a
modulus for the layer
4. Work from the bottom layer to the top then
6We do backcalculation today because
- Discovery of a relationship between pavement
deflection and pavement strength (1935-1960) - Development of mechanistic theories and computer
programs (1940-1970) - Development of deflection testing devices
(1955-1980) - Advent of desktop computers (1975 - )
7Francis Frank Hveem
- California Dept. of Transportation Materials
Research Laboratory - 19301965
- Director 19511965
- Began measuring pavement deflections in 1938
- Had 400 sensors at 43 projects by 1955
- Used LVDTs and Benkelman beam
8Hveems conclusion (1962)
- investigations over a variety of pavement
structural sections will enable highway
engineers to assign safe levels of deflection
must take into account local materials, weather,
mixture design and construction practices.
9Allowable deflections (Hveem)
- It would be necessary to develop limiting
deflection criteria for each different pavement
structure, every materials type, and each
environment. - This would have been a formidable task.
11Key equipment developments
- Benkelman beam (1950)
- Lacroix deflectograph
- Shell heavy vibrator
- WES 16-kip vibrator
- Dynaflect / Road Rater
- Falling weight deflectometer (1970)
12 13Isada, 1966
14Dynatest, 2000
15Carl Bro, 2002
- We have some fine tools available to measure
pavement deflections - The challenge now is to develop better analytical
tools for deflection data analysis
17Key developments in elastic layer theory
- Boussinesq 1885
- Westergaard 1925
- Burmister 1945
- Acum Fox 1951
- Schiffman 1962
18Elastic layer computer programs
19Basic assumptions of elastic layer theory
- Surface load - uniformly distributed over a
circular area - Vertical stress continuity, horizontal strain
continuity at layer interfaces (no slip) - Materials - homogenous, isotropic, and linearly
elastic - Layers extend horizontally to infinity
- Bottom layer is a semi-infinite half-space
20Backcalculation computer programs
21Too many to name them all
- Published comparisons -
- Rada, et al (1992)
- COST 336, Task Group 1 (1999)
- What is the best backcalculation program?
22Surface modulus
- The simplest form of backcalculation
- Given a measured deflection on the surface,
assume a half-space and apply Boussinesqs
equations to compute E0
23Surface modulus concept(Boussinesq Equations)
24Surface modulus for a half-space(a150 mm, E
60 MPa)
Calculated using BISAR at 1000 kPa plate pressure
25Surface modulus for 3-layer system(E13600,
E2250, E360 MPa)
?z in microns, E0 in MPa
26Surface modulus for half-space and 3-layer
- Boussinesq equations work fairly well for
deflections on a half-space - For a multi-layer system, E0 not accurate near
the load - A mismatch between the theoretical assumptions
and the data will inevitably result in modulus
28Another conclusion
- E0 is a good estimate of the subgrade modulus for
3-layer system at r gt 6a - Outer deflections can be used to determine the
modulus of a deeper layer
29Yet another conclusion
- Poissons ratio, ?, has relatively little
influence in (1-?2) - An increase of ? from 0.30 to 0.35 (17) results
in a 5.4 decrease in (1-?2) - Make a good estimate of ?, but if you are
slightly off it is not a big problem
30Assessing the validity of backcalculation
- Check the deflection basin fit using the
root-mean-square (RMS) error - When the RMS error is less than 1 to 2 percent,
that is an encouraging outcome - That does not assure that the backcalculated
moduli are correct - A large RMS error (gt3) indicates "something is
not right"
31Deflection basin fit
32Assessing the validity of backcalculation
- Experience in doing backcalculation, and a good
knowledge of the pavement materials will help in
assessing the validity - Use a large RMS error as an indicator that there
are problems with the pavement model - One never really knows whether the
backcalculated moduli are correct
33It helps to know what is there !
34Detecting shallow bedrock
- According to Boussinesqs equations, deflection
is proportional to 1/r - At large radius deflection goes to zero for a
half-space - Plot ?Z versus 1/r, and if intercept is not zero,
this is a measure of the depth to a hard bottom
35Detecting shallow bedrock(4-layer system,
bedrock at 3.7 m)
36Detecting shallow bedrock
37Detecting shallow bedrock
- Calculated depth 4.6 m
- Actual depth 3.7 m
- Although the method is not perfect, it provides
some information that might otherwise be unknown - A negative calculated depth can be interpreted
to mean that there is no bedrock present
- For bedrock (e.g., hard bottom) depth
prediction to be practical, it needs to be built
into the backcalculation program - The calculated depth can be highly variable from
station to station - There must be some means for the program user to
smooth out the variability
39Stress-dependent materials
- A linear elastic material is one for which E
constant - Most pavement materials are stress dependent
- For many years we have believed
- E k1 Stress k2
- which is a log-log model
40Stress parameters
- Pavement under load is in bending, thus stresses
can be positive (compression) or negative
(tension) - Bulk stress is often negative at bottom of upper
layers (surface and base courses) - Solution Use semi-log model
- E k1 exp(Stress k2)
42Comparison of models
43Comparison of models
- Results of regression with the data
- Using statistics (r2) or visual evaluation, one
cannot say which is the better model - However, the semi-log model behaves more
reasonably for negative bulk stresses - There is a need to improve the state-of-the-art
regarding constitutive models
45The pavement model
- Thickness of each layer
- Seed modulus
- Poissons ratio
- Materials model (linear versus nonlinear)
- Depth to hard bottom (if present)
- Depth to water table (if known)
46How do you model this?
- Consider a pavement that has
- 1.5 in asphalt concrete top course
- 6 in asphalt conc. binder course
- 10 in unbound gravel base (nonlinear)
- Silty sand subgrade (nonlinear)
- Water table at 12 ft below the surface
- Bedrock at 25 ft below the surface
- 5 layers?
47Schematic not to scale
48Modeling thin layers
- Backcalculation will not be able to give a
modulus for the 1.5 in surface course - The layer is too thin (insensitive)
- It must be combined with the 10 in binder layer
of similar material that lies below it - If the modulus of a layer does not influence the
surface deflections, one cannot use deflections
to determine the layer modulus
49Modeling thin layers
- The term sensitivity is used to describe the
effect of a layers modulus on the surface
deflections - An insensitive layer can have most any modulus
and it will have little effect on the deflection - The best approach to use with an insensitive
layer is to give it a fixed modulus or combine it
with an adjacent (similar) layer
50Layer sensitivity
51Modeling subgrades
- The upper portion of a subgrade is affected by
weather - It goes through seasonal cycles of freeze-thaw
and/or wet-dry - Thus its modulus changes over time
- Even if the depth is arbitrary, it is wise to
model the upper subgrade as a separate layer
52Modeling bedrock
- Shallow bedrock (less than 40 ft deep) must be
included in the pavement model - Use the 1/r method to check for shallow bedrock
53The pavement model
- Combined asphalt surface and base layers (7.5 in)
- Unbound granular subbase layer (10 in)
- Upper, weather affected subgrade (3 ft)
- Middle subgrade (7.5 ft)
- Subgrade below water table (13 ft)
- Bedrock
- This model has 6 layers !
- Not very many backcalculation programs allow the
pavement model to have six layers - This will be illustrated here using a 20-layer
stress-dependent pavement model generated with
55The 20-layer system
- Asphalt
- 1.5 in surface course
- 6.0 in binder course
- Granular base
- 3 layers at 3.3 in each
- Upper subgrade
- 2 layers at 18 in each
- Middle subgrade
- 4 layers at 18 in each
- Lower subgrade
- 8 layers at 18 in each
- Below the water table
- Bedrock
- Base and subgrade are stress-dependent
- Forward calculated using NELAPAV to get the
deflection basin
5620-layer pavement modelforward calculated to
get deflections
57Modeled as a 6-layer pavementbackcalculated
58Modeled as a 4-layer pavementbackcalculated
59Comparison of modelsbased on deflection basin fit
- 4-layer pavement model
- RMSE 15.5
- 6-layer pavement model
- RMSE 0.30
- The 4-layer model doesnt look very good
60Comparison of modelsbased on calculated stresses
and strains
Model used for input to backcalculation
- Comparison of stresses and strains from 4-layer
and 6-layer pavement models not as bad as the RMS
errors would lead one to believe - This is a simulation. One should not make too
many conclusions from it.
62Spatial variations
- Layer thicknesses, depth to water table and depth
to bedrock all vary along the road - Materials vary along the road
- Traffic usage may vary along the road
- There is no reason to expect pavement moduli to
be constant over space
64Dealing with spatial variations
- Do backcalculation at each individual test point
- Do pavement analysis or design at all test points
- Then take the 85th percentile result
65Seasonal variations
- Temperature and moisture conditions in the
pavement vary over time - These conditions can vary within a single day
- There is no reason to expect pavement moduli to
be constant over time
67Dealing with seasonal variations
- Backcalculated moduli are valid for the date and
conditions of test, nothing more - For important projects, test the pavement at two
or more times in the year - Use Miners hypothesis to account for seasonal
68In conclusion
- Backcalculation, as we use it today, is the
product of 65 (or more) years of development - Mechanistic theories
- Equipment
- Computers
- It will be interesting to see what develops over
the next few years
69In conclusion
- Backcalculation is widely used
- Certain topics require further development
- The paper offers several specific suggestions
- Talented and knowledgeable people should be used
to do it
70In conclusion
- Even though the current state-of-the-art has
problems, the combination of backcalculation and
mechanistic pavement analysis seems to be fairly
robust - Use it !