Title: Richard Newman AMX UK Ltd Account Manager
1the Evolution of Control Systems
Richard Newman AMX UK Ltd Account Manager
2Product Overview
- What is Resource Management Suite
- Enterprise grade scalable resource management
solution - Designed for administrators and managers of
networked audio visual systems - Web based control interface
- System management
- Monitoring
- Scheduling
- Reporting
3Network Solutions
Video Conference
Command Center
Home Theatre
Home Automation
Digital Signage
Hotel Facilities
Building Control
Corporate Facility
4System Monitoring Alternatives
- Reactive Monitoring
- Failures occur hours, days or weeks before
notification - Notification is delivered by unhappy customers
- Proactive Monitoring
- Notification of device failure is received
immediately - Message delivered through web interface, email,
text message or pager
5Monitoring Possibilities
Audio Video Control Systems Environmental Security
Lighting Power PC Applications Network
6Manage Resources Across Your Network
RMS Server
Remote Monitoring
7- Resource Management Suite can help you.
- Proactively maintain equipment
- Is everything online?
- Lamp hours over limit?
- Equipment usage over limit?
8- Resource Management Suite can help you.
- Proactively maintain equipment
- Secure assets from unauthorised removal
- Has something been removed?
- Online or offline
- Simple loop tagging
- RFID tagging
9- Resource Management Suite can help you.
- Proactively maintain equipment
- Secure assets from unauthorised removal
- Provide help desk and monitoring support
- If something goes wrong call for help
- Text based help response
- VoIP response
- Remote touch panel access
10- Resource Management Suite can help you.
- Proactively maintain equipment
- Secure assets from unauthorised removal
- Provide help desk and monitoring support
- Schedule rooms, presets and electronic signage
- Centralised booking system
- Automatic room setup
- Welcome, Information booking panel outside each
11- Resource Management Suite can help you.
- Proactively maintain equipment
- Secure assets from unauthorised removal
- Provide help desk and monitoring support
- Schedule rooms, presets and electronic signage
- Generate reports
- Room usage
- Equipment usage
- Help requests and more..
12Traditional Booking System
- What does it tell you?
- Is the room booked
- How often is it booked
- Which rooms get booked the most
- What doesnt it tell you?
- Was the room actually used
- Did the room work
- What equipment was used
- What equipment gets used most
- Who uses the room most
- Who books the room and doesnt use it
- Were there any help requests
- If so, user or system error
- What equipment is problematic
13What can RMS provide?
- Schedule and Automate the A/V system startup
- Check availability
- Reserve room
- Preset Devices, Lights, Climate
- Real-time system monitoring
- Remote Diagnostics and Analysis
- Real-Time Notifications and Reporting
- Two-way Messaging
- System Reliability
- Standardised Global Solution
14What can RMS provide?
- True A/V system Automation
- Pre-configured for specific user
- Usage and Device status monitoring
- Evaluate usage patterns
- Plan future AV purchases with confidence
- Perform preventive maintenance
- Isolate problems and pinpoint solutions.
- Export data logs, from Help Desk Notes to
Equipment Usage, for customizable reports. - Web reports available anytime.
15AMX Resource Management Suite
- Overview The value of RMS
16The Value of RMS
Commercial - Clients
- Boardrooms
- Conference rooms
- Training/Classroom facilities
- Meeting rooms
- Display / Signage systems
- Presentation systems
- Network Operations Centers
17Revenue Opportunities
- Protect their technology investment with
proactive support - Provide superior customer service
- Enable global access to manage their system
- Environmental factors
- Access their technology through one, easy-to-use
Web interface - Limit and plan operational costs
- Easily expand as the enterprise grows
- Provide ROI on technology investments through
detailed reporting capabilities
18RMS Return on Investment
- ROI Independent Case Study
- Project - University of Minnesota
- Reasons for study
- Cost of ownership
- Protect investment
- Managed Vs un-managed system
- No control system or RMS
- Investment 12,000 per room
- Average Uptime 64
- Downtime due to user problems 24
- Downtime due to equipment 12
- Control system only
- Investment 16,000 per room
- Average Uptime 82
- Downtime due to user problems 10
- Downtime due to equipment 8
Courtesy of Sound and Video Contractor Sep 20,
2006, By Linda Seid Frembes
- Networked centrally managed system (RMS)
- Investment 19,000 per room
- Average Uptime 97
- Downtime due to user problems 2
- Downtime due to equipment 1
Courtesy of Sound and Video Contractor Sep 20,
2006, By Linda Seid Frembes
- Cost of Ownership speculation that having no
system is cheaper is a myth
Analysis Courtesy of Jim Gregory, University
of Minnesota
- Measuring Real Cost
- Hourly cost over 1 year
- No control system - 11.88
- Fully managed system - 10.72
- Hourly cost over 5 years
- No control system - 4.30
- Fully managed system - 2.89
Analysis Courtesy of Jim Gregory, University
of Minnesota
23RMS ROI Important Factors
- Usability and availability of technology
- Satisfaction with classroom time
- Emotional factors
Analysis Courtesy of Jim Gregory, University
of Minnesota
- Un-managed system
- Device control
- Simple user interface
- Transparent technology
- Reactive monitoring
- Passive scheduling
- Manual reporting
- Managed system
- Device control
- Simple user interface
- Transparent technology
- Remote system control
- Help facilities
- Pro-active monitoring
- Intelligent scheduling
- Full system reporting
- Full system administration
- Return on investment
25Thank You