Title: NR505 GIS Applications in Wildlife Sciences
1NR505 GIS Applications in Wildlife Sciences
- Mondays and Wednesdays 930 1120
- CNR GIS lab Room 26
- Home Range
- Resource Selection
- Wildlife Habitat Models Accuracy Assessment
- Fragmentation Analysis in Fragstats
- Distance Measurements and Least Cost Path
Analysis - Functional Connectivity
- Introductory Remote Sensing separability
Grading Attendance Participation 60
Final Project Presentation 40
2Home Range and GIS
Eva Strand CNR Remote Sensing and GIS Lab
3What is Home Range?
- The description of an animals space use
- The home range is believed to contain the
essential requirements such as food, water and
Wildlife Techniques Manual
4Home range characteristics
- Home ranges often overlap (as opposed to
territories) - Home range size has been correlated to body size
- Can help explain an animals biological patterns
- Can help improve understanding of ecological
5Telemetry data or GPS collar
Tabular data in Excel (2003) .dbf or .txt format
can be directly imported to ArcGIS or ArcView
6Telemetry data or GPS collar
7Home Range Methods
Minimum Convex Polygon Harmonic
Mean Kernal Jennrich-Turner
8Minimum Convex Polygon
- Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) is defined as the
polygon drawn around the outermost points
9Fixed kernel home range is currently recommended
The size of the kernel home range is sensitive
to the bandwidth value (h) used!
10Kernel Density Functions
- n number of locations
- h smoothing parameter
- d distance from the location x, y
11.a few assumptions
- Locations are independent
- Large enough sample size
- Smoothing parameter (kernel estimators)
12Bandwidth, h-factor, smoothing parameter
- Least Squares Cross Validation (LSCV)
- Currently recommended
- Tendency to undersmooth, creates multiple local
minima - High variability
- Likelihood Cross Validation (CV)
- Novel method (Horne and Garton 2006)
- Performs better for smaller sample sizes (lt 50)
- Better fit and less variability
- Normal or Reference method (href)
- Scaled-REF (href is multiplied by a fixed
Gitzen et al. 2006 Horne and Garton 2006
13Effect of the smoothing parameter
14Home Range Spatial Tools
Hawths Tools http//www.spatialecology.com/
Home Range Tool http//blue.lakeheadu.ca/hre/
Animal Movement http//www.absc.usgs.gov/glba/gi
stools/ Likelihood Cross Validation Tool (Jon
Horne) http//www.cnr.uidaho.edu/population_ecolog
15Hawths Tools
ArcGIS extension
16Home Range Tool
- Free download http//blue.lakeheadu.ca/hre/
- Developed by Art Rodgers, Ontario
- Extension to ArcGIS 9
- Kernel Tool
- MCP Tool
- Display Travel
- Calculate travel times
- Great Users Manual and Tutorial Guide!!
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18Animal Movement Extension
- Will utilize any type of point data that can be
brought into ArcView - Works in any projection
- Works on any selected subset of data
- Produces Coverages, Grids, or Tables i.e.
all output is compatible with ArcView - Except Gin Gout2 G Garbage
U.S. Department of Interior U.S. Geological
Survey Alaska Biological Science Center Glacier
Bay Field Station
19Changes to ArcView
20Readings home range
- Bookhout TA (editor) 1994. Research and
Mangement Techniques for Wildlife and Habitats
pp.394-403, The Wildlife Society, Bethesda ,
Maryland . - Horne JS and EO Garton 2006. Likelihood
cross-validation versus least squares
cross-validation for choosing the smoothing
parameter in kernel home-range analysis, Journal
of Wildlife Management 70(3)641-648. - Gitzen RA, JJ Millspaugh, and BJ Kernohan, 2006.
Bandwidth selection for fixed-kernel analysis of
animal utilization distributions, Journal of
Wildlife Management 70(5)1334-1344. - Home Range Tool Users Manual
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