Title: Stream Deposition
1Stream Deposition
- Bars
- Braided Streams
- Meandering Streams and Point Bars
- Flood Plains
- Deltas
- Alluvial Fans
2Deposition and Erosion of River Bars
Normal Flow
Flood Increased discharge and erosion!
Post-flood new bars deposited
3Braided Streams
4Gravel Bars
5Braided Stream - Petrified Forest
From http//geoweb.tamu.edu/RGallery/zion2003/six
6Placer Deposits
7Oxbow Lake Development
8Bank erosion - Jan. 1965
Newaukum River, WA
9Bank erosion - Mar. 1965
10Stream Meanders Oxbow Lakes
11Point Bar Development Animation
- Urban Flooding
- Flash Floods
- Controlling Floods
- The Great Flood of 1993
13Location Map Grand Canyon Flood
14Discharge with Time
15River Changes Tanner Rapids
161997 Flood Floated House
17Effect of Urbanization on Discharge
18Peak Discharge - Cosumnes River, CA
19Levee Break - Cosumnes River
20Flood Frequency Curves
21Flash Floods in Colorado
22Flash Flood Effects
Big Thompson Canyon, CO - 1976
23Flash Flood Effects
Spring Creek - 1997 Fort Collins, CO
24Flood Control Structures
25Great Flood of 1993
26Towns Inundated by 1993 Floodwaters
From http//mo.water.usgs.gov/Reports/1993-Flood/
271964 Trinity River Flood
28Flood Plains and Bars
29Natural Levees
30Natural Levee Development Animation
31Delta Formation and Morphology
- Deltas form when a stream or river flow into a
quiet body of water (usually a large lake or
ocean). - Surface marked by distributaries
- Small shifting channels that carry water away
from main river channel - Sediment deposited at mouth of eventually block
flow causing shift of deposition - Internal morphology dominated by
topset-cross-beds-bottomset sequences - External morphology depends on environment
32Internal Delta Morphology
33Wave vs. Tidal Deltas
34Stream Dominated Delta
LANDSAT Image of Mississippi River Delta
35Alluvial Fans
Photo credit National Park Service
Badwater Canyon Alluvial Fan Death Valley, CA
36Stream Valley Development
- Downcutting and Base Level
- The Concept of a Graded Stream
- Lateral Erosion
- Headward Erosion and Stream Piracy
37Stream Base Level
Downcutting Process of deepening a stream valley
by erosion of the stream bed. Evolution from
narrow slot to wider V-shaped valley. Base
Level Defined as the limit of downcutting for a
stream. Changes in base level alter the dynamic
equilibrium of the system.
38Ungraded vs. Graded Streams
Graded stream Balance between transport capacity
and sediment load. Maintained by altering the
shape of the channel and stream profile.
39Graded Streams
- Dynamic equilibrium
- Balance between sediment load and transport
capacity - Increased stream gradient
- Increases velocity, which allows the stream to
carry more sediment and larger particles. This
causes more erosion lowering the gradient. - Change in sediment load
- Decrease load, can cause erosion, again tending
to lower the gradient. Common downstream of
dams. Response of system is NOT always
40Lateral Erosion by Undercutting
41Stream Landforms
- Stream Terraces
- Incised Meanders
- Superposed Streams
42Stream Terraces - Jackson Hole, WY
43Stream Terrace Model
44Goosenecks of the San Juan River, UT
Photo credit Synaptic Gallery
45Incised Meanders
46Superposed Streams
Erosion and downcutting through young horizontal
Folded Units
Development of water gap